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Dear ssouls,

I think you'll hate being my height... you would

probably only last a couple of dayz. It suckss =/




Dear Cali,

I got there at 9 and it was packed on mcallister n hyde, I was gonna just try to pry my way into the front ssince people could see over me anywaysss, but people were being asshurt so I ended up in the middle of this:

The crowd


-sssey seey!


Dear "S" key,

why do you ssuck right now? I have to presss you a million timesss harder for you to work!!

-ssey sssey!!

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dear seyer,


yeah, me and my homie were right up against the metal railings...got to see the players really up close...i woulda totally let you get in front of me.

before the parade started, these two girls got behind us, and eventually we let them stand in front of us (cause they were cute)....my friend ended up flirting with one of the girls and they shared some candy with us...and i still got good pictures because they were short.



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Dear cali,

Damn, sshould've looked for you there!

In the middle of that crowd there was probably 4 people around me that passed out.

Shit was bananas for a while. Talked to a bunch of random sstrangers and made a couple of new friends. I bet you got good flicks, I'm just assuming you're tall (tall to me at least since i'm hella short) haha


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dear mass,


its cause we have 3 huge cities where graffti runs rampant....san francisco, l.a., and san diego.





dear ssn,


i uploaded a bunch of pictures for you to see in the MLB thread...i made sure to upload them in the order of the parade, so you could experience the whole thing through my eyes.



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dear mass,


oh, i already know!

you live in the birthplace/mecca of graffiti.




dear NOES,


simple solution...make another account!

ive got two photobucket accounts.




dear free,


i actually dont really know...last time i was there was about a year and a half ago, and saw some cool shit out there...it wasnt crushed as hard as sf or l.a., but it had a fair amount, but i wouldnt know any specific writers cause im from sacramento.



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Dear 12oz,


I had some cocaine earlier and I just finished smashing for almost 2 hours, my dick is fucking sore. Now my squeeze is going to get some snacks.


Life is good. Drugs aren't.


... only sometimes, though.




Dear gym,


Ill go to you on saturday, I just bought the Dexter box set (seasons 1-4) today and Im going to drink beer and eat junk food while watching that shit all day tommorow.




Dear people who thinks Im a piece of shit,


I do have a job, fuck you.






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