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  • 4 months later...

so what.

is what

what ever

the smell of ganja makes me sick

and its all around me at work..

fools doin 15 on a forklift all chinee eyed..

and there is never enough money after a paycheck

so what i moved in with

he's 13 months not mine

but after a 40 hour week that smile shines

i dropped the l word to her..but before i winced

so what thats what..what

and she's just as crazy as i am if not more...but how you gonna hate on stephen king though?

friday night rambling under a drunken haze

not a once kept on track..and she snores.



midi maps

midnight vultures

massive attacks mezzanine

and offbeat cowbells still give me goosebumps

deep triangle synth sounds in my basement c2 808 kicks under rick rubin

saturday after bar party my house..you o.d i steal your shit fam dont snitch




so what

long glances in the mirror

coulda swore that hairline was farther down

still cant walk white folk lock the doors

cars in town as if you got what i want


peace of mind chalk hopscotch on the sidewalk

somebody to explain to me what kool kieth is talking about..the original rain not the dj krush remix and to not get into fights at dj shadow concerts..

so what

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Tendency is the cause of death.


We look upon the dark sky where there is nothing to see.


Everything is blind.


There is no such thing as no color in the world, its everywhere.


Being invisible is the key to happiness.


You can hide everything, even your shame.


Everyone has the tendency to look upon each other and pawn against each other's face.


We don't get why we are here.


Do you ever ask why you woke up this morning?


Why did you let your body fall asleep?


Why do dreams reseamble abstratic visions on what it looks like it might happen in the future?


Timetravel over the Timestream and see all the mistakes in the world.


See how much dead flowers you can count.


There is no time to look back nor foward.


A flat beat comes about, are we alive or are we dead?


Better yet, are you awake or dead?

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So I'm over my friend's apartment...and we're just sitting around in the living room.


He's got this pile of rope underneath his table...and I pick it up...and he's like...you don't wanna touch that...


So I drop it because I Figure that's his sex rope...and while I may not have any inclinations to hog tie women...I don't judge, I know what kind of shit they get into, I just let it go...


So then I find this switch blade under his table...and I start playing around with that...and he's like...You don't want to touch that either.


So I'm thinking the handle...ok...weird so I just drop it.


Then he says...well you can touch the handle...just don't touch the blade.


This fucking perplexed me...what in the shit could he be doing with it...The obvious answer is cutting up his bitch. But that's not likely because he's already got a separate scalpel kit for that left over from his super emo ex girlfriend. She used to climb up top, cut herself, then rub the blood on him and say something psuedo poetic like, "Now we are one." It was a decent set of scalpels too...jacked it from the supply room of a hospital or some shit.


So I'm trying to think of what he could possibly be doing with a 4 inch switch blade and he notices this...so as always...he just volunteers...


-Yeah dude, in case you're wondering...that blade has been in her

Me: In her? What the fuck are you doing? cutting her up in there? That's seriously fucked.

-Naw man, that's fucking weird...read that blade...says stainless steel

Me: And?

-Shit is cooold...the cool stainless steel combined with the fear of getting cut...makes her juice like crazy.


He ignored my reaction, and continued flying around in his jetpack in San Andreas.

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I was sitting in the front patio area of my house with a few friends when Lindsay made her appearance at the table with us on a fine Summer night. She had just gotten off of work and for some reason she pulled up and parked in front of the house even though she had her parking space in the back. I thought this was odd but figured she was probably going to run to the store in a minute or something. She looked around at everyone and sat down for only a brief second before springing back up and awkwardly announcing that she had to go inside to do something. When she went in, everyone at the table looked around at each other with unanimous “what the hell was that?” looks on their faces. A few minutes she darted back out the door without stopping and yelled out “I have to run to Julia's to return this soldering iron!” She waved the soldering iron in the air frantically as proof. She'd had that soldering iron for six months. It was sitting collecting dust inside our broken dishwasher that we used for storage. Did Julia really need it that badly at eleven p.m. On a Wednesday? Wait...Wednesday. The Pirate's Cove was on Tuesday nights but there was a scenester crowded clone of it at a place called the Phantasy right down the street from Julia's on...you guessed it, Wednesday. As she made her way to the car I yelled back “Hey, if you're returning a soldering iron, why do you have a change of clothes hidden under your arm?” My friends nervously laughed and then fell silent. “I...I'll be right back...Half an hour!” She threw the car into drive like she was leaving a bank robbery. I already knew what was up, so did all my friends. “So we goin' after her?” Said my friend Luke. I nodded and we all stood up, slammed our beers and headed for the car. We were probably fifteen minutes behind her at this point, just enough of a lead to let her get to Julia's, hop into her alter ego and make it to the club. We rounded the corner and were now a few hundred feet from the building we were heading for. As we rolled by, my heart stopped. There was Lindsay, sitting with a group of people on a stoop outside of the club, dressed to the nines, cigarette in hand. I didn't even know she smoked. The car was still rolling but I swung my door open and lunged out into the crowd of people near her. I screamed out her name and the crowd disbursed like guppies from a shark. She tried to mash the cigarette out under her foot and compose herself but it was too late for that. “What the hell is wrong with you? What are you doing out here?” She had no answer for me as her and a friend began to clop away in their pointy shoes. I grabbed her by the arm and jerked her back to me and asked the question again. I know had a n audience but I didn't care, I knew if some guy tried to play hero I had my friends on the sidelines. What I didn't factor in was that I wasn't in Cleveland anymore, I was in the neighboring suburb called Lakewood. The Police here are on point like a decimal. Our shouting match continued no longer than four minutes before I was surrounded by three Police cars all pulled in and angled around me. Most of the cops had their hands on their guns and were giving me the staredown. Lindsay of course used this tactical advantage to make her exit with her friend who had called them on me. After a few seconds I calmed down and began to explain the situation to the Police in full detail. Fortunately for me they were all guys about my age and a few even began to sympathize with me by the end. “Look buddy, we're not gonna' arrest you. Just go home and wait for her. Do NOT go into that club after we leave...got it?” was all I needed to hear. Things could've turned out a lot worse than this. I took that as my cue for me and my friends to get in the car and turn tail home. I sat and waited as usual. I didn't bother to call anymore, wasn't worth it. Two thirty came, then four, then I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning alone in my bed. She had never been there. I wasn't surprised.


