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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Didn’t do a damn thing today. 

some cleaning and disinfecting this house, took out the trash and saw the heap of bags (plus full cans) the dude left behind when he left this house. 
all of this came from his room !  I know his questionable hygiene wasn’t in my imagination 



magnolia ‘cross the street 



found some acetone at the dollar store last night and hella looked forward to actually planning and doing something today.  Polishing my damn toes.  Had that done by 10am. So that was my big goal today 


only brought these colors with me 




 been doing a tee plug on my IG this week. 
this is today’s post 



no miles. No episodes today. 

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Morning covfefe, quick slice of blueberry





Boiling eggs for lunch















1st ever wifey shapeup was given before I took a shower, not bad even here after my hair got wet.


Also a progress shot is now on record for 2020 Covid-19 lockdown Afro


I'd pay top dollar for a fresh cut in Denver right now







  1. Lunch
  2. Snack
  3. h2o
  4. Covfefe
  5. Cones
  6. Dugout
  7. Airpods
  8. Lighter





Too cold to pluck the banjo on the front porch






Inch of ice covering car/streets







This is a building fire command center, basically the central nervous system of the building electronically speaking. We monitor the sprinkler system, Control the HVAC turn fans units on/off, create positive air flow to trap smoke etc. We override the elevator controls, have a floor by floor public address system over building wide speakers, amplifiers, all types of stuff to make it perfectly safe to be 8 stories up and not end up like a brisket.


Problem #1 for the day:


Another tech was here, and couldn't figure out why the fire warden's telephone in the rooftop elevator machine room does not call down to the fire command center (the only place it calls).  When you take it off the hook it's supposed to ring downstairs.




Truth be told this part of the system is 100% unnecessary and will never be used. A warden phone was designed for a designated volunteer on a floor full of humans to communicate down to the fire command when everyone was evacuated etc. The only person in an elevator machine room is an elevator mechanic. He's not going to be a designated floor warden (for a fucking rooftop lol) and there's nobody to fill that position.


The problem as always is state overreach, and this bullshit phone is required to work by law, along with the inspection that found this one wasn't working properly. My job is safe(ish) for now, you have to pay for my services even if/when the economy is taking a hit. I'm the last person hired recently at my company though, so if there's any slowdown, and subsequent layoffs coming I'm first in line to be let go. Not a big deal, just a little extra motivation to be extremely profitable to employ. If I can work circles around around these local techs out here with my vast NYC experience I'm good. You don't have to outrun the bear, but it doesn't hurt to be the fastest runner int your group sort of deal.





Time for work:


  1. Phone does not initiate ring at fire command as it should when it's off the hook upstairs
  2. Did have proper voltage at terminals pictured above (top right red & black wires landed in the green terminal block)
  3. The phone physically initiates a proper call down signal by switching from the 47k resistor in terminal, down to 20k


OK so phone call down works, problem must be downstairs at the panel, or in the wire between the Elevator Machine Room on the roof and the panel downstairs someplace on the circuit.






Tested the elevator machine rooms module by connecting it to the "Penthouse Stair One" phone line and calling down,  it worked.

The module connected to that line works flawlessly, and so does the phone.


Now things are getting weird because I remember reading the correct voltage up from the panel upstairs so the wires must be good.


I sense an installation fuckup here, not an equipment failure or any recent damage to the system.




After leaving the EMR phone of the hook upstairs:

  • Still measured 47k resistance downstairs on the circuit
  • It would not drop to 20k downstairs when phone was off hook upstairs
  • That's impossible, tested it myself upstairs, and it dropped to 20k to initiate a call.


OK boom, I've got it!


Those wires from upstairs that were plugged into the Elevator Machine Rooms module down here do no go to the rooftop EMR's phone.


Just as I'd suspected, the installers fucked it up, a rare situation and probably why the previous technician couldn't figure it out.



Traced the circuits and found the Elevator Machine Room's module downstairs was connected to another type of phone (firefighters phone)  in the same Elevator Machine Room. Somehow the wires for the Warden phone I was working on, were swapped with the firefighter's phone jack, (another obsolete technology) so neither one of the phones up there worked properly. 




Swapped the wires to the way it should be and boom, got my beloved 20k call down signal and the panel rang "Elevator Machine Room" call down.


Played it cool when the building's engineer asked what I was doing, didn't want to clue him in to this installation fuckup incase it was my company, or someone we contracted that installed it. I figured my company could be on the hook for paying for my service call for this shit. This guy was hawking because the building was empty except for a few "essentials" like myself obviously because of the lockdown.




OK, so now I got banjo's and fiddles playing on the front porch/roof, let's see what we've got downstairs.






Bluegrass confirmed at fire command. Main problem solved, now who's going to pay for this shit.



