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Reverse Racism aka Jokes About Whitey


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Q: Two black guys decide to jump off a building; who lands first?

A: Who cares?


Q: A black guy and his black girlfriend are in a car. Who's driving?

A: The cop!


Q: Why are black peoples nostrils so big?

A: Because that's what God held them by when he was painting them.


Q: What do you get if you search for babboon in dictionary?

A: You get a picture of Robert Mugabe.


Q: What is black, purple,and yellow?

A: A black person goin to church.


Q: How do they make roads in South Africa?

A: They make the black people lay down and have every other one smile.


Q: What do you call a black guy who goes to college?

A: A Basketball player.


Q: How can you tell a black person is lying?

A: His lips are moving.


Q: Why are there more black folk then Indians?

A: Because we haven't played Cowboys and Black folk yet!


Q: How do you break up the "Million Man March"?

A: Fly overhead with helicopters and drop job applications.


Q: Why did the black man wear a tuxedo to his vasectomy?

A: He said: "If I'ze gonna be im-po-tent, I wanna looks im-po-tant."


Q: What do they do with blacks after they die?

A: Gut them and use them as wetsuits.


Q: What does it mean when you see a bunch of blacks running in one direction?

A: Jail break


Q: What do you call 4 black guys in a car?

A: Tinted windows.


Q: Why are black ladies pocket books so big?

A: They have to put their lipstick some where.


Q: What do u call 1,000 black people on a plane back to Africa?

A: A good start.


Q: Why are all black people fast?

A: Because the slow ones are in jail.


Q: What's long and hard on a blackman?

A: The first grade.


Q: What do you call a bunch of blacks falling down a hill?

A: A mudslide .


Q: What did the black kid get for christmas?

A: Your T.V


Q: What do you call vietnamese guy that wants to be black?

A: Vinegar!


Q: What does NAACP stand for?

A: National Association of Apes Called People


Q: What do you call a black guy with a fan?

A: Antique air conditioner


Q: What travels at 200km's a hour?

A: A black man hearing a dollar drop to the ground.


Q: What does a black person have in common with a soda machine?

A: They both don't work and always take your money.


Q: What u call 10 black people in the back of a truck?

A: A good days hunting.


Q: What do you call one black on the moon?

A: Problem


Q: What do you call ten blacks on the moon?

A: Problems


Q: What do you call the entire black population on the moon?

A: Problem solved


Q: Why dont black women wear panties to picknics?

A: To keep the flies off the chicken.


Q: What's faster then a black guy running down the street with your TV?

A: His brother behind him with the VCR


Q: Why wasnt there any blacks in the flintstones?

A: Because they were still monkeys.


Q: Why don't black kids play in sand boxs?

A: Because they are affraid the cats will try to cover them up.


Q: What do you call a bunch of black kids playing in a pile of leaves?

A: Rasin Brand.


Q: What do you call a group of black people.

A: An auction


Q: Why dont blacks celibrate thanksgiving?

A: KFC isnt open on holidays.


Q: What would martin luther king be if he was white?

A: Alive


Q: What are three things you can't give a black person?

A: A black eye, a fat lip and a job.


Q: Why do black people lean to the center of their car?

A: They think the smell is coming from the outside.


Q: Why did God give Black guy's big dicks?

A: He felt sorry for putting pubes on their heads.


Q: Why are black women like bicycles?

A: They give out free rides


Q: Ever hear about the black man who went to college?

A: Neither Have I.


Q: Why do black men have bigger penises than white men?

A: Because as kids white men had toys to play with.


Q: Why are there only two paulbears at a black guys funeral?

A: There are only two handles on a garbage can.


Q: What does FUBU really stand for?

A: Farmers used to buy us.


Q: What do you do when you see a black man with half a face?

A: Stop laughing and reload.


Q: What's the difference between bigfoot and a hard working black man?

A: Bigfoot has been spotted


Q: How many blacks does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: 2 one to screw it in the other to drive the pink caddilac


Q: What do you call a black man on a stick?

A: A tootsie roll pop


Q: Why are blacks so fast?

A: From running from the cops.


Q: Whats the difference between a black and tires?

A: When you put chains on tires they dont sing


Q: Did you hear about the black who died yesterday on Rt. 80?

A: He stuck his head out of the window at 100 mph and his lips beat him to death!


Q: Why are jelly beans alot like the world?

A: Because everyone hates the black ones.


Q: How do you hide something from a Black Man?

A: Put it in a book.


Q: What's the difference between a black guy and a trampoline?

A: You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline


Q: What's the difference between a dead dog in the street and a dead black guy in the street?

A: There's swerve marks in front of the dog


Q: Why are black peoples hands white?

A: Because there always leening up aganst cop cars.


Q: What is the diffrence between a black guy and a pizza

A: A pizza can feed a family of four.


Q: Whats the difference between a black guy and a pothole?


A: You swerve around the pothole.


Q: What happened to the 5 black guys that drove off a cliff in a cady?

A: Who gives a shit!!


Q: What do you call 400 black people swiming in a river?

