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Dawood last won the day on February 14 2008

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  1. Dawood


    I was driving around with my 5 kids and wife passing through. I painted Baltimore back in 92 with my DST fam, I need to come back through though on the painting tip.
  2. Dawood


    I was in Baltimore friday. I couldn't believe how clean the walls were. I was in the hood, too on North st. The walls were clean as hell. Everything was clean, I hardly saw any tags anywhere. I'm not roasting B-more. I got family (and crew) there. I was just amazed at how clean the walls were there in some dead ass grimy looking neighborhoods.
  3. Oh, my bad Petey. You got that thing on smash...proceed
  4. NOrth Carolina....THROW YA HANDS UP!
  5. that's jammed up...tent cities.
  6. false. rollerblading is for teh froooties. the person below me lives with his moms.
  7. usually there's about a $35 spread, so if you got in at $958 and it just broke a G, there's not really any profit until after that $35 spread if you're dealing with gold dealers which is really the only way to buy/sell on the spot without having to look for a buyer.
  8. sour is my homie I'm just saying that as a jab to his ribs.
  9. I know , right? this dude sounds like a cop building a case against Rebus. You been riding this dudes balls for days now. give it a rest.
  10. ok, don't get carried away, nobody said Sour was good, just that he gets up a lot! hahahahahahaha.
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