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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear kids in the room above me

why, why must you be so annoying... there is no need to play techno for 24 hours straight, its annoying as shit

on a better note

dear me,

good job you studied and got a 99% on that test, good job im such a smartkid


and dear mud,

youll get em next time

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear White Castle,


You guys should make me take a breathalyzer test before I order a sack of 10 cheeseburgers, chicken rings, 2 fries and 2 beverages(!?!) for myself at 5:55am in the drive thru while riding in a taxi. Worse yet, I ate the entire meal while passing out to Young Guns II.


-The Don/blaze of glory

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear family,


when your non-card carrying son asks you to buy a bus ticket to be repaid in full, please do it. now i can't smash crazy batshit italian girl. she totally wanted it too, i had it all set. the mack is strong with this one. how you gonna cockblock me? really now, it was simple.


i would have sent nudes too, if you wanted them. probably not, but i might as well offer.




dear 12oz,


i broke my self promo rule, again. i'm sorry. it won't happen again.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




if you are going to send me a 60 page spreadsheet with like 50 lines per page could you at least put it in SOME discernable order? i mean there is no rhyme or reason! not claim#, status, date received, patient name, date of service, charges..... nothing. fuck, i mean you are the government but come on!! medicare does better!


- i hate you


dear oontzers,


sorry for the work rants. i got no other outlet....


- puddles

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear ssn,


youre co-worker, me and some fried chicken....soon!




dear triple T,


i been good...just workin and stackin chips..like pringles.




dear king tut,


i will be at your exhibit soon...dont let me down.




dear san francisco,


parking better not be a bitch when im out there.







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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear myself,


the fuck is wrong with you man? Why you hung up on your ex like that? she dumped you and got back together with her ex man, why are you even giving her the time of day?

c'mon son, the girl to guy ratio at this school is 8:1, granted there are a few butter's and a ton of chubs, the fuck you doing man?

get out there and fuck.

The dose that has been drinking and speaks the truth oner.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear NYC board of health food handling online test:


I really hate waiting 15 minutes for each lesson to take the quiz, I can read the shit in like 2 minutes and the questions are common sense. I can't believe I need this certificate as a bartender now that "ice" is considered food.


-kthx-Don Cheadle

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dose,


you said it best yourself.


GET OUT THERE AND FUCK. no matter the ratios, you're in college!! plus the ex sounds like a total cuntbag. oh and, don't anyone let you feel bad for smashing a few butters! i got faith in you man.




dear sm,


thanks! i hope so, even if it is cold and rainy! and you are up early so i'm totally wishing you the same!



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear sf residents,


if you see a black single speed schwinn being rode by somebody in pacific heights, punch them in the fucking face. they could possibly be the nigger that stole my bicycle. if it turns out it's their bike, just say "my bad", they'll understand.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bfish.

12 oz heard you were bored today, so it attached a few

pictures for you to look at.



Dear Dose,

Keep it covered.



(ill try this again)


Dear Heart.

piece yourself together and get off the floor.

Leave that thinking shit for my brain.



Love you all



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