Called my boss, he confirmed we are the company that installed it, so now I know the gravity of the words I write down on my service ticket. Here's were things are different from how things are done in New York. After confirming this is our fault, my Boss said not to put a dollar amount on my service ticket and we wouldn't bill the customer for this. In NYC, you're automatically expected to lie to the customer and bill them, doing otherwise is hazardous to your employment. Let's just say I like the Denver system much better. Customer really appreciated it as well and will probably always request me if another technician can't figure it out for him again.






Back at the now dirty ass thawed out truck, snow already melted. We're 1 mile above sea level here, the air is thin and changes temperature rapidly compared to at sea level. By the time I finished lunch you couldn't tell there was 2 or 3 inches of snow on the ground earlier, people were in fucking t-shirts.








Wife made us some Kimchi Fried rice. She can cook her ass off if you've seen the food flex thread, and has been going off since the start of the COVID-19 lockdown holding us down. I compliment her on the food of course, but not too much because she knows it's good already. I also know low key she's not confident yet with the Asian cuisine. Anyway, called her up, told her this shit is super good, she trusts my opinion on Asian food because my first wife was from Japan which sort of makes sense but not really lol. Thanked her for everything she's doing for us and told her this was super on point.


Do I like Kimchi Fried Rice? Not for lunch, my point was to make sure she felt she rocked it this time, not that I want Kimchi fried rice now on the regular. It's just not easy for her to feel important now that's she's not working anymore. Makes you feel uneasy not working, even though it feels good on the surface not having to go to work also if you know what I mean. She's watching me go out and work hard at the day job, hustle on the side etc. She's worked her entire life, and never once house wifed before, in fact last year she pulled in way way more loot than me. She's not pulling in checks anymore, but still needs to be reminded she's crucial to the team, even if it's as a culinary G at home she knows she's still killing it. That's worth me eating Kimchi Fried Rice on the regular, even though I'll be murdering people with the kimchi dragon breath all afternoon as a result. I can buy gum if I need to.







The last of that stuff the Gretski skate on. 






You ever hit cruise control through a major city? Feels good man.


Long treck up to Northern Colorado front range town, normally 2 hours, now just an hour and 5 minutes.


On the turntables for the ride is Dale Carnegie, great depression era G. This book was first published in 1933 I think and has been wildly popular ever since, a little cheesy but aren't we all.  The era it was set in is relevant to our current socio economic situation in tone. Probably my 3rd time giving it a listen/read over the years, this book should be mandatory. I'm trying to look at people who called things exactly right back during the 1930's, then apply their style of thinking/logic to our current situation for ideas/solutions.






Not a lot of COVID-19 here like back in NYC right now, that's for sure.






No picks of the last job I did up there but I finished quick, washed the truck and got home early. So glad it was Friday forgot I was taking photos for a days in pies post....
























This is when my day turned out to be monumental....































After I got home from work no lie I smashed shawdy and broke the fucking bed. I swear to god I'm not making this shit up. I wouldn't lie about this for internet points and a possible cheeto sponsorship. I literally broke the fucking beg Trey Six O Style during an after nooner.





It didn't just collapse, it broke. Shit can't be fixed, cheap ass plastic parts holding the middle legs straight  broke. We laughed our asses off. Now we're fucked as far as a bed goes, and it's mattress on the floor until flue season is over.









Now I know why Trey six posted that cheeto footed bitch madd proud. I'll be walking around with big dick energy from this day forth. May not have epic photos of the pussy on swole but we're all older and classier now (hopefully). I had to ask permission to post this on the oontz. I mean for real this is the only venue appropriate to brag about this shit and I can't wast that opportunity.






Anyway after recovering from that shit checked out our first local food coop delivery from today. 2 types of local grass fed, and organic ground beef. The eggs are farmed by a little kid that started his own egg farm with a little help from his family. This coop is cool because you can read up on the farms that make what you eat, you can learn about the people producing the food, and even the animal you're about feed yourself with. I'll pay extra to read about how that motherfucker was raised happy and it makes the food taste better whether it's just a placebo effect , or it really does taste better.






Also wifey scored an additional half dozen local eggs farmed from a backyard 0.4 miles away here in the city using "next door". She traded her own sourdough starter (Alice) and some from she wolf bakery she got in NYC pictured behind the eggs. We left the starter in a box downstairs and gave the girl with the eggs our building's access code, she left the eggs. Weird making new friends these days locally but we're making it happen. The photo doesn't show but some of those eggs are a light slate blue/greenish in color and all were delicious. Not orange yokes because the chickens probably don't eat much live bugs etc. here in the city but thicc as fuck in consistency and taste, had them this morning.


Anyway we ate (no pics) then laughed of the bed situation, she told her friend first about it over the phone and her friend yelled out "you're a stud" over speakerphone. Now my ego is never going to die down.





Wasting precious isopropyl alcohol to clean my Super Mario water bong. People with dirty bongs disturb me, that shit stinks.







