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oakland shootings part deux

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So I ended up downtown last night after all...my friends wanted to check out the action, and since they didn't have any experience with large/unruly crowds or riot situations I went alng to keep an eye on them.


I lost them about ten minutes after we got to City Hall, and five minutes after that the cops on the skirmish line at 12th Street pushed a crowd of about 500 people up Broadway to 14th Street. There was another line at the 15th/Telegraph/Broadway intersection, which pretty much had the main protest pinned right in front of Foot Locker. Once everyone realized they were stuck, they started looting Foot Locker, but the cops stuck to the line and didn't stop all the kids walking past with boxes of shoes.


I looped back through Frank Ogawa Plaza and headed north, got behind the line on 15th and masked up in case the cops started throwing gas into the crowd. I ran into some other friends there, so we grouped up and made a plan to meet at a coffeeshop on Telegraph called Mama Buzz. We slowly made our way north to 17th, and when we got there some cops moved on a small group who were pushing garbage bins and dumpsters into the intersection to block traffic. The crowd moved on the cops and pushed them back down to the line on 15th but we headed back north and waited between 17th and 18th till we noticed another line of cops waiting for us at 19th and Broadway. About that time someone lit up the dumpsters, then someone cut the power to the streetlights so the only light was from the flaming dumpsters and the light bars on the cop cars.


We sat there for a few minutes and waited to see what would happen next...around 10:30 or so the 15th Street skirmish line started to moved north while throwing smoke canisters and flash grenades in front of them. The crowd broke towards us so we rode west on 18th and headed up Telegraph with about 300 people behind us with the cops behind them...that's when we said "fuck it", got out of there and headed home because we weren't there to fuck shit up or get arrested. All we wanted to do was observe and let the cops know when they were fucking up.


There's a pretty good chance I got on the news, I got my picture taken a whole bunch of times...if you see a masked-up guy with long blond hair on a bike with a bike pump strapped to his back, that's me.


On the riot scale I'd give it about a 7 or so. Didn't see any cops catching licks or cop cars getting flipped and lit up, and I didn't get gassed. Which is a good thing.

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So I ended up downtown last night after all...my friends wanted to check out the action, and since they didn't have any experience with large/unruly crowds or riot situations I went alng to keep an eye on them.


I lost them about ten minutes after we got to City Hall, and five minutes after that the cops on the skirmish line at 12th Street pushed a crowd of about 500 people up Broadway to 14th Street. There was another line at the 15th/Telegraph/Broadway intersection, which pretty much had the main protest pinned right in front of Foot Locker. Once everyone realized they were stuck, they started looting Foot Locker, but the cops stuck to the line and didn't stop all the kids walking past with boxes of shoes.


I looped back through Frank Ogawa Plaza and headed north, got behind the line on 15th and masked up in case the cops started throwing gas into the crowd. I ran into some other friends there, so we grouped up and made a plan to meet at a coffeeshop on Telegraph called Mama Buzz. We slowly made our way north to 17th, and when we got there some cops moved on a small group who were pushing garbage bins and dumpsters into the intersection to block traffic. The crowd moved on the cops and pushed them back down to the line on 15th but we headed back north and waited between 17th and 18th till we noticed another line of cops waiting for us at 19th and Broadway. About that time someone lit up the dumpsters, then someone cut the power to the streetlights so the only light was from the flaming dumpsters and the light bars on the cop cars.


We sat there for a few minutes and waited to see what would happen next...around 10:30 or so the 15th Street skirmish line started to moved north while throwing smoke canisters and flash grenades in front of them. The crowd broke towards us so we rode west on 18th and headed up Telegraph with about 300 people behind us with the cops behind them...that's when we said "fuck it", got out of there and headed home because we weren't there to fuck shit up or get arrested. All we wanted to do was observe and let the cops know when they were fucking up.


There's a pretty good chance I got on the news, I got my picture taken a whole bunch of times...if you see a masked-up guy with long blond hair on a bike with a bike pump strapped to his back, that's me.


On the riot scale I'd give it about a 7 or so. Didn't see any cops catching licks or cop cars getting flipped and lit up, and I didn't get gassed. Which is a good thing.




from what i saw and what you saw...i cant believe ron dullums said he is proud of oakland for making the night so peaceful......is he crazy???

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I don't think it was all that bad if Ron Dellums was out there talking to the crowd. I've seen FAR crazier shit at protests and rallies...the crowd and the cops were being about as mellow as could be expected with the tension/emotional level so high.


And to the punk who tried to talk shit to me in private (you know who you are)- I assure you I'm the same guy I've always been. Maybe it's that I'm pushing 40, and maybe the way I see things has changed...I think it's called "growing up." Could be something you might want to look into, instead of talking shit on the DL. And in case you thought you're flying under my radar by changing your screenname- your inflated internet ego put you on front street the second you spoke up...apparently getting banned wasn't enough of a hint for you.

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i don't think shit will pop off at sentencing, everything about the way in which the protests are occuring makes everyone look like cowards. none of them are doing anything serious or aimed at the man, thieves broke into footlocker because there was a good chance they wouldn't be caught, not because they cared about Oscar Grant.


they shouldn't even be protesting, it's obvious no man would murder someone knowing that a trains worth of people was watching everything. i do believe he was trying to taser the dude, which in itself is fucked up, but still black people are acting hysterical like they're in a movie theatre.

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i am positive that after this highly effective political riot, the police and public officials that are crooked/racist/not on your side, are really going to learn a lesson and learn to respect you and your community....


after all, if they wouldn't want to lose anymore air force ones or tv's from publicly owned franchises...


the community will prosper as well..

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Pussy is just following his lawyers advice to give the judge an excuse to let him go with minimal time.

We've all seen the video of the shooting and anybody who falls for this bullshit is a fucking moron.

I honest to god hope he gets lynched when he gets out.


As much as I don't buy into the rabid cop hate that some people spit on this website, I generally agree with this.

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so i went to oakland for the first time in years last night.

went for my lady's friend's birthday to some bar called Luka's.

left around 1am and talked my lady into driving around a bit.

saw all the boarded up businesses and saw the oscar grant mural and wheat pastes.

even though sears was boarded up, someone had managed to break part of the window that was still exposed...seen a few cop cars driving around.


but the best part of the night was going to the chicken and waffle place at the end of the night.

table with a group of black people next to us asked the black waiter: "did you go to the riots?"

waiter responds: "no, i just watched that shit on tv"


lol...very casual and shit.


anyways, i liked oakland...it looked like a chill place...people were pretty friendly too...i wouldnt mind visiting again.

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