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  1. ha... frieght nerds huh? keep talking....
  2. yo who even said anything about virginia. the real mds started in VA but we got members in DC, MD, NYC, NJ, and Los Angeles. what the fuck are you toys talking about.i dont give a fuck who your friends are and where you live. Your straight biting a crew that i built from the ground up for over 10 fucking years mother fucker. I didnt put in all this hard work for some new jacks with some busted ass styles to come along and take what i worked hard for. I was doing this shit way before this 12 ounce shit. Ive painted in every major city there is. Don't think that just cus your in LI that you cant be reached I have plenty of friends out there that got nothing better to do than diss your shit. If you think your boys should change the name then fucking drop the crew till they recognize whats up. If you disagree with them why would you be writing MY CREWS NAME? yea this shit over the net might be bullshit but believe me ive had my share of beef in every east coast city and i have never stopped. dont think it will be any different.
  3. DickGozinya... okay biter... a little long island trip is in the plan. I really hope you guys got some serious work out there. keep writing my crews name toy. i promise you wont have anything running. i dont give a shit what dumb ass term you came up with one day. It was already taken by someone. You might not take this shit seriously but we do.I really hope you guys are down for your shit like you talk.
  4. yea yea yea... internet beef....blah blah blah... i would prefer to handle this shit off of here but since this is where you kids choose to yap about your fake ass crew then this is where im going to communicate to you. go ahead keep writing mds. we will see where it gets you. sooner or later your going to bump into someone thats not feeling your toy asses biting our name. as far as seeing whos better... ill be posting some shit shortly. i think it will be pretty easy to see whos on top.. but its not even about that.. you guys are biting a crews name with members all around the country who have been collectively been painting for more than a decade. that alone should make you change your shit.
  5. look i know you guys think this is all funny and shit but its not. first off MDS was started in VA but the whole crew does not live there. Like i said we have member is NYC all the way to LA. I know the alphabet is limited but MDS was already taken. If you didn't know too bad...do some research.It's 2002 its not that hard to find out. i would never bite someones name....PERIOD! Especially if they came up way before me. As I mentioned in the past were not trying to pull some dumb thug shit but Im not about to be associated with some kids ive never met before. Just today one of my boys in LA called me and was like who the fuck is your buddy Demo in Long Island. I was like what? Theres no Demo in MDS. So i did a bit of research on the net and i found this thread. This goes to show you that its not just a local thing. kids in cali told me about this. I am assuming that you guys are all fairly young and new to this. Just change your shit and show some respect. You got plenty of time to build up a crew name thats not stolen.
  6. well all that is all cool and all but you guys need to stop writing mds plain and simple... The virginia mds travels to nyc quite often and several members live there... and i dont know who the fuck you talked to in the VA mds but i assure you that its not okay that you write their crew... its not that were trying to start pointless beef. this shit is rediculous. its straight biting..its like some kid writing jase or felon or BA crew in another town. if youve heard the name dont write it.. its really that simple. I would never write another crews name even if they lived in a different continent... If we do stumble along some of the fake mds stuff it will get dissed. once again not trying to start pointless drama but this shit is fucked up.
  7. fake mds i hate to break it to you guys but the REAL MDS crew is in virginia and has been around over a decade... you guys need to change your shit.
  8. b/d


    dont be jelous... just move here... uhhh i mean no dont move here...no fr8s here at all.. all the yards are hot... dont come.. go to mexico...mad fr8s there.
  9. b/d


    yesterday was a beautiful day..... 7 day time and 3 night time.... baltimore is fr8 country
  10. b/d


    b is for bombing legals??? 99 % of everything on this post is illegal...if baltimore has one thing its real writers that bomb......... just wait till i drop the bmore handstyle post.............. p.s. how bout' that CAL??????? go Oes!!!!!!
  11. b/d


    http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/pa/500/abst-95.jpg'> http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/dst/shaken-ring.JPG'> http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/vs/jerk-amst.jpg'> http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/ba/500/jase-95.jpg'> http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/dst/con-ring02.jpg.JPG'> http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/def/ayer-795.jpg'> http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/kos/apes-bomb.jpg'>
  12. b/d


    new issue of b/d out in late may/early june... big premier party planned.....
  13. b/d


    http://www.baltimoreburners.com/meca12.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/scan14.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/emoh8.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/gostbomb4.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/createbomb3.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/apesbomb2.jpg'> http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/mds/skan-top.jpg'> http://www.baltimore-archive.com/images/bmore/dst/dave-misc.jpg'>
  14. b/d


    http://www.baltimoreburners.com/scan11.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/lapse2.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/arek8.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/scan12.jpg'> http://www.baltimoreburners.com/felon4.jpg'>
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