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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2011 in all sections

  1. This was my favorite. Guy painted "mountain" obsessing over god. Paint donations come daily. & that's it.
    5 points
  2. If you havin credit problems I feel bad for you son / I got 99 problems but managing debt responsibly ain't one
    3 points
  3. So, 1st semester ended... I got in jail for... well, not normal cops jail, the thing that is next to it, Federal Police, drugs and guns stuff, 2 days, the guy doesn't want to give me my car because I didn't want to pay him 200dlls. Like 10 days without car so not much going on, just food. I had a great day yesterday but I forgot my cell. Girl and... my mother in law I think (Her mom) (Hot) (May be hotter) (But no) Reminds me of a pokemon but I don't remember the name. Mexico I prepared shrimp, clams and octopus cocktail, no picture because it looked gross. Nurse. Beef head. I did the shroom from an avocado bone (It's not called bone, right)? To Purplegrape- Was that green lava thing actually "spitting" green stuff? I may be seeing wrong. To El Vergudo- That salchicha dish, will try it later. Afraid of breaking the spaguetti. Later.
    2 points
  4. That's what i'm saying i just got a new camera wanted to suprise everyone with a couple flicks but i guess telling is just as good.. Come on flicks.!!
    2 points
  5. daodream: inspired by: found at: http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showpost.php?p=8174067&postcount=151749
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. The other day my husband and I went exploring to find a ditch that is visible from the freeway. It's covered in graff, which you can't see in this shot because the graff all faces the freeway, and I was on the opposite side. My husband brought his skateboard and skated it. We had to climb through this horrible stuff I call attack grass. It's always growing near freeways and just about alel the abandoned/graff covered places I go to are covered in it. It goes right through your shoes and clothes and gets everywhere and it's actually painful. But when I'm shooting I don't really notice discomfort. Not till I'm done anyway. I still haven't cleaned out my shoes, I might just toss them at this point. That's what I do. Hunt graff. I love dead ends. This is an abandoned gas station. There were some homeless camps across the street, and some RVs parked on the other side of the gas station. They must've been dumping their waste tanks behind it because I encountered one of the worst smells of my life back there. There's an old pioneer cemetery up on a hillside that is a total trip. Most of the graves are above ground like this--or maybe they're actually underground and these concrete caskets are fake. Someone must've gone around with a sledgehammer, because most of them had big holes like this in them. Super creepy to peer into--didn't see anything but dirt in any of them, though. A bizarro-shaped church in downtown Rialto: The IE is bordered on the north by the San Bernardino Mountains, which is where Lake Arrowhead is located. Also Big Bear. We live real close to the mountains, I think Lake Arrowhead is about a 30 minute drive for us. We went up there for a weekend last year. There's a road called the Rim of the World that gives you a spectacular view of the Inland Empire. Here's a few shots I took from up there:
    2 points
  8. New project i've been working on with a bunch of my NY based homies. www.liveatsheloftshow.com i (Rick Flair) did all of the set designs, my boy Tone (editing and directing) as well as, Joe Marconi, Vinnie, and Brian O'tool (producer of MTV's teen mom) on video, my home girl Texas took the photos, Pan Baret as the interviewer, johnny on the rocks on sound and a few other people who help along the way. check it out and tell me what you think! www.liveatsheloftshow.com
    1 point
  9. The second of two parts for Washington state. Enjoy.
    1 point
  10. Here's what happened. I went to get an apartment, they called me the next day to say that I couldn't get it to a prior eviction. I explained that's not possible because I've never been evicted in my life. I did a credit check online to see what the problem was and under my name were multiple bank accounts, phones, medical bills, and apartments. "I" owed collections tens of thousands of dollars. I've never even had a contract with a phone and only had a bank account for about a year when I was 16. My dad and I have the same exact name and were born on the same day (different years of course haha). and with little investigation I found out that the eviction was from apartments HE used to live in and the phones had HIS old phone numbers. :lol: I had to file stupid reports and freeze all his accounts. I've only met my dad a handful of times but I told him the next and last time I was ever going to see him was in a court room. FUCKING BLACK PEOPLE BUT, I got the apartment today AND I had court today and the judge dropped 3,000 out of 5,000 dollars of my restitution due to a mistake. so today was not so bad. TL;DR: black people fuckin suck.
