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John Basegow

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one time, when i was 19, i gave some hippies a ride to the edge of rhode island. honestly, i was just hoping to get high. at one point in time, during the ride, one of the kids started bugging me out. due to some issues i had with some other person, i was carrying an aluminum bat between the driver's seat and it's door. the dude started talking about acid, and how much he took, and started acting funny, so i spent the whole ride with my hand on the bat. it all paid off though, i got a free bag of weed.


i was a fucking idiot when i was younger!

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its funny to think about cause you think picking up someone is dangerous cause they could fuck you by having a knife or a gun but at the same time if you hitch hike then you have to worry about whos car you get in cause it could be the same situation

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I once gave a women a ride from a 7-11. she was so drunk I figured if I didn't give her a ride she'd probably get raped. When we get up to where her "house" is I found out I was actually her ride to the bar.


I don't do it often, but I've given a few people rides in the city. I don't pick up the freak shows I see hitching on the highway though because they all look like drug addicts.

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i was driving home from a far out freight spot once when i still had a car and stopped at a rest stop. there was a dude there, who looked like a tramp, so i smoke a square and of course, he comes and asks for one. after tearing the filter out of it and smokin it, he asks me for a ride. he was real chill, so i gave him a ride with me and dropped him off near a spot i bench. pointed him in the direction of the hot shot out of state and that was that. glad he didn't murder me and burn my body. he said he he has been on the road since he was 19 and he looked at least 40 something or more.

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I was on tour with a band, 17 seater van, pouring rain.......street punks and dog hitching under a bridge. We all say "fffffffffffuck ttttttttthhhhhat". We stop for a few hours for something, get on the road see them again. 2 days goes by 2 shows and two cities, see them again in the rain AGAIN. They run out on to the highway screaming and freaking out.



They were so pissed.



I might pick someone up, might not.

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The last time I was hitch hiking cross-country, I was in Memphis and just really pissed at life and the dude I was traveling with.

So I laid under a bridge and ate sunflower seeds.


Some dude stopped and said he couldn't give us a ride, but he had recently been paid back some money unexpectedly, so he wanted to help us out.

He gave us $100.

I asked him where the Greyhound station was, and that we could just take the bus to St.Louis.

He gave us directions.

Then another hundred dollars.


It was pretty awesome.

I called my mom and told her.

She said to go buy our tickets right then.

Or else we would spend it all on booze and drugs.

She was right.


I have had a lot of awesome luck with the people who have picked me up.


Although, once some dude picked us up..(2 girls, 1 15year old boy, 2 dogs)

He said he was running from his parole in Texas.

For murder.

He was strange.

And kept telling me how beautiful I was.

And that I reminded him of his daughter.

He made creepy eyes at me.

We were driving through the desert.

Stopped to get lunch.

He said he would buy us food.

He bought 1 Whopper Jr.

And cut it into 4 pieces.

We got out of the car and walked away.

He drive up and down the street in front of us for an hour.

Until some hippies in a van gave us a ride out of town.


I've had people buy me hotel rooms, countless meals, give me tons and tons of money, booze, weed.

You name it, people have hooked me up with while I was hitch hiking.


I don't do that stuff anymore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

LOL, he said "karma and all" like that statement was mad self explanatory. Then I looked at his name..ha,ha...explain yourself. What does karma and all mean in this context?


And to answer the question of the thread, No. Not anymore. The rambler in me wants to pick them up and chat for a while but the sensible hustler in me tells me , time is money Dawood, let some smoked out hippy pick that nigga up.

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