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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Friend,


I think your life is probably over. Too bad you didn't kick that meth habit.. Hearing that you were by the RxR tracks picking up trash to 'examine' it was kind of brutal. Even more brutal was not recognizing your friend who was standing next to you...


Good luck.




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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear randomness.....



Its cool all the weird random things that are going on...I liked the weirdo dude in the car thrashing on his tambourine. I also like the naked mannequin on the atv on the side of the road. But last night was really creepy Donnie Darko shit. Please stop now



- Sneak "Time Rifter Oner" Creep

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear beer,


thanks for making me trip and fall on the futon. thanks for the bruised ribs and bruises on my knee.





dear suki,


you can touch my boobs anytime. we need to get together for your short ribs. your house or mine. i'll wine and dine you.





dear calig,


thanks for the rap snacks and the cute little letter. now, if only you can find the time to come get your awful awful. i could deliver one to you on my way up to the city, but it might be cold. maybe you can come tango with us in sf.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear BNSF security,


Thanks for making me lay face down in a muddy ass field at 2am. I really loved waiting for you dicks to drive past me. Thankfully, you didn't see me....but alas, I got spooked and left.


You win...for now....when winter comes around...thats Bruce's season.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear suki,


you can touch my boobs anytime. we need to get together for your short ribs. your house or mine. i'll wine and dine you.




dear milky-g

it would be fun to bbq in the snow as long as we can boob kiss. i checked my freezer and theres an untouched container full of frozen korean bbq ribs.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cat nip, ^^


what a relief:p







Dear Roomate,


How the fuck did you eat all the dozen eggs i had in the fridge in one weekend? For one, thats too much cholesterol in your system and two, that shit can make you puke and of course, nasty farts.



If i find out that you fuken decided to throw them to something for what ever reason, im cutting the internet.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Houston,

You let me down.

The AKA sponsored bandana art show was alright.

It at least inspired me to start a heckling club.

I thought I would leave with a bike and some new tattoos.

Instead, I left broke and feeling as if I am letting life pass me by.

Next time you need to step up your game.


Home Again

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear milky-g

it would be fun to bbq in the snow as long as we can boob kiss. i checked my freezer and theres an untouched container full of frozen korean bbq ribs.





dear soooook,


i believe i am free this weekend. if you will be in town. bbqing korean bbq ribs in the snow will be an adventure. your casa or mine. if not, the following weekend is sf sextravaganza. give me a call.


party on wayne, party on garth...party time excellent,



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