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twinky the kid

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im glad i have no facial hair or chest hair.. cuz i dont have this problem and yea so what if i look 18 years old when im 50 ill look 35.. im blessed thats how i see shit..good luck wit the shaving.. if u need help with ass hair trimming just get at me.. no homo..lol

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im glad i have no facial hair or chest hair.. cuz i dont have this problem and yea so what if i look 18 years old when im 50 ill look 35.. im blessed thats how i see shit..good luck wit the shaving.. if u need help with ass hair trimming just get at me.. no homo..lol


excess body hair=bad

being able to grow a fuckin beard= good

looking 18 when youre 50=bad


you lose

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lol yea we will see about that.. im 22 and i know i dont look it but its all good, homie aint trippin cuz it will pay off in the end.


You can look young as fuck and still have a beard. I'm actually glad I can grow a beard because looking 20 when your 30 isn't always a good look. Once you get out in the real world and are trying to sell yourself to people on your skills and experience, looking like you're some twerp kid who is just talking out his ass isn't a good look. Also being 22 and looking 18 isn't shit, that's what, a 5 year difference?



I think your just reaching. I feel bad for you son.


<------ babyfacewithabeard oner

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what in the fuck are you talking about?

i don't know how you are shaving, or what kind of hair you have

but i have exactly zero experience with this 'shaving causes ingrown hairs' problem of which you speak.


maybe try some shaving cream next time?

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Do girls even get grossed out by chest hair? I would have thought it'd be manly and attractive to them. I could understand if you have hair on your back/shoulders you might want to consider shaving it but the chest has always been a no shaving zone in my opinion.




I've been told by a girl that I have the "perfect amount of chest hair" haha. Apparently it's enough to be manly, but not enough to be gross.


My chest FTW apparently

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That's pretty much how it's always been.


I mean if you're some hairy man beast trimming is fine, but guys shaving their chest/stomach/etc etc is pretty gay


it seems weird that shaving body hair to be more attractive to women is gay.

obviously full blown body waxing is a bit suspect




^i don't care to know that myself ha


i dislike body hair, both on my body and on my man's

obviously men have hairy arms and legs. but i don't like to rub my fingers through chest, back, or ass hair.



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i keep my pubes in line.

no doubt.


turns out the little asian lady who keeps my hair totally fashionable also does body waxing.


im finna get that tummy wax.


honestly, other than my pubes and face pubes, this is the only other place i have ever tried shaving.


honestly most of the people on here dont realize how hairy i am.


so i see how this comes off as gay.


plus the chick im kinda seeing isnt a fan of hairy tummies.


and i feel like seckzing her, so fuck it.

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