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What book are you reading? Part 20

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I've never really thought of Bukowski as ever writing poetry. It's just a bunch of anger and bitterness that's written out in a lazy and drunk manner.


Bukowski is awesome. Check out the documentary they did on him to get a real feel of how fucking much of an asshole he is.


Great writer, shitty person.


Also, "Tales of Ordinary Madness" is good collection of short stories.

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He was a great people's historian. I remember getting into an argument with a patriotic nutcase in class, dude was sayin Zinn is not a credible source because he doesn't even support his own nation. Head shaking and eye rolling aplenty.


Been reading



Modesitt is on point with his Fantasy and SciFi




Think of a SciFi Vietnam war and social commentary. Oh, and mech suits.



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I personally don't like Stephen King books for the most part. The Dead Zone was kinda cool though.


oh I hear you on that

keeping it hidden when I'm on the train to work.

Just wanted to read something that might be different and got suckered by the cover




i get what you guys mean but i grew up reading him. he is a great at describing things, i think that's the only reason his books are a billion pages long. it's good for me cause i am horrible at picturing things in my head. maybe why i got into his books. i totally stand by the dark tower series though. it fell off a little at the end but it is a great series. and i don't really get into sci-fi . it's not as much a horror story as it is a time traveling sci-fi kinda knights tale. i might check out that dome one.

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I somehow didn't even know a movie had been made until I got the book and saw Viggo Mortensen on the cover.


Banana Fishd, google "david foster wallace consider the lobster" and click the second link, which is a PDF version of an article he wrote for Gourmet Magazine. The first link is a link to the article also, but Wallace uses footnotes often, and really well, so they're worth reading immediately rather than at the end of the article, making the pdf format better imo.


Also, here here is a commencement speech he gave at Kenyon College in 2005 that they turned into a small book post-mortem. Pretty inspiring stuff.


Both of these obviously are non-fiction, but he also wrote fiction, none of which I have read yet. I hear it's really rewarding but really dense stuff.

But I'm way way into his non-fiction, reading it is like witnessing an incredibly creative and critical mind running at full speed.


^^That commencement speech was really refreshing.

Thank you for giving me that link.

I think I will go on to read some of his books.


For now though- Barve new world by Aldous Huxley

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man, i read the magic of recluce, and was just not sold on modesitt.

fantasy is a deep dark secret that my wife makes fun of me for with a near-daily regularity...

besides wheel of time's first four books, i would highly recommend raymond feist's rift war saga. magician: apprentice, magician: master, silverthorn, and a darkness at sethanon. feist in general is a fucking genius (relatively speaking...)




sigh. my secret's out...

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I've read all the Recluse and Raymond Feist's as well. Both were good, and recommended, by me.


Currently I'm reading a newish trilogy, by Brent Weeks. Fantasy setting concerning with assassins (called wetboys, a superior version of an assassin) among other things. On book 2 atm, pretty dark and gritty, but well done. Recommended.



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i was wondering if any of you guys have heard about/read this


Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature by Donna Haraway


The lady is coming through my town. Wanted to kind of get a feel for the material.


Right now I am currently reading a bunch of school stuff but these have been pretty interesting






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Different cover, same book.

Enjoying this one alot. This kind of books are always easy reading.

Dont know much about this dude but he sounds fucking nuts.

Its hard to remember that it is actually an autobiography and not a novel.

So many murders.

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