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you could make buku dollars off them 160 just for the sake of novelty. Sure 2 80s will do the same but sometimes its all about perception.

Like i noticed people like the blue 10/500 lortab more than the 10/325 norcos. Buy em up quicker. Who knows why but they do.(atleast here) I mean... its the same ammt of hydrocodone but just more acetominophen AKA the stuff you dont want.

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If anyone has seen the second season of "Breaking Bad". They will know not to do heroin. Shit just look at all the great artist that have died from heroin overdose. i.e Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley...ect. ect. Here's a tip: go to Blockbuster and rent Trainspotting.

Kurt Cobain blew his fucking head off with a shotgun. Or Courtney Love blew his fucking head off with a shotgun. Either way, he didn't die of a heroin OD.


Edit: christ, you all beat me to it.

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breaking bad, while entertaining, is a retarded fucking show to reference advice for real life from. just like all tv shows that use blatant generalizations...


i stay away from heroin, synthetic or not. tries oxy... wasn't feelin' it.

i have weird reactions to drugs though. hate weed... love alcohol... and ecstasy. that's it

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