I figured I'd let her blow off some steam and go to work from where ever she was (my guess was Julia's). I'd talk to her when she came home tonight. That whole day I ached to call her. It's funny how when things were at their worst was when I loved her the most. Anytime the phone rang that day I scrambled for it, only to be let down by a telemarketer or something equally unappealing. Evening set in and I made sure that I didn't have a house full of guys over for when she came home. I didn't have a drop to drink either. I just wanted all the craziness to end. It was now ten thirty, I should hear the squeak of her car door any second now. Ten thirty came and went as did the hour following, still no Lindsay. I began to break a sweat and my pulse began to thump, it was time to call her. I dialed her number and my heart raced as the tone of the phone ringing in my ear echoed through me. I got her voicemail, damn. I knew she was off of work by now so I called right back only to get her voicemail again. Third time's a charm, right? Bingo! I heard her pick up and say “what do you want?” in a very dry tone. I put on my best humble sounding voice and began to talk to her about my day as if nothing happened, it wasn't flying well. She began tearing into me about the previous night and I took it like a champ. “Look...I just want you to come home. Let's talk about it when you get here.” was the last thing I was hoping to say over the phone, instead she said “I'm not coming home” and I began to panic. I pleaded with her to reconsider but she wasn't having it. I could tell she was serious too. T his was it, this was the bomb dropping. I began to cry, scream, cuss and spit but nothing was swaying her (You'd think all those charming things would.) She told me that she was going to stay at Julia's for a few days and that we could talk after that. That was a good sign at least. I agreed to give her the few days alone without any contact. I knew it was going to hurt but I had to do it. We hung up and the silence was deafening. I had never felt this awful in my life before. Everything that had happened to me up to this point combined couldn't equal up to what I was feeling right now. I layed there the rest of the night alone in the dark...again.


I woke the next morning and the first thoughts in my head were those that I had suppressed a few weeks ago. The feelings of worthlessness and angst had returned with a vengeance. I moped around that day feeling sorry for myself and hating the world. All I could think about was hearing Lindsay 's voice around this quiet house again. Honestly, I wouldn't care if she brought the cast of the Pirate's Cove to our house to party at this point. Her and her ironic friends could do a conga line through the house if that meant she was back to stay. Something told me it was going to take a lot more than wishful thinking to get her back this time, if she'd even come back at all. It took all my strength to do the everyday things that week. I dragged myself to work and forced smiles towards the direction of my friends faces. After two days of her being officially gone I caved in and called her. I knew she was going to give me a hard time but I didn't care. I called her cellphone and surprisingly she answered! I tried to talk nonchalantly at first but almost immediately got on the subject of her coming home without even noticing, my brain was on auto pilot these days. She deflected every kind word I threw her way and had a coldness to her voice that far surpassed the snide tones she usually carried. I began to get worried that this was it. She was staying at Julia's house and I knew that girl had probably pumped Lindsay's head with hours of badmouthing about me. I made a horrible mistake that I could never justify to this day but I didn't need a third party reiterating it. I got off the phone a few minutes later no further in progress from when I started, in fact I might have went in reverse a bit due to my anger towards the matter. I couldn't help it though. I'm a passionate person and I speak my mind, sometimes I say too much and I end up buried under my own words. I knew in the next few days she'd come back through that day again, I just had to ride this out.


