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I wanna see your...........PETS!

Zack Morris

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!



it's great because when it gets super overwhelming, kick into overdrive finding them a home.

same with puppies

fuck dealing with them, just foster a few for a couple weeks


i have two now, i have considered fostering some for a pug rescue, but i travel/work and it's hard to commit to. awesome to have that many dogs though if you have the space/time.

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My ex's neighbours stopped letting their cat in when they found out she was pregnant a little while ago, she''s only a year old. I'd very much like to set them alight but..my ex took her in and about ten minutes ago she had her 6th kitten. I'm amazed, she's tiny herself but my cousin is a veterinary nurse and she just called to say they're all doing well.


So it appears I'll be adding another two cats to the household. I'm terrified at the prospect of how many extra dead birds on the doorstep this will add up to but I couldn't say no. One will be named Stephen and for the other I'm leaning towards Reginald or Odysseus.

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


i have two now, i have considered fostering some for a pug rescue, but i travel/work and it's hard to commit to. awesome to have that many dogs though if you have the space/time.




my dogs and my rescue work seriously cramps my style but i love em so i gotta.


i've also often repeated what i once heard from a shelter: 8-10 hours in a crate while the owner is at work is worlds better than 24/7 in a shelter til death

my facebook feed is nothing but needy dogs so don't mind me, i'm only trying to help them


of course i understand everyone has their limits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


My pittie-mix "Rusty" with a few of my cats....





My cat "Savi" about 2 weeks after my son rescued him...thinks Rusty is his Mother...






This is "She-Ra"...am rescuing/adopting her from the Manh ACC where she was abandoned outside the shelter, she's 7 years old, of all the millions of desperate critters on my faceache feed, this one really broke my heart....a vet got private funding to pay for her eye removal surgery/spay...My friend's rescue pulled her, so she's off the kill list...she should be here any day now...






So...that brings the cat population up to 12 plus: 1 dog, 1 bird, 2 flies, 1 human...

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


My ex's neighbours stopped letting their cat in when they found out she was pregnant a little while ago, she''s only a year old. I'd very much like to set them alight but..my ex took her in and about ten minutes ago she had her 6th kitten. I'm amazed, she's tiny herself but my cousin is a veterinary nurse and she just called to say they're all doing well.


So it appears I'll be adding another two cats to the household. I'm terrified at the prospect of how many extra dead birds on the doorstep this will add up to but I couldn't say no. One will be named Stephen and for the other I'm leaning towards Reginald or Odysseus.


Don't you hate birds? surely dead ones on the dorrstep is a good start to the day?

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


manhattan ACC is a death dealing facility

i hate that place.


fostered 2 out of that hellhole, saved about 5


YOU are fabulous!!!


...Kindred spirits...I admire your heart...Thanks for saving those critters!!!


Never went to ACC shelter, but adopted dogs from no kill rescue's that pulled from there.


Usually people just call me if there's an urgent rescue or I find strays on my own (my son also finds critters, brings them to me & then yells at me for having too many...? oh well, I'm glad he's empathetic & caring toward the helpless furbabies...he's quite a wonderful man...I know I've done SOMETHING right as a Mom...)


Sometimes I really despise humans for their speciest fucked up-ness...

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Re: I wanna see your...........PETS!


NEED HELP..HOW TO CARE FOR A BLIND CAT who's unfamiliar with new surroundings...???

Any advice/tips/do's & don'ts...would be much appreciated.


Adopting a cat, "She-Ra", 7 yr old female, pulled from Manh ACC Kill Shelter, she'll be having surgery to remove left eye & found out today that she's BLIND in other eye!!!


Have a dog, 8 cats, 3 kittens...prob scare the daylights out of her.

I'm sure you can imagine all the problems/issues on my mind right now, don't want her to be crated all the time, want her to feel/be safe though.


Have dealt with all kinds of pet health issues before, but never a situation like this...


Thanks .<3....

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All these awesome pitts, I think I'm going to have to get one.


Alfie just caught a huge spider and ate it. That's a ton now, it's gross. He caught two grasshoppers, at the same time the other day, I'm not even sure how he did it. He brought them both into the kitchen and looked at me all earnest like. He's great at catching moths though and he takes them into the garden once he's got them, he's my hero.

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