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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear fourteenkay,


dig the bike mang! throw some gears on that bitch! do you have to use one of those ugly chain tensioner things?


tell the gals youre growing your hair out so u can use the money youd b spending on haircuts to help various charities. ;) fabio lookin muh fuh






/still have yet to find any kraken in oregon. 0day rum

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear red,


congrats on 1k.




dear invest,






dear marco,


we will most likely roll out to reno....trust me, the 2 and a half hour drive to visit sac isnt worth it....sac hasnt really got anything too interesting to see...lol





dear bfish,


it was cool seeing you today! :)




dear ssn,


sorry about ordering the spicy tuna stuffed jalapenos.

my eyes teared up and my nose was watering too!




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




Go to the website. they have a list of liquor stores and what nots that have it. Also im taking back to a fixed. So fuck you. Also i love you. Also my hair is rad. Also im going on salary soon.


My beds cold without you :(



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




props for the promotion, atta baby! if i wasnt saving hella $$ right now, id come down for a lil madness. i think myself and filthypeter are going to reno for a few days during spring break...hollar if u wanna do the damn thing over there...


ps - you need to buy a body pillow, rub irish spring and weed all over it so it has my scent, then cuddle it while you pretend its me as you close your eyes and hum 'careless whispers' . /nh

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear invest,

thats good news bro.




dear girl,

we've been on and off since like october, and you never got far enough out of my mind to be able to move on, you told me you cared about me, and you feel safe with me and that im one of few people that you can actually talk to, on saturday night i met up with you when we were out and we kissed, I know you felt it.

yesterday we watched the superbowl, then when i left you kissed me again, and hugged me, and want to hang out again before the free week.

how come when you're not around you seem a billion times more distant, and adopt the not really feeling it attitude? can you please make up your mind, we're obviously gonna end up together.



dear muddles,


how you holding up man?


hope everything's good.




dear midterm,

tomorrow its business math, wednesday its macroeconomics, if both of you could be very easy, i would really appreciate it, like you have no idea.

oh, and that paper thats due tomorrow, if you could be easy, that'd be cool to.

- pullinganallnighteroner.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear fat people on the biggest loser,


stop fucking crying-

not all of you have issues with your glands

not all of you have self esteem issues

let's face it some of you are lazy motherfuckers.

I mean seriously 1.75 hours to walk 1 kilometer?

how did you get to that state? wait your glands forced you to dink 4 litres of coke a day?


schnitzel is the biggest loser

but not due to weight loss

but due to the fact he was too tired after the gym to change the channel.


dear hayley lewis (presenter of Australia's Biggest loser series)

Oh you would so get it!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sac,

i had a wonderful time.

<3 ssn


dear cali,

thank you for my lovely lunch date.

the sushi was delicioso even though

i was sweating and tearing from

the spiciness.

see you in a couple of weeks.

<3 ssn


dear bfish,

poor little sicky.

it was great seeing you.

next time we need to meet on

your day off.

get better soon.

<3 ssn


dear stan,

i gave bfish your

very important message and

we laughed thanks to you.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Girlfriend,


I told you, if you want to click back and forth on "The Bachelor: on the wings of Douche," you can't expect me not to be a dick. So when I said "I hate this fucking guy, I hope his dick falls off in the shower, and I hope all those bitches find lumps in the morning" --you should have expected it.


I'm glad you laughed, even though it was one of those laugh of shock kind of laughs, it was still a laugh.


Fuck those people, throw them in a Volcano.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Earl,


no disrespect, we go way back on the oz. but you're dating a girl that watches the bachelor...


im bummed on you right now....



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear T14K,


She doesn't watch it. Nothing was on TV so she was bouncing around. She only likes to watch things like that to talk shit, but she can't handle my level of shit talk. She doesn't understand I'm a shit talking robot sent from the future to hate on everything and kill John Connor.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear caligula,


congrats on breaking personal records! someone has to sex the fluffy girls.





dear lil wayne,


even though you are going to jail i am assuming you will still release 415 mixtapes next year.





ps... ill send you a postcard soaked in liquid lsd if you want, but i expect a shout out in a song pending your release.

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