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What book are you reading? Part 20

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, diggity said:

Any good?

The man wasn't known for his literary prowess or his modesty but it was somewhat interesting.  Not as many war stories as you'd expect, lot of it is how he gained/lost band members throughout his musical history along with banging a lot of young chicks.  Other than that what I remember most was that, surprisingly, he hated Ace of Spades and hated playing it live but did it because the fans love it.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

@metronomeIve read that middle one. The implications within suggest a very dark future for employment. Interesting read.


Curious about the Dancers Lament. I want to explore adult fantasy more often, but I’m not too familiar with the genre, so I stay in my scifi lane. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


This will be my read of the week, which is labeled as fantasy/horror. Excited to see what transpires.


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@Dark_Knight yeah, pretty grim, I have his latest book The Great Reset in the queue as well but wanted to read that one first.  


Dancer's Lament is sort of a pre-story to the epic Malazan: Book of the Fallen main story.  If you want to check out a nice adult fantasy series look into that.  Main story is 10 books and it's completed so there's no worry about being left on a cliffhanger. 


I have a little bit left of Naked Lunch.  Not really my thing.  Plenty of weird sex though.

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On 11/30/2020 at 7:40 AM, metronome said:



I have a little bit left of Naked Lunch.  Not really my thing.  Plenty of weird sex though.


Finished this.  There's a good bit of appendix which puts a lot of what this is in context, which makes me appreciate it more.  Before I got to that there was a whole lot of 'what the fuck is this guy rambling about'

I didn't know he was tight with Kerouac until after reading and that makes a lot of sense.  If its on your to read list I'd say its worth reading, but I wouldn't rush to do so. 

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On 11/30/2020 at 9:40 AM, metronome said:

@Dark_Knight yeah, pretty grim, I have his latest book The Great Reset in the queue as well but wanted to read that one first.  


Dancer's Lament is sort of a pre-story to the epic Malazan: Book of the Fallen main story.  If you want to check out a nice adult fantasy series look into that.  Main story is 10 books and it's completed so there's no worry about being left on a cliffhanger. 


I have a little bit left of Naked Lunch.  Not really my thing.  Plenty of weird sex though.

I tried to fuck with that malazan but I just couldn't get there. I gave up either 2nd or 3rd book. Maybe i'll get into it again. It was so fractured from the beginning in terms of how many characters there are to follow it might be hard for  @Dark_Knight to start with. I feel like the cost of admission for this one is high and might turn him off.


Mistborn series from Brandon Sanderson might be worth checking, its only 3 or 4 books so it will resolve without having to wait and its shorter so its not nearly the commitment. Not my favorite but fun enough of a read.  The Way Of Kings is probably my favorite series to start but they just finished writing book 4 of 10 so its going to be a while before you get closure but most of the books wrap up decently enough. 


I never finished wheel of time and I'm thinking of starting it over. I need something new to listen to while working and i cant seem to commit to anything.

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7 hours ago, diggity said:

I tried to fuck with that malazan but I just couldn't get there. I gave up either 2nd or 3rd book. Maybe i'll get into it again. It was so fractured from the beginning in terms of how many characters there are to follow it might be hard for  @Dark_Knight to start with. I feel like the cost of admission for this one is high and might turn him off.


Mistborn series from Brandon Sanderson might be worth checking, its only 3 or 4 books so it will resolve without having to wait and its shorter so its not nearly the commitment. Not my favorite but fun enough of a read.  The Way Of Kings is probably my favorite series to start but they just finished writing book 4 of 10 so its going to be a while before you get closure but most of the books wrap up decently enough. 


I never finished wheel of time and I'm thinking of starting it over. I need something new to listen to while working and i cant seem to commit to anything.


That is MbofT's biggest criticism.  Eriksen really plunks you into the thick of it from the prologue of Gardens of the Moon and if you don't keep reading you just won't get a lot of questions answered.  I really love the world he and Esselmont built though.  Great payoff if you keep with it.

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