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16 Good
  1. remember seeing someone do some dope shit on cardboard a while ago, thought i'd give it a shot...
  2. i usually use a size 00 or 000 size brush for the outline. One thing ive learned about outlining with a brush is that it helps to have a more fluid paint. I used Golden fluid acylics, because they are still opaque enough to cover in one line, and they are much more fluid than regular acrylics. I also use a certain product ( some sort of gel medium) that i mix with regular acrylics, that makes them more fluid, and stay wet longer if your blending. it works well, but not quite as good as the golden fluid acrylics...
  3. all acrylics, and yes, i outline with a brush as well
  4. nah, it wouldnt be too expensive, i've seen little samples of woodstain for just a few bucks at any art store, it doesnt take much. That is a great idea though! i will definitley keep that in mind for the next couple pieces i'll be working on!
  5. sooo tight! ^^^ stuck on the background colors...thinking dark greens and lime green highlights...
  6. acrylics and spraypaint on panel
  7. ^^that ewok!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. over six years, my first time drawing graff, and one of my more recent sketchbooks....
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