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Guest Ginger Bread Man

dear Israel,


in all the excitement of seeing you again, i forgot to thank you for the meaningful conversation and delicious lunch which was attached. I needed it.

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Dear Rolf,


he looked like Rodney Trotter and didn't like music, he didn't even own any, no mp3's or cd's or vinyl or anything; which frankly is just plain fucking weird. Plus he gave off a 'cut me up and feed me to pigs' vibe...so no.






Dear almighty,


a vacuum shaped like me...inside of him. I still don't quite know what to say about it.



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Dear peeps of the Dear thread---thanks for the well wishes and good news props.

These hearing aids are gonna take some getting used to. In some cases there is a slight delay, like music in the car, makes the singer sound like he is singing in a fan. but someone can whisper in my left ear (deaf side) and I can hear it clear as a sunny day. Deafinitely an awesome new feeling.I can walk with someone and we can walk on either side of eachother, and I can ride passenger in a car and not get so frustrated because I cant hear a damn thing the driver is saying. I also found out that Pandora gives me a lil short in the devices.


I am very grateful.


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dear SM



i totally missed your announcement.

congrats! that's really wonderful

i hope that you get comfortable with them and it's practically like 'normal' hearing.


i read some stuff from helen keller recently in which she was saying that deafness is by far a worse disability than blindness because you get so cut off from everything. i really have tremendous respect for people who deal with that shit. best wishes to you





dear grd


i never did like vacuums




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Dear !@#$%,


Thank you.


There is soomething i have been thinking about, and would like to really make moves on this idea somehow. I dont know the correct wordsto use or even know where to start- to make some kind of awareness to benefit deaf/hard of hearing people.

Someone had told me to talk to my CPA about getting some type of tax write off for being deaf, because certain handicaps do get one, including blind. keep in mind that even if you have 50% vision loss, you are considered blind.

he told me being deaf doesnt fall in the same category. (yet, i had a client that was considered medically handicap because she had dibeetuz..and was able to take advantage of anything the system has in her advantage INCLUDING A HANDICAP PARKING STICKER!!)


Even if when i had insurance, hearing aids are not covered. My older clients who use medicare-it doesnt cover it either. there is no benefits/provisions for deafness.

I would like to SOMEHOW make being deaf legally considered a handicap, and deaf (even if 50% ) people should receive the same provisions as any other "handicap" and at least push that insurance companies cover most or all of the cost of hearing aids.


i hope this makes sense, bbecause (typically) it makes sense in my head, i just cant ever translate it correctly..haha


high hoping and big dreamin,



hope you all have/had a good day.

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dear SM



one person can make a difference

half of oprah's show was about people who were turned into activists because they saw a need, and filled it


i bet you could lobby corporations to help you.

no limits baby haha seriously.

go for it.

lots of people want to help, they just don't know how


all deaf people need is a chris reeve/michael fox type (and you don't have to be a celebrity to become a champion for a cause.)



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Guest Ginger Bread Man

Dear SM,

The key is in writing letters, to anyone and everyone who will listen. Local organizations, the mayor, churches, anyone. Gather support and then, it will be impossible for anyone NOT TO LISTEN.


my two cents...

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dear sm,

congrats, hope everything goes well with your new found hearing.


- twinky


dear ginger bread man,

i had a great time getting to have a few brews nd words with you.

its refreshing to meet someone with such a different perspective about life such as yourself.

hopefully we can get to work on a wall or freight sometime soon.




dear twinky,

i wish i knew you better.

i wish you werent so cynical and so hard on yourself.

im sorry how your past has effected who you are today.

i know youre gonna be okay in the future, i feel it everyday.

just remember to always be yourself, even when you dont know who you are anymore.


-drunk twinky


p.s. sorry for making that sound so gay.

you know how i get when im not in social settings writing on stuff or degrading skanks.

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dear turkish prisons


don't think the risk is worth it

plus we have other shit lined up

you may have won.. this round






dear you


nice job. the years are piling on

the body is getting tired

yet you still managed to do it to it

and get up for work




ps don't forget to mail that stuff

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

seeing the last video made me smile, even when life hasn't been so great, particularly not this morning at least. Makes my heart soar, humanity might yet have a chance.