A: An oil spill


Q: Why was the black baby crying?

A: He had diarea and thought he was melting


Q: What is black white and rolls around in the sand?

A: A black man and a segal fighting over a carp


Q: What do you call 9 black guys hanging in a tree???

A: An alabama windchime


Q: How many black people does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: The lights out, how can u count them?


Q: Why can't black's,live in the country side.

A: There's no street corners.


Q: Why can't black people spell.

A: Because there black.


Q: How do you starve a negro to death?

A: Hide his food stamps under his work boots.


Q: How do you kill 50 flys?

A: Hit a somailen in the face with a shovel


Q: What do you get if you cross an afro with a black?

A: A microphone.


Q: Why Do Blacks Hate Country?

A: Every time they here Ho-Down They think someone shot their sister


Q: Why don't black people like asprin?

A: They have to pick through cotton to get to them


Q: Why cant stevie wonder read?

A: Cuz hes black


Q: What does FUBU stand for?

A: Farmers Used to Beat Us


Q: What do you call a black man at the bottom of the ocean?

A: Polution


Q: What do you call all the black people at the bottom of the ocean?

A: Solution


Q: Why is there cotton in medicine bottles?

A: To remind the black people they were cotton pickers before they were drug dealers.


Q: Whats yellow, black in the middle and funny?

A: A school bus full of blacks driving off a cliff


Q: What's purple and chained to my front porch?

A: It's my damn neigro and I'll paint him any color I want to.


Q: What is it called when a black women is in labour?

A: Constipation


Q: Why Are black peoples hands and feet white?

A: When God painted them he told them to assume the position.


Q: A black guy and a spanish guy are in a car whos driving?

A: The cop


Q: How do you keep black youth off the streets?

A: Put a KFC on the sidewalk


Q: What do Black lesbians have for breakfast?

A: Cocoa Muffs


Q: Whats the diffrence between a park bench and a black guy?

A: The park bench can support a family


Q: What does pontiac stand for?

A: Poor old nigger thinks its a cadillac.

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CHAPPELLE does the best impersonations of white people out of anyone.





Strongly disagree. That's one of his weak points. All his white guy voices are exactly the same. There's some dudes that can do multiple white guy voices (surfer, rocker, country club white guy, yuppie, anchorman, redneck, homosexual, etc.)

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white people did invent racism. it doesn't matter how you feel about the topic that's just a fact. and the term reverse racism is stupid because 99% of white people cant truly be the victim of racism. racism means being systematically kept down because of your race (slavery, segregation, that kind of stuff.) how many places in the world are you going to earn less money, be more likely to get locked up, have people assume you're a criminal just because you're white? it doesn't happen. racism is white people doing it to people of color. reverse racism doesn't exist. when other people do it to white people, it's not racism it's prejudice. there's a difference between talking trash about another race and designing society to keep certain races in the lowest class.



and just think, you could have went to dictionary.com to find out that your whole argument is invalid!


rac⋅ism  [rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA


1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.



there is absolutely no way to prove who invented racism. shut your faggot mouth.

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Whats long black and smelly?


The unemployment line!


No seriously though enough with the black jokes, there is a black person on my family tree































































hes still hanging there

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Strongly disagree. That's one of his weak points. All his white guy voices are exactly the same. There's some dudes that can do multiple white guy voices (surfer, rocker, country club white guy, yuppie, anchorman, redneck, homosexual, etc.)


correction...he has two...


jasper....and chuck tailor


i have to agree and say that his white people voice is good....due to the fact that its not too embedded in the common voice most comedians use to impersonate white people. most comedians just stick to the "surfer brah" or "nerdy" type voices.

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actually if you look at definitions 1 and 2 they validate my argument. it's only if you use #3 that it doesn't. so basically i'm 66% right and 33% wrong according to dictionary.com. if there's no way to prove who started racism, show me an example one race enslaving another earlier than the portuguese starting the african slave trade and the spanish conquistadors. find me one example and i'll take back everything i said. until then you can shut your faggot mouth.

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***i didn't double post this. actually i didn't know that and i do stand corrected. i was told that fact about the portuguese inventing race enslavement by a harvard educated anthropology professor so i thought it was true but i guess i'll do more research

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Well that was a big load of fail.


Racism isn't a tangible enough concept to label "as invented by" someone. It's also never going away, fuckers. As long as the races are differentiated from one another, there will be racism. Differences breed ideas of inferiority vs superiority; it's extremely rare to have two different things and not consider one superior to the other in some way shape or form, no matter how small. At the very least, you have personal preference.

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white people didnt invent "racism"....they invented the caste system. i believe it started with the british colonization of india. once the caste system was established....a stronger emphasis was put on physical traits to denote a difference from one from another.


then again..i could be wrong..

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white people didnt invent "racism"....they invented the caste system. i believe it started with the british colonization of india. once the caste system was established....a stronger emphasis was put on physical traits to denote a difference from one from another.


then again..i could be wrong..


Im pretty sure the Hindus had a caste system far before the British Empire..

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