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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear jo koy,


you are fucking hilarious....im glad you finally came out to sacramento...you are even more funny live than on tv!....great fucking show....i laughed A LOT!



dear tomorrow,


woohoo!!....my favorite day of the year!!





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear John,


You will be missed. I don't forgive you for killing yourself, but I love you man... no matter what. I'm sorry I couldn't have been there for you more often, and maybe I was a bad friend, I'm not sure. Regardless I'll miss you so much buddy.


Love, c-walk

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dead B-fish,


I know the horrors of driving with oldies.

Recently I took a 10 hour trip to Oregon with my grandparents..which goes without saying, terrible as fuck.




alive and healthy chubbs,

I know that there are two casinos on the way to oregon...(I have traveled

with old people most of my life)...did you stop there too?

The trip wasnt extremely terrible. Just a lot of stops at casinos and

talk about physical ailments,cancer, diabetes stuff like that.

That type of talk has its place and it was interesting

to be around it for an extended period of time but I am really happy to be home

where I can ride my bike, drink coffee while listening to heathen music, and uh jog.

Why where you traveling with thee oldies...did you go to a reunion or something?

Talk your head off-B. Fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear marco,


thanks!...i want to see flicks of the chubby chica you holla at...props if you get her to flash the camera!..lol...virgos ftw!


dear ssn,


thanks!...have fun in korea...bring me back a chubby korean girl for a bday gift...yeah..secret swim spot didnt happen cause i was too busy to organize it, so you didnt miss anything.



dear ttt,


thanks!...have fun on your birfday...21 is big!...so make sure you do it up big!..then take flicks, and post em up on 12oontz!



dear leotuck,


thanks...oh and co-sign traffic...fuck traffic!!


dear bfish,


thanks!...how you been?...when we making our thread????





p.s. thanks to all the 12oz love

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear edoggy,


Hope you're not dying. That wouldn't be cool.


-Christopher Walkin



Dear rest of 12oz,


Have you ever had a friend of yours kill themselves? Just this past weekend a good friend of mine hung himself... It's been up and down for me with being pissed off at him and being really upset about it. I know this isn't the best place for advice but I can't talk to anyone about it because all the friends that we both had in common don't talk to me anymore.


-rffrgkhjoierjgrokdrgkoreergfrijn!!! walker

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear C-Walk,

It's hard losing a friends. Don't take it personal. Whatever they were going through, there is no point in getting mad about it. It's your job now to remember your friend fondly. Make sure noone forgets them. We do an art benefit for our friend who passed away several years ago. The money goes to scholorship funds for college art students. It brings us all together and we remember him. When the world thinks of him, they think good thoughts and it makes me feel good he is appreciated even after he is gone. Sadness is okay, jusrt don't make it your excuse to not do anything.


My loveand support go to you C-Walker, Texas Ranger



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Santana,


I appreciate that. I just heard that they are doing a Art scholarship in his name here at our University, which makes me so happy. He was such a helpful kind kid and he gets to help people for years to come even though he's no longer with us. It's a huge thing to have some positive spin on this. Thanks again.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear hipster at bar last night,


just to let you know, that "drink" that you swiped from that empty table last night was acctually MY VOMIT!!!!! no im not kidding, i had drank way to much and after that last shot of whiskey i lost it in my empty pint glass before i could get to the bathroom. you fucking moron i cant believe u drank half of it before you realized it. just watching you drink it made me and my girl wanna puke AGAIN! maybe if you wrnt so coked out and you might have noticed.sucks for you.


-----the slayer

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Jazz concert last night,


How fucking awesome were you.. At one point you had Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, Chaka Khan, Bill Conners and Stevie Wonder on stage for a cover of Porgy&Bess.. Fucking crazy..




Seems like I can't give props to anyone today..

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