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dear micah,


i agree....a TCL meeting is definitely in order....but i dont know about the battered beaver being the tcl headquarters, because theres already a club where i'd fall in love....its called "club bounce" and its in alhambra, ca....nothing but the hottest chubby and fat girls.


heres a link:






p.s. i am down to hit up oakdale, ca for the chocolate festival though....that shit sounds good!

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dear american government...


please keep your great big fuckin' nose well oot of my country's dealings...


you are a bunch of sick fucks takin' photos of a man on his death bed...


and to let you in on a little secret... the mother fucker who planted the bomb on the plane actually works as a caretaker in a school in washington. not too far fae yir white hoose...



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dear darren...


i'm sorry i didn't make it today. i never knew... i don't buy a local newspaper, and i don't have a facebook... plus our only mutual friend was out of the country...


i can't understand why you done that to yourself... you were always a confident, good looking and outspoken guy. always a laugh to be with.


i really wish i could've been there today buddy. i'd have been by your grave with my fuckin' silicone stained overalls on with plasterboard in my hair..


i know we went our seperate ways and all, but i'd always make a point of chiilin' with you and buying you a drink whenever i seen you.


you were never unplesant to be around... i wish we could have one last game o' pool together,,,


why leave your mum and wee sister like that man fuck!


r.i.p man...

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dear person that may have jacked my itouch,


theres only 4 of you on that shift. it better magically appear tomorrow, or you better pray we dont ever figure out who you are. i'm not even mad its gone, i've had it for years and i'm surprised i havent lost/broke/had it stolen yet. i'm also not the only one whose mad about this, cause now everyone else has to be weary of their shit being stolen. you fucked up, and there will be hell to pay, probably officially, and certainly unofficially.



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Dear pay day,

YAY!! Putting up with bullshit is worth it!



Dear cali,

Yes you can borrow $20. I'm dead serious too.



Dear Rolf,

To answer your props comment, I've been working and going to school at the same time,

while balancing life and managing a faulty relationship. Life is good.

Where have you been?


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dear ex,



please stop trying to hang out with me and my friends. the only time we enjoy your company is when you're rocking oven mits and i hear that timer on the oven go off.


but foreal though, you're the only person i know that does coke and GAINS weight. how the fuck is that?



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dear american government...


please keep your great big fuckin' nose well oot of my country's dealings...


you are a bunch of sick fucks takin' photos of a man on his death bed...


and to let you in on a little secret... the mother fucker who planted the bomb on the plane actually works as a caretaker in a school in washington. not too far fae yir white hoose...




on behalf of 12oz



what are you sqwuakin about?

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Dear friend joining the Navy,


while being stuck on a ship with 200+ men seems like it'd be awesome now, I'm sure in a few months it will have definitely lost it's shine. Still, I'm looking forward to your goodbye weekend!






Dear Mardi Gras,


I'll apologise for my bad behaviour now.






Dear Mama,


thank you for making my debauched weekend possible, you were right, I totally do need it. You're beyond awesome, rydw i yn Caru chi hefo holl fy nghalon.



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dear short bus


U were great thursday. Picked me up at my house took me to school and then home for 8 dollars round trip. But why u trippin about tuesday? I still need to get home from school. I still dont have a car. I still got places to be and im really not tryin to ride the regular bus with all them transfers and 3 hours sitting on the damn bus among bus people.


love abcs

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dear daz...


visited your grave today... things hit home pretty hard, heard the turn out was huge...

and i'm really sorry i missed it.


dear helen and mick...


cheers for the directions...



dear mate's fat pal the day in the pub...


that latino pencil thin beard doesn't really work when you happen you have more chins than a chineese phone book...


however i would like to know how you decide which chin to set the beard to...



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