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Social Lives...


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I have recently come to the conclusion that i have no social life. And im not sure Im ok with that....


Im putting it all down to my job aswell. Its currently 10.30 on a very nice, warm (very un british) saturday evening and the world out side my door is feeling very vibesy. But im not out there I'm inside feeling particually knackered. Ive just been for a stroll along the river with a nice big joint and some good music to enjoy the sunset and i saw countless couple / groups of people out and about generally getting twatted.


You see, i run 2 bars: 1 succesfull gastro pub, and 1 "typical english boozer" which we just took over. Theres me and my buddy doing it all with a bit of help from a few key players. I tend to work 10x 12 hour days, 2 off, 10 on with a varying of shift times. Most people would imagine running 2 bars to be quite sociable, and dont get me wrong. Part of my job is being everyone friend, and i do that well and actually get on with most of my customers very well. But thats all they are: customers. I probably wouldnt socialise with most of them outside of work.


When i do get time off, the last thing i want to do now-a-days is go out to a bar / pub / restaurant / club. It just feels like being at work and i always find myself comparing what i do with what other people in the industry do and seeing what i can take to our business and what not. I know chefs who dont even use their kitchen at home, cos cooking is again the last thing the want to do at home....also, working around alcohol has turned me into a bit of a snob about what i drink and dont tend to drink much at all. I like keeping a sober life, apart from smoking some herbs/.


I mean, dont get me wrong, I have friends - a really good, albeit small, group of fellow writers turned close friends and/or housemates over the years. But being as we are all young guns living in London town, life can be at times pretty expensive and we all have our own hustles which at time means it can be a while in between linking up...the rat race if you will. Again with all the working and trying to get by there is also very little time for a love life and im very ashamed to say that ive become used to :o haha


Ive decided that im just going to focus on making money now, and that a social life and relationships can wait untill i have the means to have the things i want....getting my gwap so to speak.


Anyone else in the same boat?


And as a way to apologise or make up for making those who managed to make it through that much of my stoned random thoughts heres a pic of Cheryl Cole:



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Hopefully soon enough you'll stack up enough dough to


A. Afford to get others to run your businesses autonomously




B. Retire at a relatively young age.


Both are my goals, as of currently.



On another note, here is an amazing fucking mix from last night, Skream subbed in for Rusko:



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As of the last year or so, no social life oner. Well not no social life, but not as social as I used to be. Works sorta taken over, working long hours blows, and i'm generally lazy and fucking hate everyone. I'm happy though, it doesnt bother me.

The small click of friends I have are awesome.


Even though the thread is against it, lets hook up for some fucking beers soon Sneak.

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As of the last year or so, no social life oner. Well not no social life, but not as social as I used to be. Works sorta taken over, working long hours blows, and i'm generally lazy and fucking hate everyone. I'm happy though, it doesnt bother me.

The small click of friends I have are awesome.


Even though the thread is against it, lets hook up for some fucking beers soon Sneak.


indeed chops...im not un happy about my current state, i enjoy my life. agreed on the not as social as i used to be, and on the work taking over flex...also agreed on the beers chops!


plus, im just about recovered from my medical adventures that were documented on here so that could explain away the last 2 months or so.


mercer: even though i dont have the time for a girl, i too would love one thats on point. but then again, at times work feels like a stressfull relationship with a girl...

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My social life goes up and down. having been out in hawaii for the last two months, where i don't know anyone (or really care to meet people, to be honest), i've grown a bit anxious with the lack of good friends around. while i've always been a bit of a loner, and never really depended too much on social interaction to make me happy, i miss my good friends, and at times i really wish i had someone around to experience shit with.


When i was living in the bay, i would find that most social gatherings i would find myself attending ended up just leaving me annoyed or disgusted with the general vibe. i can't stand a lot of people, and frequently ending up at art shows, parties, etc. i would grow sick of the kind of shit that goes on at the aforementioned get-togethers...

i find it much easier to learn how to depend on myself, and myself alone, to make my life interesting. if i have a few good friends along who are looking to get into the same shit, then i'm all for it.

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i can feel this..


i'm a big loner myself these days..

i have an amazing girl who's got her head on straight an works hard..


myself, i'm unemployed and spend most of my time fucking around in my apartment not doing much of anything.. typical day consists of me waking up around noon. drinking a coffee to get the wheels rolling. as soon as the coffee's done, i switch to beer. smoke trees. sketch. take pics of whatevers interesting. paint. whatevers..


if i do go out, it's to some dive ass bar where i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna see anyone i don't wanna see.. all i'm looking for is a seat, and some cheap dranks...


got a few friends, hundreds of associates and what seems like an army of haters in this city..

actually looking forward to moving to san fran where i don't know anyone but my uncle..


but fuck it, i'm a happy dude an can be bad all by my damn self....

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i work in a pub as well, pretty much kills my social life working twelve hour days and finishing long after everyone else has burned out. still i get my drink on with mates about twice a week and i made a lot of good mates at work so it could be worse.


and it does suck working 5 days a week behind a bar only to spend the next 2 off at a bar. even going out to a restaurant pisses me off even though i rarely work on that end.


also the money helps, a shit load.

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stack money. because if you're not stackin money, you're spending money.


seems like every time I get the craving for pussy, it takes away the focus I had getting money.


there's too many hours between the hard work and the payoff though. I'm starting to think the juice isn't worth the squeeze.


chicks dig broke guys right?

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I flip between social and not. Being social can be really draining for me so often I'll take breaks. I like to play sports a lot so that forces me to be social no matter what, which is definitely part of the reason I do it.


Even some people think its bunk, Carl Jung had theories on personality types; maybe you should read up on that to try to learn more about yourself.

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i have no social life, but a giant social network if that makes any sense at all. i just don't go out often to things that i consider pointless. sure, i could have a good time in some bar with friends, getting smashed or whatever, but i'd rather be at home working on my stuff, doing something productive. i'll go out and do some social shit when i have a real cause to celebrate.

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I don't have much of a social life, working fulltime, being married with a kid, so much of my time is taken up that when I have any spare time I like to just kick back have a smoke and relax, I feel too old to go out bar hopping and shit, there seems no reason to it, not like I'm gonna go looking for women.


I know loads of people and they are out all the time but I just cant be assed with it all, unless it is a big occasion. But if I was in the same neck of the woods as Sneak and Chopsticks I would meet up for some beers.

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VAnfullofretards: the oontz has me, and has had me for 9 years, no homo.

Jackson; maybe im doing it all wrong if thats true..

Mar: interesting, never heard of carl jung. ill google him, but if you have any links that would be appreciated.

spreadaids: sorta similar. huge social network of people to get in touch with, just no desire to do so when i do get time off. like i said, doing the bar thing aint my thing in my down time, and again like you i would rather be doing something productive.

decy; the big smoke aint to far away!

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i own my own business. i went from running 5 locations to one. it was killing me. even with the one location i work 2 weeks to a month without a day off and when i do have a day off i was calling work, going in to work to check up, doing paperwork, payroll, paying bills, thinking about work, but i had to stop all that. i still work a ton but then i give myself a few days off to go do fun stuff, im outdoors a lot. i became a work-a-holic and i still do work a shit load but i try my best to balance that out with having a social life and by social life i mean eating out at yummy places, taking my dogs to fun places, and vacations.

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I sorted my hustle out so i could have a social life.

i hate the idea of making a bunch of money and not having crew around to spend it on/with.

fuck retiring rich with no memories except for a bunch of work. My best friends

father did just that, worked tirelessly for 30 years to retire when he was 48, with a dream to

build a beach house or some shit. dude died in his sleep at 50.

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