Well, she did in fact come back through that door, just not while I was there. I came home one afternoon to find her closet door swung open. I hadn't gone in there, this had to mean she was home! I yelled her name through the apartment but I was the only soul in there. I walked to the back to look for her car, no sign of that either. As I came back around the corner I took a second look into the closet to see that half of fer belongings were missing. A huge empty chunk now rested were dozens of outfits used to dangle from hangers. I sat down on the edge of the bed and burst into tears once again. This was as serious as it gets, she was cleaning out her belongings. She must have rushed in before work, grabbed what she could and took off again. As I layed there sobbing, our cat “Apple” came up and began rubbing around me. At least I still had her in the house with me. Of course I jumped up and called her phone repeatedly like a maniac until she answered with her temper already set to high. “What do you want?” She screamed into the phone. “What are you doing?” I screamed back, asking why she was taking her things. “I don't know when I'm coming back...or if I am” she said. I had nothing to say, I felt like I had just watched someone die in front of me. I hung up and and sat quietly, trying my best to compose my shaking body.


Whenever I tried to call the next few days she wouldn't answer. I left countless voicemails that never got returned. I called her work but they wouldn't put her on the phone. I had never felt this alone in my life before. I had lost family and friends by the handfuls but none of it added up to this. It seemed like every time I came home now, little items of hers were missing. One at a time a dresser drawer would get cleared out, followed by trinkets and photos, followed by our life together. Every time something came up noticeably missing I felt worse about my life. It made me want to just go to sleep and wake up years later when this was all over, or just never wake up again. I was lucky and had enough money saved up from freelance jobs to make it on my own for awhile, besides the fact of losing my girl, I realized that soon all my bills would be doubling if she really was gone for good.


I took the next week off of everything to try and recuperate a bit. I was in a bad place mentally and began to worry for my own safety. I didn't want to tell anyone and look like I was crying for attention but I was beginning to have some pretty dark thoughts about my life and the termination of it. If she wasn't going to be in it, I didn't want to be in it anymore either. That next week that was supposed to be a healing week ended up being the most counterproductive yet. My friends didn't know all the details but they knew I was in a bad place so they took me out drinking heavily. We hit all our regular spots and some new ones. People bought me sympathy drink after sympathy drink, trying to help me “get my mind off of things.” Things...Things are physical items that you can pick up and throw or break in your hands. This wasn't things, it was my soul, my love, my life and I was losing half of it.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Motherfucker (also existing in countless contracted forms e.g. muthafucka , mofo) is a common insult and profanity in American English and, to a lesser extent, in other varieties of the English language. The term is widely viewed as an obscenity, but may be used by some in a neutral or positive way. (The term can be used to describe somebody as a moron, an idiot or backstabber.)

The term is literally an accusation of incest, although as with most insults, it is used pejoratively. When used in this way specifically in relation to a man, it may be intended as an attack on his masculinity. Many consider "motherfucker" to be one of the most offensive profanities in the English language. A study published in 2000 found that British people consider it second only to "cunt" in severity.[1]

In the 1960s and 1970s, the initials M.F. became a common, less explicit substitute for the term.



The term and its congeners are originally North American slang, whence it spread to other varieties of English. The earliest form is the adjectival use "motherfucking" which was recorded in the records of the Texas Court of Appeals in 1889. The earliest record of the noun "motherfucker" dates back to 1918. All other senses and forms are first recorded in the 20th century. (Oxford English Dictionary; online version) The term is also frequently used in pop culture, appearing over 200 times each in the movies Scarface, Menace II Society, GoodFellas and Pulp Fiction. The literal meaning of this word is 'engaging in sexual intercourse with mother'. Since the meaning is so offensive, this word is mostly used during rude arguments.

Other uses of "motherfuck" have been incorporated into usage (although not common), for example "motherfucked" or "motherfucking" can be used to imply "chewed out" or an "asschewing" by a boss or superior.



^ Hargrave, Andrea Millwood (2000). Delete Expletives? London: Advertising Standards Authority, British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting Standards Commission, Independent Television Commission.

Seven Dirty Words

shit • piss • fuck • cunt • cocksucker • motherfucker • tits

Categories: Profanity | Pejorative terms for people

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Hiram Americus Tuttle (October 16, 1837–February 10, 1911) was an American merchant and Republican politician from Pittsfield, New Hampshire. Born in 1837 in Barnstead, New Hampshire, he served New Hampshire in the state's House of Representatives, as a member of the Governor's Council, and as Governor. He died in 1911 in Pittsfield, New Hampshire.

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His Holiness Jacob was the Coptic Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark (819 - 830).


Pope Jacob ordained Abuna Yohannes as the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, according to the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria; however civil war, drought, and plague in Ethiopia forced Yohannes to return to Alexandria, where he remained through Jacob's tenure



also 100.....

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