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H. Lecter

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You're probably more familiar over there with it's mother strain, Northern Brewer?


It's a fairly low alpha but has a strong Humulene composition, around 40% I think. These haven't been analysed, as it's pretty much a backyard gig - but looking to expand. I'm actually thinking about throwing some money at it, because since I returned with them nearly every local brewer has been here to check them out and ask where I got them from. There's no commercial hop farms in this state anymore, hasn't been for years.

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I've always wanted to age some beer. But I just don't have the patience


I'm a big fan of aging certain beers. I'll try and age anything w/ brett, heavier/christmas belgians, barleywines, some lambic, some sour, etc... It's a trial and error process though, some age great, others don't, you learn what's worthwhile over time.

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I am generally too poor/impatient/thirsty to age a beer. I've got some Bigfoot laying around that I didn't drink because I thought they were meh... how long should I let them sit before a second go around.


Had this while in Costa Rica, all of the major brands there taste the same. This is the only craft brew I found. It tasted great, even considering it has no competition in the area. I also tried out some aged rums there, actually took a liking to them and brought a 20 year old bottle on centanario for 30$.


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Speakeasy b&w cookie stout is one of the tasty beers ive ever had

Goose Island night stalker is the tastiest stout thus far

Harpoon choco stout is decent as well

Brookly Brewery there will be black (black IPA) well worth the mention


any suggestions?

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Beer festival this past weekend, too many to remember but of note:

New Belgium Rampant IPA - not much of an ipa fan but this was absolutely delicious, about 8% too I think

Redds Apple lager - awful, just awful

DuClaw Sweet Baby Jesus Peanut Butter Porter - tasted liked smoked peanut butter, would not try again but might be for somebody

Raven Pendulum + Tell Tale Heart - pilsner and an ipa, decent pilsner, bland ipa, they make a good lager

Lancaster Brewing Milk Stout - hands down favorite discovery, possibly the best milk stout I've had though I'm certainly no connoisseur

Pyramid Whipped Cream Hefe - interesting, a little too thick but still enjoyable, most of the hefe taste was gone though unfortunately


After the fest, I was then treated to one of the worst beers I've ever had: The Breury's Smoking Wood. Is there anyone out there that likes this? I had tried it before and it was awful, this time someone brought it over my house and I figured I would give it another shot...mistake. I would liken the taste to what I imagine smoked dip spit might taste like.

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Beer festival this past weekend, too many to remember but of note:

New Belgium Rampant IPA - not much of an ipa fan but this was absolutely delicious, about 8% too I think


I have to second the love for the New Belgum Rampant IPA, shit is abso-fucking-lutely heavenly. Also just tried their "shift" lager, great session beer IMO, especially with the weather warming up soon. The fact that it is in cans just solidified it as my river floating beer this summer.

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I guess I'll be the first to hate on Rampant.

That beer tastes like your standard west coast IPA. at 8.5% and the title of imperial it should be way bigger than it is in flavor. it is 100% nothing special.


I don't think its gross or a bad beer, its just reinforcement that (aside from lips of faith) new belgium is just creating gateway beers, not exciting beers. not even interesting beers.

(and maybe i'm just getting too involved in local brewery drama...)

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I don't think its gross or a bad beer, its just reinforcement that (aside from lips of faith) new belgium is just creating gateway beers, not exciting beers. not even interesting beers.

(and maybe i'm just getting too involved in local brewery drama...)


Agreed 100%. Lips of Faith stuff is even hit or miss, la follie is barely worth aging after the change and a lot of the random ones I've had don't do much to impress me. I like Kick a lot though.

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sexcauldron - "not much of an IPA fan" does not sit well me

IPA is the best type of beer hands down.

continue trying more, you will be a fan eventually.

I remember I didn't like IPA's the first time I had them.


But I also thought guiness was a good beer at that time

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Yes, IPAs are unquestionably my favorite kind of beer (only thing I can't get down with are Scotch ales), although when I was 17 they were a chore.


Not knocking you, sexcauldron, just saying that when I first started trying them I thought they blew. Drank a Double-Wide IPA from Boulevard a minute ago, not bad. I feel like they overhyped hyped how hoppy/punchy it was on the label though, which is a gripe that I have with a lot of IPAs. I know it's to be expected.

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AIPA's are far from the king of beers, they've just been rammed down everyone in America's throat. I love that they just keep putting 'American' in front of everything and creating their own style guidelines.


I never adhere to SG's because I don't brew enough to care about the award scene, but the term 'American India Pale Ale' is just annoying.

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I feel you guys, I like a lot of IPAs, I just put that qualifier in there so as to clarify that I'm no IPA connoisseur. That said I rarely if ever crave an ipa and would honestly regard them as one of my least favorite styles of beer. But I'm no snob and always open to suggestions so what IPAs should I be drinking? One of the few that I will go out of my way to purchase is Founders Red Rye. I've had that boulevard one too and was not a fan.

Edit: I feel that protester, it seems like a contest of who can add more hops. Also most beer interested Americans end their adventures at IPAs.

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You said it exactly. Its one huge competition with who ever can add the most hops. I started my beer adventure with IPAs and Wheat beers primarily. I think it was a good way to wrap your head around something different from the crap domestic. I got sick after a few years because it was like...ok lets try this....:sip: so i can taste bitter....a lot of citrus....wait I thought they added spice n what not....hmmm thought this beer was special with a twist? guess not....moving on.


I have said time and time again in this thread that Ive gravitated towards beer with more malt character. Personally I dont think its a challenge to make an IPA. Seems like you have a lot of room for error. What to me would be the challenge is a well made darker beer, and I dont mean ridiculously dark (yet that still sounds tasty), but with an added hop characteristic that is complimentary. Now dont flame me right away but two easy beers I can think of off the top of my head are Terripins Hop karma and Highland Oatmeal porter. Still angry that terripin dropped the hop karma to a 4 pack and left it the same price...yet on the flip side Highlands porter isnt a a huge heavy beer and yet the hop character is still in there.


Maybe my pallet is still not advanced but I feel a standard IPA has a limited spectrum of flavor. Citrus, floral, and bitter. Sweetness varies on the gravity. Yet darker malty beers can bring in a multitude to the pallet and like IPAs can be complimented by additions and methods of aging.


Saw the Scotch ale comment. I do like scotch ales.


You know what irks me the most. I get this comment a lot by those that know me. I catch crap for the beer I drink because I will drink Miller Highlife if all Im up to is something quick and cheap, but i will also drop 25 bucks for one great beer. Why cant one just enjoy the wide spectrum? That would be like getting upset with a Chef from a 3 Star Michelin restaurant for eating grilled cheese and Cambells tomato soup.

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Been doing alot of trades on Beer Advocate, thought i'd see if anyone on here would want to trade as well?



Here is my cellar, wish it was bigger, but i can dig it..






Fist666- since you're in that area, can you get your hands on any Crooked Stave?!








(i'm really stoked on my 2007 Abyss, 2011 Dark Lord, and 2013 Hunahpu)

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