A little dab of live rosin for desert to start off my evening buzz.







Super Mario Bong on point, extremely clean taste, deliciousness ensued.



Edited by Mercer
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4 miles. No episodes. I started to watch Ozark but after about 5 episodes in I realized I was upset at one horrible decision after another and couldn’t watch it anymore 


won a few hands F43F7453-2628-45CC-90A9-E9B6FD4FB412.thumb.jpeg.b8423e40964a5819affeffcb53ef8a79.jpeg



did my daily tee post. 19C8816A-A2F7-45F3-AC6E-B8DC24A2CEF9.thumb.jpeg.5f18b7a5e42673a5c359da55086a1f9f.jpeg

Started lightly raining. Went for another walk 







this kid caught a huge catfish. Required help to bring it up.  Made my day to see how happy he was 






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40 minutes ago, +plus+ said:


That mac miller album is good, stoked on Catfish.

That album was def the right choice for the mood 


I see that kid and his (father or brother?)  down there almost daily. The kid is a special needs (pc?)  kid. That made it that much more happy. His excitement was obvious and how proud he was for his picture with it. 

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neighbourhood wanderings



 crazy hair day for last day of school but he wouldn't let me double coat it so the white would really stand out



freights after school drop off -downhilling






then uphilling. this train is crap so I didnt pay much attention to it but at the top of the hill I noted a panel running so back down I went again





back down to original spot but thuis time a but further up street to avoid railway response group cra parked at station

panel cpped by wirkers or drivers



it ran into twon so i thought I'd grab another shot at a spot I've wanted to catch flicks at for a while

freight came through first


10 mins later



sat an contemplated what's left of my man cave




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went for a bush walk - lots of mountaiun bikes churning track into mud



purple ants




making blueberry muffins





turned out rubbish



drew a maze for my son but cant recall if there's a way through it



"train ride"



alien fungus lifting the road surface



mel gibson's greatest movie






living room is trashed


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13 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

@Schnitzelyour kids are going to school??  No social distancing there?


Looks like Simon Cowell in front of you at the hardware store.

yes social distancing is in effect here and has been for a long time. you can see it in the simon cowell shot the x's on the floor to keep people apart.


but schools have been open if your kids want to go.


my son's class had 5 kids since so many were pulled out so social distancing was easy.


You walk the kids up to school and let them in the gate and they wait in an area in the playground then the teacher collects them.


My son LOVES school.


they ended the term early and the next term is like 4 weeks away now.

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Having been impressed by Mercer's contributions I am going to try to add some narrative. I do not feel motivated to go as far as he has in terms of privacy nor routine, but will share the location and some general impressions of where I have been taking pictures. I have not be taking pictures in a very organized manner nor with the idea necessarily of posting them so, they are what they are, just random stuff that grabbed my eye for whatever reason.


In order to combat boredom I have been going for walks in Cleveland area neighborhoods, suburbs and outlying towns and villages. I sometimes do some research and develop a route idea before striking out but just as often I head out and follow my nose. 


Here are some shots from Bratenahl, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bratenahl,_Ohio 


A wealthy enclave nestled between the shore of Lake Erie and 1-90 Bratenhal has a very unwelcoming vibe, apart from the grand homes I would say that is almost it's defining feature. The police presence is strong, especially now, with cops posted at both ingress points and patrolling and posted about but the vibe goes deeper. A potential contributor to this is that just south of I-90 it is a very different demographic, St. Clair is the next major thoroughfare and is the sort of strip where a person with no reason to be there may very well be advised to avoid. The class divide is striking, when I have a visitor from out west I will often drive them out on St. Clair where folks are often a bit shocked by the "hood" and desolation and then back through Bratenahal where the mansions are impressive in the opposite sense.IMG_20200326_165849.jpg.eb6d05704f8cbc71c4394d905bebed3d.jpg


The most impressive house, to me was just around the corner from here but I did not flick it because a resident was taking out the trash in her PJ's and robe and I thought it would be creepy to get her in the picture and awkward to wait for her to walk the long ass driveway back, also with no zoom on the phone I do not think I could have captured what I wanted anyway which was a sweet old Mercedes in it's most natural environment.



At the West end of the strip is an active military base, it was once a NIKE MISSILE site, then administrative space for payroll and now I do not know what.





Source https://case.edu/ech/articles/n/nike-missile-bases






These two houses on on basically the same block, once you get off the main strip and before you get to 90 there are some really modest homes, it is pretty shocking to me as back home all this would be high end until the natural barrier.



A duck in the collection for storm water on it's last stop before hitting the lake, inspired by OMB I try to catch the birds but never really pull it off.


