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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear monday,

you were very good for a monday, there was so much i was suposed to get done but sadly i dont give a shit, i did none of it an now have to stress for the rest of the week about it, but im glad i got to have screwdrivers all night and watch seven , it was the perfect pick me up


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12oz familia,

I don't turn to the internet to express my problems or emotional state very often

When my dog passed away and I was waiting until morning to bury her, I came here

to talk about it.


I didn't expect anything special, just a place to vent. You guys really did something cool

by letting me know you both gave a shit and understood. For that I am eternally grateful.


Thank you.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear casek,

Things like a good friend dying

hurts, and I'm sure a lot of us have been through that.

Being a fan of dogs, and I got one myself, I can't imagine

what you had to go through.

Beanie looked like a cool dog, and I'm sorry for your loss.

It takes time to get over, but keep your head up.




Dear song,

Get out of my head.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear pizzy.


what the fucks good. i used to be amused when you'd be all high and drunk. we never got any schemes cracking.





dear everyone else.


do you guys sort of feel like you'd rather be talking to 12oz people online than friends. sure you got like those 5 or 6 friends who are just crew and you talk to them but everyone else is just a boring piece of flesh and 12oz people are far more funny and interesting?


-sXXX <- hate on it

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Oprah,


What the FUCK are you doing telling America that a good way to save a buck is to eat at the bar at a restaurant because you can tip the bartender much less? You rich stupid cunt, this is America's leading industry and we work for tips. If you ever sit at MY bar, I will make sure something bad happens to your food/cocktail. Ya herd.




the Don

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Spiro,


thank you talking me out of drinking all night behind the bar until my 8am flight to Los Angeles. That really was going to be a big mistake, especially once I hit that check in line at LaGuardia.


You're the best happy hour regular a guy could have NH





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Oprah,


What the FUCK are you doing telling America that a good way to save a buck is to eat at the bar at a restaurant because you can tip the bartender much less? You rich stupid cunt, this is America's leading industry and we work for tips. If you ever sit at MY bar, I will make sure something bad happens to your food/cocktail. Ya herd.




the Don


She really said that? Wow haha

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear shop,


you were slow today. but i pretty much finished painting that new cabinet for the apparel. So that's cool...


Dear insides,


I know you're getting tired of shitting liquid. But there is a fully stocked bar here and im not going to give up that perk just to be poopin solid. Man the fuck up.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Boss,

You continually amaze and simultaneously depress me. How does one convince a high volume of rich idiots to marry you?If they wanted a roast beef sandwhich they couldve gone to subway and not your underpants. and how the fuck have you made it this far?


Dear Boyfriend


I'm sorry I wrote asshole on your forearm in self tanner. I cant remember exactly what you said whilst I was drunk that pissed me off. but i do recall laughing at you that night. today. yesterday.I'm sure tomorrow it'll be equally amusing and a vibrant shade of hispanic brown.


(update Marco from Houston; operation ignore ex boyfriend = fail)

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear Took The Time.

thats some funny shit.reminded me of a time i was seeing some guy..im sure he pissed me off as well...i painted french tip on his nails while he was asleep.i was laughin so hard i thought he would wake up.

it was subtle enough,to where he didnt notice for a few hrs after waking. im sure my laughing randomly didnt help disguise it.


thx for the laugh


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear someone,

not sure who im writing this to or why im writing it honestly, i just feel strange... like everyday when i wake up im not sure that its all that grat, the saying same shit different day applies significantly too much here, i keep trying to do new stuff but it doesnt work and i just fall back into routine. the lady has her days where she can make me feel like a million bucks but the other half the time she makes me concerned and feel like i need to be carefull and almost overly suppourtive of anythign she does, while not getting that same kind of suppourt all the time back. Movies dont work, listening or making music doesnt work, and even art is becoming a hassle, i need some time to expand or change or do something that might make me feel nice for a change. any ideas/sugestoins would be much appreciated, and yea do drugs/alcohol but im thinking something that will make me happy for a while not just a little then come back




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Inj,


I don't understand why people choose to be all nasty in the library.

It's been library week for me, and for the 3 days I've been going

I always get some heavy breathing in need of Listerine scum bag

sitting behind me, or some suspect homeless person or some lardtard bitch.

Oh well, at least I get my ace on from studying there haha.Oh and finals are

done monday!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear tux,


i fuckin know what you're saying man. i wish i could offer advice but all i've come up with is medicating my anxiety...... it's helped a little. except it makes me anxious to medicate myself. you think when you are younger that getting older is the shit, but the older i get the more i hate being alive. hope someone will be less depressing for you. sorry, i guess i'm kinda in the same boat.


- c

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Wisetux,

You gotta be patient for things to evolve. Give yourself time. most people are creatures of habit, so breaking habitual patterns is a process. As far as hobby type shit,kinda hard to tell ya without knowing what your into...

and the lady friend, sometimes its important to define what makes you happy, without it being infused or inspired by any one particular person


(sorry, i'm out of weed and was trying to be helpful?)

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear mud and ttt and whoever else,

i got you, i like anything that lets me make someone else smile /nh all the art that i do i try to make it easy to look at and laugh at, i like making people remember their childhood and use the imagination, also i made sure to ignore myown advice and got drunk as shit, things are good for the moment... specifically to ttt the lady situatoin is tough because weve been dating for over two years and its not easy to even rememebr what things were like before we dated, i know i was alot more fuckedup than i am now but at the same time im just a completely different person, alot of the things i do i was inspired from her to do, but now she is giving me negative vibes off of everying, example she showed me these old art magazines that she had and i got really inspired and did a couple paintings where i made a geometric background and then made like one line faces over the whole thing that were a flat color, she hated them and always says that im not gonna go anywhere in life if i keep the attitude i have now going, fuckthatshit, im rambling on now so anyone reading who wants to stop now would be a good time, if your still interested in how fucked my life is however please turn to chapter two, my whole life ideas/religious ideas are basically do good things and help people then you will live a good positive life, stay positie at all times and make other peolpe feel good about themselves, i like having absolutely no idea what tomorow is gonna be like and knowing that at any time i could be gone, so i try to have a positive impact on other people, because in the end all you have is the things youve done, money cant follow you, sucess cant really follow you, all that remains on earth is the stories that youve given people, i really think im much too drunk and im psyched that to my knowledge this all makes such perfect sense but mabye tomorow it wont, but it feels good as shit to have this off my back, thank you 12oz for letting me vent... might be able to sleep tonight! finally


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear drunky,


i wish i was drunk too cause then i would probably have some poignant (wow that's a hard word to spell) shit to say but here goes anyway. plus it's probably for the best, you'll probably be sober too when you read this , if you did in fact go to sleep.


i think all we have in life is our connections with other people and if those people don't do us right fuck em. maybe its the ubermom in me but you should always support your loved ones creativity, even if you don't really care for it. telling you you're not gonna go anywhere cause of your attitude is not very fucking helpful. not fuck that shit ,, FUCKTHATBITCH. you don't need people in your life coming at you with that shit. art is fucking art. its not text book. if you find inspiration in something and create and then get shot down, of course your attitude is going to suck, you just got emotionally bitch slapped. creativity has to be nurtured. that doesn't sound very nurturing at all. that makes me sad that she said that to you. i hope maybe SHE can get a better attitude if you guys are gonna try and stay together. i would totally give you a completely platonic hug /nh (not sure if that really applies for girl/boy hugs) if we were friends irl. you might not want it when you're sober though. now i'm just rambling. my point is : fill your life with positive people maybe. if you can. i hate advice, really. but you might get my point.


- puddles

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