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In the West, we’ve got a limited repertoire of apologies. There’s the standard “I’m sorry,” organized crime-tinged “my condolences,” weirdly formal “my apologies,” and the rarely sincere “pardon me.” Outside of those, we mostly just shrug everything off and assume we, as individuals, can do no wrong. Then you have 12oz, which is on a whole 'nother level.


In Japan, apologies are a really big deal. First of all, the Japanese bow to say sorry and express regret. By using their bodies, they’ve expanded the range of emotional subtlety one can convey with an apology enormously. Think about the difference between saying “hello” and giving a handshake. See what I’m saying now? And since we’re talking about the most shame-fueled society in the world, you can bet that they utilize that subtlety to radiate every color in the ignominy rainbow. They’ve got apology-bows (ojigi) to show determination, guilt, kneeling bows for ninjas, and even the dreaded “caught red-handed in an orgy of evil” bow.



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In China, which I assume OP knows, most of the time you don't say 对不起, which means "sorry", you say 不好意思, which roughly translated means "I am embarrassed".



And most of the time it is the most insincere thing you've ever heard.

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In China, which I assume OP knows, most of the time you don't say 对不起, which means "sorry", you say 不好意思, which roughly translated means "I am embarrassed".



And most of the time it is the most insincere thing you've ever heard.


Koreans never apologize for anything...EVER.

If for some reason you do get an apology, it's something to the affect of what you are talking about.

Kinda like they are saying "my bad, man."

It makes me want to punch people in the testicles daily.


Some guy stepped on my lady's feet one day, like fucking hard. His reaction was just to stare at her like it was her fault. I'm not an expert on Asian culture, but I know you are supposed to at least smile in embarrassment for such stupidity or at least acknowledge the mistake. He did neither. Somehow I summoned the Korean words to ridicule him for it and he got butthurt. Score.


Japan has the best of the East Asian cultures, but that's not to say it is great. They still rock Confucius' faggy ass rules as well.

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God I hated that, I hated that so fucking much. White trucker hat with von fucking dutch on it, aviator sunnies, popped collar on a pink shirt, ratty jeans and a pair of haviannas.


These fucks were everywhere around Sydney uni in the early to mid 2000s and I just wanted to punch every fucking one of them.



I would not say sorry either!!

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And then she goes back to airing shit out again. The internet doesnt need to know what I know about 50's past, because this isnt the place for that. I've said that all along.


Hey internet, shut the fuck up.

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Yeah because "Airing out personal information on a public forum of bloodthirsty douchebags." has been a well-documented and highly praised step in any conflict resolution. There's this thing called "real shit." that the internet isn't apart of.


That was a PM she just posted.

I'm about 60 seconds away from deleting this thread so let it go.

Internet, you're the man now dawg.

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geeez soup. There is absolutely no reason for you to not

put fiddy on blast here. Where is that notorious cali swagger

they rap about. This is antiswagger. Doormat status. If

you got dirt get out the shovel.

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