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A stroll though Parma, a working class suburb to the south of Cleveland. I feel that I did not do the nicer parts justice on my walk as I did pass some nice houses but for whatever reason did not flick them. Of note is Parma's history of race exclusion, at one point I believe the number of black residents was like 41, out of 100,000, they got in trouble with the federal government over it and there was a court case etc.



Hot dogs are big here, there are a good handful of options that I have yet to explore. 


A library on a main drag.


For some photos from the public that capture the mood of this bar I checked out the google map, determined that there would be some effort to extract the images and instead invite the interested to purse the direct link. Looks like the kids can play volleyball in the parking lot come summer.




In this part of the world we do not really have hills, if there is any elevation change at all it is generally a consequence of valleys being carved out by water heading for the lake, there are many, often failed attempts to slow the water down to protect bridges and prevent erosion. Here is a much smaller attempt to slow the storm drain as it reaches a creek, or "run" as they are called regionally.




While I did not catch any pictures of the nicer houses I passed, I did shoot this funny apartment complex where the buildings look like ranch houses.


This sign might give the impression that there is no freedom left in this country.


But rest assured that there are still playgrounds that incorporate diamond platting and extruded metal, still a town where the postman and policeman may enjoy a cigarette in uniform and official vehicle, across the street from this picture there was a house with a Trump flag, open front door and window revealing a huge TV tuned to FOX, I wanted the picture but it felt cheap and provocative so I passed. 




Failed wildlife shot, goose in the background.


Pretty meager attempt to violate teh "non artistic" rule.


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A rare painted grave in Elyria. Note the sticker on the bottom left of the plaque.


Some person or group has taken it upon themselves to put "Veteran" stickers, like really pretty durable ones on many of the graves. Super fucking tacky in my opinion.


If blown out railroad bridges are your thing, North East Ohio is your kind of spot.


Water pushing today, flash floods in area. At another crossing the locals were out in numbers to watch the river flood, like I think it is a thing for them, I did not scope for respect to social distancing.


I am really not looking forward to seeing what these places look like in hard times when so many buildings are boarded up and abandoned now.



What it is.


Okay boomer.


Main strip.


Court in foreground, modern addition to the left with the Jail in the background. There are a lot of jails out here, the one in downtown Cleveland looks similar to the one in downtown Seattle. This one has some modern flavor on the outside, bet the inside is no fun.


Back side of the main strip.


This is not the best example but it is really charming and heartening that toy graffiti is alive and well out here, some of the shit in the city is plainly being pulled by children who may not even have the internet to corrupt the flavor. 




This house is funny, what is going on here? It is like industrial in the back and manor in the front.


Well that's it for Elyria, it was too windy out and I cut the walk short for safety. The only people out besides the yokels watching the river were the fiends, sitting and staring on park benches and arguing with one another over domestic matters, oh and some preteens running go-carts in the streets. The residential area was pretty charming, I may make a return visit.

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Coming across the desert, the train stopped in Mitchell, TX where I found the first brand new railroad spike I ever saw so I grabbed one as a souvenir.  I met a dude that had a homemade forge. It's not the type of place that is conducive to snapping random pictures but here's what I got.  No tweakers were harmed in the making of this knife.


Felt like the bass player in a traveling band



Saw the Cheech and Chong Up In Smoke replica



Left at the post office.


I think they kidnapped a midget







Drinking cheap


Stopped to piss with no change.



Went here instead








Success and shout out to KIR.  Wish I could have got pics making it but dude was getting sketchy about my phone. 

Edited by xen
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Was planning to visit Mentor, but headed to nearby Painesville instead as the weather did not fit with a beach visit. This town was a big deal, a long time ago, allegedly eclipsing Cleveland for a brief moment according to a plaque downtown.



The local historic society, closed.


Funky looking place to rent an apartment.


Abandoned, Ohio style.


Town square, old.


Thought about trying to find some 1918 markers, declined to search.



This is what 214K will get you round here.



With this view.


Encouraging words.


Down the street Pete.


Tiny gun shop in front, Jail in background.


Grey day, went to Mentor after to scope the beach but it was closed for high water.



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Bridge before town was taking too long so I detoured to the lake shore for a stroll before hitting town.IMG_20200406_111521.thumb.jpg.0977320b809322f85a57e1050ceecdf6.jpg

Houses across the street from the park.


Still trying for that wildlife shot.


Your tax dollars at work.


Like everyone around here this town is hoping for a revitalization.


The strip.


Teaching the most up to date technique I am sure.


Prison industrial is doing okay, as usual.


It boggles the mind a little to see such a building being cheapened like this.


They are still carving out markers here.


Next door with the shutters down.


In the back a peak at their projects.




Fixer upper


Daily driver.




Founded in 1950 says the stone on the corner.


Fixer upper.


Actually being fixed up.


Not in time.


Old School.


Work in progress.



I have gotten in the habit of taking pictures of houses for sale, they feel like fair play more than the others.

25K for this beauty.




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