    1 point
  11. Bump Psylo...Didnt know he was back in town, HIT ME UP DUUUUDE!
    1 point
  12. Well, I only have some matches left. to light this h4sh spliff br0 here's to you ch.0
    1 point
  13. yea this is my gun, its a real gun... nah im just playin, its a potato gun. last week: Theres only one RULE in my bedroom, FUCK ALL RULES! its like IRAQ up in there, motherfuckin afghanistan, its lord of the rings up in there! shit is funny, i dont care if its overrated or underrated or not rated. That show is HILARIOUS to me.
    1 point
  14. id hang with the people i have from here on facebook. the australians and people who make me laugh consistently; Realism, Cool_hand, Croc tears, probably a few others i know a girl who looks just like this and i always send her pictures of this chick saying "when did you do this shoot" etc. one day ill smash. one day.....
    1 point
  15. Not sure if I've posted this before, but it's one of the stranger sketches I've done... It was a sketch for my homie Media...but I sneaked my name in too... The top one reads Media forward, Quizm backwards...Freestyles ...only the flick remains..alright enough interwebz for tonight...
    1 point
  16. Yeah I'd like to see LeBron get his ring... for one, to spite the Cavs owner who wrote that asinine letter dissing LeBron like he was a runaway slave. Owners move players around like pawns all the time, with disregard of them and their families - the minute they're a free agent, it's their right to choose what's best for them and their families.
    1 point
  17. False, just the wife TPBM is going for some fine dining food tonight
    1 point
  18. wack, except the mes
    1 point
  19. forgot about albert camus, pizzy, pozzy, and injury. fucking DAO and toiletseat even. all the oontz ladies. especially smdubinsky. *edit (there there croc, there there)
    1 point
  20. yeah bloodfart so I can eat her out from the back. PIZZY I SEE YOU MY NIGGA
    1 point
  21. Bloodfart cause I want to make sweet love to her.
    1 point
  22. How you gonna come in here- and post some KEEP 6 then get all butthurt because you get called out on it? Dont hide behind your screen name -come on out. Bitch
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Two of four from "Outdoor Posing: Working with the Model" assignment for my Lighting People class. First assignment of the semester, had to use open shade lighting with no strobes.
    1 point
  26. Somebody should post a video of lebron acting like he got fouled..that shit was hilarious..I fuck with the bulls all day no doubt. But my 2 fav players are on the heat...I wanna see lebron get a ring, he deserves one no matter what anybody says. That nigga played for a garbage ass squad for tooo long. Lebron is the best basketball player to ever grace the face of the earth..
    1 point
  27. Get your dad a beating for father's dad. Or aids, but he probably has that already...what do you get for a guy who has everything. in your name.
    1 point
  28. Re: Favorite Flickr Flicks still the best thread on the oonntz.
    1 point
  29. swordfish meatloaf !
    1 point
  30. dave by brew your own!, on Flickr kurse by brew your own!, on Flickr nick by jeser by brew your own!, on Flickr metasin by brew your own!, on Flickr scum ceda wolfpack i-95 by brew your own!, on Flickr jerk by shaken by brew your own!, on Flickr
    1 point
  31. catch 22 was great! one of my faves. ^ was interesting, i respect bill watterson a lot more after reading it. just starting this^
    1 point
  32. crow just absolutely BURNING THE FUCKING LINES!!!! MY EYES HURT THAT SHIT IS FUCKING STRAIGHT FIRE!!!! BACK IT OFF A FEW NOTCHES DOG YOU GOT US JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OLE FUTURISTIC ASS, STYLE FLIP FLOPPIN ASS, TOO SCHOOL FOR COOL ASS PINK ASS WANNABE ASS BURNIN THE FUCK OUTTA EVERYONE ASS NIGGA
    1 point
  33. That's all you can really do haha It'll all be worked out in the end. Plus I got over half of my restitution dropped and a sick ass apartment with 2 hot girl roommates so the whole identity theft thing doesn't bother me that much :D
    1 point
  34. damn dude.. glad you're taking all this bullshit with a smile.. i'd be telling old man "next time you see me will be be right before the next time you're gonna be in the hospital"...... that's some straight up fucked up behavior on his part. how you gonna fuck up your kids future and credit like that an think it's not gonna come back and smack ya in the face? anyway, good luck and congrats n'ats...
    1 point
  35. Escondido to Las Vegas Dekoe Oner AK 1989 till I die.................
    1 point
  36. your dad doesnt care about children people
    1 point
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