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The Skateboard Thread


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You said dude dropped off the foundation and popped off the bump from the dirt to the sidewalk, defying all logic and laws of gravity.



As if popping off where he did defies any less laws of gravity and or logic.


I said it "looks like" he was popping off the bump, and I even said "I could be wrong".


Go give DOW another handjob.

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Says the jackass who jumped in to support that other jackass's argument about Danny Way and his super sick style on the "super ramp".


Weren't you a full blown tampon boy like two weeks ago?




no one said it was super sik *troll face*


and its been like a month since that happened br0.


but you, hypothesizing that the guy ollie-excuse me, "bumped" off the crack on the ground (which if you look is too big to really even bump-pop off of) up that high ass ledge just makes you sound like a dumb wannabe hesh'ster fag. like who else in the world but YOU would possibly even consider that thats what happened?



youve lost your touch old man.

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Yes dropping off of a ledge then hitting a bump and then launching off of it somehow really does defy much more logic then just going fast and ollieing the gap...




You know what, you're right.

I don't know what I was thinking guessing that chest high ollies could be achieved ollieing off of a bump.

There really is no logic in that.

All logic points to chest high ollies only being achieved after first clearing a gap.

You too can ollie chest high if you go fast enough and clear a gap first.

No bump or performance enhancing drugs necessary.

I now see the light.




That V-neck you're rockin in the BSM thread however does in fact violate all laws of gravity and logic.

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no one said it was super sik *troll face*


and its been like a month since that happened br0.


but you, hypothesizing that the guy ollie-excuse me, "bumped" off the crack on the ground (which if you look is too big to really even bump-pop off of) up that high ass ledge just makes you sound like a dumb wannabe hesh'ster fag. like who else in the world but YOU would possibly even consider that thats what happened?



youve lost your touch old man.


A month since what happened?

The "super ramp" or your full blown tampon status where everybody was telling you to get lost?


Instead of even attempting to respond to the rest of your post reverting back to you thinking that I'm some wannabe Duane Peters, I'm just gonna go ahead let you play yourself with that one.

Cause even the people who hate me on here would have a good laugh at that.

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A month since what happened?

The "super ramp" or your full blown tampon status where everybody was telling you to get lost?


Instead of even attempting to respond to the rest of your post reverting back to you thinking that I'm some wannabe Duane Peters, I'm just gonna go ahead let you play yourself with that one.

Cause even the people who hate me on here would have a good laugh at that.


the tampon thing bruh bruh. i did make the thread jokingly complaining that my tampz were going away, then the next day i had a full rack of tic tacs. wasnt expecting that


no one even mentioned duane peters homie. but you be comin' with your wannabe heshian perspective on shit and getting shut down. lol at you trying to save face here. umad that everyones pointing out how stupid your idea that he managed to pop up a chest high ledge from a crack was. thats about it. and im sure others get a great laugh at you because you always assume you know what your talking about when alot of times you just sound like a dummy.




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gasface...just curious...when did you start skateboarding?


I started around 9th grade?

92 or 93?

I don't recall the exact year, but it was spring and figuring out how to ollie was a pretty good feeling.


Pepe Martinez was fucking dope.

Watch your mouth.


Harold Hunter was good back in the day but kinda fell off over time.


Neither were bad at what they did, but neither deserved to be pro.

Both skated slow too, so...boring.


Harold Hunter was around since before bearing covers and fat tongues.

Sounds like you're just hating on the time period that he was on top of his game.


I don't care how long he was around.

Lots of guys are around forever and never do anything noteworthy or evolve.

That time period was awful and so was his skating if you are holding him to PROFESSIONAL standards.

Slow skating, tiny wheeled, gangster skater, wigger nonsense.

<-------Hater gonna' hate.


I mean, how many industries support and keep professionals on the payroll who aren't working their ass off and progressing? Eventually, companies started realizing this and trimmed the fat and got kids who busted their asses on boards to skate for them and not just inside of perfectly built marble playgrounds like Pulaski Park and Love where many of the pros just sat around smoking weed and putting on a show to sell some wigger image to teenage dipshits who viewed skating as just their next passing fad to latch on to.

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You know what, you're right.

I don't know what I was thinking guessing that chest high ollies could be achieved ollieing off of a bump.

There really is no logic in that.

All logic points to chest high ollies only being achieved after first clearing a gap.

You too can ollie chest high if you go fast enough and clear a gap first.

No bump or performance enhancing drugs necessary.

I now see the light.




That V-neck you're rockin in the BSM thread however does in fact violate all laws of gravity and logic.


Westgates gap is rad, arguing over who has the best style on mega ramp is not, actually even arguing over Westgates gap is stupid, it's simply awesome...


Dylan Rieder wears V necks, but I guess you can skate better than him coz you're so death core man skaten round in your vans/dickies, Antwuan says hi, fade nigger fade...

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That time period was awful


That era defined the sport as we have it today.

Before then there were very few pro "street" skaters or video parts for street.

There were finally a few pro's who didn't bounce to LA and stayed back east.

It was also before shit was considered cool or acceptable and turned into another trend or jock $port.

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Certain pros that pushed limits molded it into what it is today.

Not just a select few curb monkeys from the east coast that decided to 'keep it real.'

There were great skaters during that era, but for the love of god, try finding them in the videos between the 30 minute manual pad/pressure flip sections on flat ground going slower than a crippled snail.


Plus, Gonz, Natas & the Bones Brigade were paving the way street skating was supposed to go, then it stalled due to tons of retards doing the above mentioned awfulness and companies marketing that garbage.

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You're putting words in my mouth.

I said Pepe Martinez & Harold Hunter didn't deserve to be pro, because they skated slow & did nothing but flatland tricks.

Then I said pressure flip and manual pad era of JNCO jeans in skating sucked.

That era lasted 2-3 years tops.

UMAD because you confused yourself.





P.S.-If you think all those older guys are worse than the ones you are sticking up for, you have problems. All of those older guys still kill it & can skate everything. All the pressure flip people...where are they?

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This is right back to the 'table of old men at mcdonalds arguing about highschool sports' thing.


How about we throw down and all skate together and stop whining? Ok? Ok. We've been doing that no problem over hurr in the northeast. I dunno about y'all, but actually skating is way more fun than arguing about whose kickflip gets your dick harder because it's got more steez.


Just sayin`. Everyone over here in the northeast seems to get that at least, since we actually skate up here.

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