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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo





it was 4 in the morning as i stood looking at a hastily stenciled four foot comp heels with the wind blowing through all the layers of my clothing chilling me to the core. as i sat my backpack down the first thought in my head was " please if there is a god ,dont let the fucking ny thins clog up on me..i only have two and cant find my stock caps anywhere.






p.s one clogged but it didnt start raining till i was done



sincerely elis

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear brother,


there are less creepy ways to tell me that i look decent after having 2 kids than "i would check you out, if you weren't my sister" cause that kinda implies you did check me out, you being a dude and all. but thanks, you've never been good with words. or expressing positive output of any kind. love you bro. no incest.


- love your sister

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear unemployment,


while at first I loved you so much for all the free time you afforded me, I don't love you any more!


this is why I'm so glad to tell you to fuck off bitch goddess!!!!!!!


I loved the way you allowed me to travel to America and Canada.

And I love how you allowed me to get a cash in hand job working for a distributor of mail order pornography which paid for another 2 months for very little effort.


And I loved how you allowed me to paint nearly 100 pieces this year!

But all in all fuck right off


I got a job and as a final parting shot to you unemployment goddess my new job is the highest paying job I've ever had!

Bye bye


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Chinatown Bakery,


My scallion bacon roll tasted like shit this morning. The bacon was tough and the scallions tasted way to bitter to be fresh. Please don't go slipping on this. You've been really good to me for the past month. I like getting a fulfilling breakfast for under $4.00. Don't make me switch to the other spot with the rude wonky eyed bitch working the counter.










Dear Marco,


Welcome to the Uncle club. My nephews only get to see me twice a year, and I always make it worth while by saying the most extremely offensive shit I can think of. Last Thanksgiving I turned to my oldest nephew and said "Well, I need to take a shit. You want to come and watch?"


He'll never be the same again.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Tio Marco,

Congrats sir!

Being an uncle is some awesome business.

I remember my aunties and uncle being

pretty cool beans to be around. Its like

being a grandpa but younger. Cuz you

can babysit and take them cool places but

then you get the luxury of sending them home.

:] B. fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear milk,

time for the birds and the beezzzzzzzz.

also, dude is here over the weekend if

you guys wanna kick it?

<3 ssn


dear bfish,

can't you have it resized again?

should be able to.

we went looking for wedding rings over

the weekend.

it's not really snowing.


<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dearest suki san-

Yeah my ma was telling me I could do that.

I dont think it will be that expensive.

And I really really like that one. So my fingers are crossed.

How did your search go? keepers?

I wish winter would hurry up & get to getting.

I want to go snowboarding.

Actually...I like fall a lot. I have determined that

it is my favorite season. But. Would

like to go snowboarding. I have never gone.

<3 Teeny fish

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