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dear all,


been on the fence about the graffndance lately, been out of the illegals in this small town for a couple years (except for a couple) and am going back to school in a few months. I'm going back to actually pursue my passion, if you don't know then you don't know. How does one fit such endeavors into the life without putting it ahead of real life things that can make money, which in my case could also build fame/rrecognition faster than the graffndance? Does one leave behind the thoughts of the young mind to pursue those which are also artistically driven and legal, or does one lay very low and do a thing or two every once in a while to continure the contribution and involvement in the scene? I'm torn and confused. Advice and smartass comments are welcome.



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dear redeye


i continued my graffin career, and sadly, my drinking, throughout pursuing my biochem & molecular bio degree. it was hard.. i also worked full time so i didn't have to take out loans.

i'm pretty happy with how it all turned out.. only thing i'd do differently is not drink so much.

ten years later i have a fantastic career, and i still paint avidly though i don't really do street shit anymore, and i don't care about it... i think i just grew out of it. i have passed on stuff friends have done out of concern for what it could do to my job.. that can also be difficult but sometimes one does have to do the responsible thing...[if that's the right path for you]

long story long, you can do both but it requires a lot of energy and stamina and careful consideration of risk v reward. having a job doing what you love is so essential to living life though, that if you have to quit a hobby to get the job that will satisfy you, then i say just put it on the back burner, sacrifice now too and you have more free time to play later.





dear LUGR


i'll have a look when i get there.

but the place is no joke.. you get done, prepare to spend a lot of time in a small cell with no food or water, 1 shitty toilet and 30 other people. possibly get tortured. cannot fucking get done there. unthinkable.



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Dear Red


for me I just weigh up the pros and the cons, I don't paint all that much but try to as much as possible, I tend to mainly focus on legal walls or chill spots because I want to paint something I am happy with rather than just getting up, however I do go out bombing as well occasionally, I just don't take any excessive risks. Just don't think about it, if you want to go paint do it, if you want to stay home and study then do that, no one dictates what you do apart from yourself, so do what makes you happy.




Dear New Job


Hope Monday goes ok, looking forward to seeing what you are like, funny thinking a legal firm will be contributing towards my illegal activities, it is the little things that make me happy haha



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dear decy...


good luck with the new joab and all that...


funny that. i was just thinkin' aboot this boy i knew who bombed the side of a solicitors office, then further doon the line he got lifted for painting, then went to the same solicitor for legal aid when it was his time up in front of the wig...


then the boy said "i want £250 for damages or i'm gonna fuck up your case and make sure you get thrown in the tin pail..."


dunno what the point of me telling that story was really. just thought you might enjoy theread i suppose...



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Dear Decy,


pob lwc for Monday innit


- grd




Dear Rolf,


did he pay the damages? Kinda serves him right for not going to a different solicitor, you shouldn't shit where you eat n'all that.


- grd




Dear Bobby,


please stop leaving decapitated pigeon heads on the welcome mat. I really do find it awfully upsetting. I'm going to have to have some cake now just to take the edge off.



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dear anyone who wants to see a group of people lift a burning car off of a man










seeing the last video made me smile, even when life hasn't been so great, particularly not this morning at least. Makes my heart soar, humanity might yet have a chance.


Dear Ya,









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dear Grd...


aye! boy said he'd get him thrown in the pokey, so poor laddie took a shiter and paid it on top of his fine... pure belter though... i wouldn't be surprised if the building still had his name on it whilst he walked past it to go in the front door...


dear I_R


tried proppin' you in the duty free...


must spread rep an ah that pish ken?



dear ald man...


get those invoices in soon man iye..?


i could dae with the money asap, as i've squandered a large amount on beer and a coat that's probably aboot as old as myself...



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Dear dears,


after a shaky start my day improved greatly, there's even an awesome new pho spot opened literally around the corner from my house...only for it all to be brought crashing down around my ears when...a fucking bird shat on my shoulder. Bloody typical.


- grd

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