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Guest shai_hulud

Yeah, we never got good dope in SF. All Mexican black tar. Some people say it's good, but I didn't think it stacked up well next to pharms. All the junkies I met from NYC who came to SF were hating life.


Sorry, Moe, but that block is SO hot all the way to Turk. My boy lived at Turk and Golden Gate, and it was like running the gauntlet...hella brothas coming up, all "Percs, OCs? You good? You looking? Wanna get right?"


Shit was annoying. Like, I'm walking down the street looking straight ahead, if I was looking I'd make eye contact.

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Sorry, Moe, but that block is SO hot all the way to Turk. My boy lived at Turk and Golden Gate, and it was like running the gauntlet...hella brothas coming up, all "Percs, OCs? You good? You looking? Wanna get right?"


Shit was annoying. Like, I'm walking down the street looking straight ahead, if I was looking I'd make eye contact.


that aint no lie. all you have to do is make eye contact or listen.

"oc's, cheeba cheeba, percs, vics, rigs.."

sometimes its block to block for whats available. get right down by jones and turk(shit a block from there is a police station. doesn't matter) and its all dope and pills, while a block in any other direction its can be crack from the young hondurans. well, golden gate has the free clinic near leavenworth.

crack is everywhere, but dope seem to be concentrated in certain areas.

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After reading these last night, I thought about my dad. I watched him do drugs, mostly heroin, during my childhood. I remember being about 4, watching him and his friends shooting up. I laughed when the women would say "ouch" when they shot up, but the men didn't. I remember the flames, and the spoons.


These things didnt bother me when I was a kid, I didnt know anything other than the junkies that my dad was always visiting. He was the dealer, and as a kid, I thought he was their leader. I wasnt scared when we would go into apartment buildings, as long as I was with him. He always had a gun. I used to play with them at home. He would take the bullets out, I would only play with the revolvers. To this day, I prefer them.


When I got older, I realized what was up, people from my moms church would talk shit about my dad, about drugs. My mom hated him, but to be honest, he was way nicer than her, and far cooler than the assholes at church. I hung out at his house as often as I could. I learned alot about dealing from him. But as his health deteriorated, I saw him less and less. I knew he was dying slowly. The last time I saw him, I went to his house without calling first. He was so high he couldn't talk.


He died when I was sixteen. I didnt cry. There was no funeral. But I miss him sometimes, I would have liked for him to meet his grandson.

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Dude this shit is getting out of control. My area has always been heavy on the shit, but with these prescription pills being so popular and getting everyone addicted I guess it has been getting worse.


Last night a cool dude I grew up with died from this shit which was a total shock to me because I couldn't picture him doing no shit like that. And tons of other people I grew up with have and a few of my good friends have even been addicted.


This shit is really fucking sad man, what is wrong with everyone??


Is anyone elses area getting swamped with young people dying and being addicted to this shit?


where i grew up in the 90's teenagers od'ing temselves dead was real common. like around 30 teenagers would drop dead from heroin in a three county area every year, don't think its as bad now though. remember every rock star in the early 90's was a junkie or ex-junkie? that had to be why these idiots though it was cool.

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last year peoples were cuttin up dope wit the fetynol shit. it was like 20-30 people od in like a week, it was all over the the news in the D.


they gave that dude 30 years




I forgot about K, that shit is so awesome. I felt like I was in every room of the house, and I wasn't walking I was floating like Casper

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  • 4 weeks later...

This shit is depressing as hell. I got really into the whole prescription pill shit last winter. From about February-September I was spending 3/4 of my paycheck on that shit, and the other 1/4 on car insurance. I never got to the point where I couldn't function without it. I'd do it like 2-3 times a week, but it would usually be an all day thing. In school, at home, whatever. It wasn't until I had to start banking some of my money when I cut back, and when that happened I just found myself waking up really sick and having a shitty headache, acheyness, and constant anxiety/tension all day. I fuck around with it occasionally now, but for the most part fuck it. One of my friends is all up on the blow/h craze and it has completely ruined him. The sad part is that he is completely cognizant of it, but he doesn't give two shits and just pretty much wants to ruin himself because he has nothing else really.



Also, Boston is huge on OC's. I remember the past couple of years how many CVS's and Walgreens got robbed for that shit. Now most pharmacies don't even stock any sort of painkiller. That doesn't seem to help anything, though.

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This stuff happens a lot more than i would have thought. I don't understand why you would do this shit after going through all that school and shit. The DEA has a list of "cases against doctors" on their website. pretty interesting.



Doc traded Rx for sex, then taped it, cops say

February 27, 2008

BY DAN ROZEK Staff Reporter/drozek@suntimes.com

A podiatrist traded prescription pain-killers for sex with female patients in his East Dundee office, then secretly videotaped more than two dozen of the sexual encounters, Kane County authorities said Tuesday.

Bail was set at $50 million for Dr. Steven P. Loheide after prosecutors filed 95 felonies alleging the foot doctor repeatedly gave prescription medications -- including oxycontin, a powerful pain-killer -- to several women patients in return for sex.

Steven P. Loheide is being held on $50 million bail for allegedly writing pain-killer prescriptions to female patients in return for sex.


The charges against the 64-year-old Algonquin man follow his arrest last October when he was charged with illegal eavesdropping after his receptionist found a hidden camera in his medical office.

That discovery touched off an investigation that resulted in police finding about two dozen VHS tapes and DVDs that contained images of Loheide having sex with patients in an office examining room, East Dundee Police Chief Terry Mee said.

The new charges filed Tuesday accuse Loheide of exchanging drugs for sex 26 times between March 2005 and last September. He also is accused of illegally videotaping himself on 29 occasions having sex with patients whom authorities said were unaware they were being recorded.

Loheide allegedly even specifically ordered prescription drugs to trade for sex, authorities contend.

The most serious charges, unlawful delivery of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, carry a 6- to 30-year prison term.

Loheide had lost his federal license to prescribe drugs in 2006 after the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration concluded he wasn't keeping proper records.

He remained jailed late Tuesday, unable to post the $5 million cash needed to win his release.

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Here's a few

Dr. Jesse Benjamin Henry, Jr., was perhaps the first doctor indicted for first-degree murder for prescribing painkillers. He was charged in state court with seven counts of first-degree depraved mind murder, for seven patients who died of drug overdoses after taking multiple combinations of drugs, sometimes including cocaine. To avoid a lengthy trial and the possible equivalent of a life sentence, Dr. Henry pled guilty on September 13th to seven counts of involuntary manslaughter along with single counts of trafficking, money laundering and racketeering. But his wife, Hong Lu, has not accepted a plea deal and is scheduled for trial starting Oct. 4. The prosecutor may compel the husband to testify against the wife, as full marital privilege has been abrogated in many states as well as federal prosecutions. Dr. Henry is also being sued in four separate cases and still faces a federal attempt to seize his assets.


Bernard Rottschaefer, M.D., was the latest victim of a disgruntled employee, some patients who were drug addicts, and an overzealous prosecution. Since his conviction on March 9th, six female addicts have sued him claiming that he is the one responsible for their addiction. His former medical assistance, whom the doctor ultimately fired, claimed he was having sex with his drug addicted patients behind locked doors. At trial the doctor testified that he did not realize those patients were addicted and he denied having sex with any of them, noting that one has a medical condition making sex unthinkable. Nevertheless, at his sentencing on September 24th the doctor was mercilessly ordered to serve 6 ½ years in jail despite a lack of any direct evidence against him. His wife handled the billing for the office and defended her husband, saying he was the target of a "witch hunt."


After the trial, 183 love letters by the prosecution's star witness were discovered describing how she "planned to lie to the grand jury and at trial by saying she had sex with Rottschaefer. She hoped her testimony would get her a reduced sentence for selling OxyContin, a narcotic pain reliever. She ended up with five years of probation in a plea bargain with the U.S. attorney's office." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mar. 5, 2005. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05064/466730.stm The trial judge, however, denied Dr. Rottschaefer's motion for a new trial, and he has appealed

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  • 1 year later...
Dude this shit is getting out of control. My area has always been heavy on the shit, but with these prescription pills being so popular and getting everyone addicted I guess it has been getting worse.


Last night a cool dude I grew up with died from this shit which was a total shock to me because I couldn't picture him doing no shit like that. And tons of other people I grew up with have and a few of my good friends have even been addicted.


This shit is really fucking sad man, what is wrong with everyone??


Is anyone elses area getting swamped with young people dying and being addicted to this shit?


Yeah, I lost my 19 year old nephew last summer - never even knew he was getting high. It sucks, it is such a easy drug to get. Sorry to hear about your friend,

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a lot of people think ketamine is a 'horse tranquilizer' - its actually a dissociative anesthetic that is used on small animals. i once worked retail and did lots of k in the dressing rooms. needless to say, i wasn't much help.


Ketaset is actually the horse/primate tranq


back in the day K was super strong ketaset, but that got locked down by like 99 since you have to be a horse vet or work in a zoo to need something that strong, while ketamine can be jacked from any vets office

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