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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2009 in all sections

  1. Went on a road trip to Asheville this weekend. It was mostly dirty dorm room sex and graffiti, but these are the pics in between. Went to work, slacked the fuck off and bounced. Hit the road. 80 the whole way, no cops. Good day. 2 and a half hours laters Im coming in over the mountain to downtown Asheville. Got off the freeway and the first thing I see is an Oil throw. The dude was everywhere. RIP to a true king. The next day I hit up Empire Tattoo to see a friend. He talked me into getting some work. Saw a dude dressed as a nun on a tall bike. Sace tribute by Topr LORDS PCF. "I miss my friend." RIP Dash Snow. Took this classy lady out for yumz. Yellow curry chicken with potatos and carrots. She got a noodle bowl with a bunch of shit in it. It looked gross and smelled like hot trash. Every Friday all the hippies gather in the park and have a drum circle. It smelled like hamburger helper and patchouli. This is why terrorist hate America. Fucking white people. Took a ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hiked threw Middle Earth. To have a beer and make out session like I was in middle school at this spot. Good relaxing weekend and a well needed vacation.
    5 points
  2. Hi, I'm a pc. And I'm an ma OHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIII!!!1!!!1111
    5 points
  3. I love the indignant, sarcastic, berating and angry posi-props I sometimes get when folks can't work the clearly labled buttons! Way to go haters!
    4 points
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyYFv45zEkY they cleaned the place out in 31 seconds.
    2 points
  5. here's what I'm working on today. some houses from San francisco white on black Yinz'n,nat That is a wicked Idea bring on september 12th! Loving this thread!
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. :cool:im that fat kid that will burn you
    2 points
  8. Is that why your using your girls email to sign up homo? You dont want the feds finding you again? And I would slap fire out your ass in real life. That internet tough talk don't make noone nervous.
    2 points
  9. i'm drunk still so please excuse typos... the paint was the same colour as my sunday morning piss. "can yi tell waht eet es yet?" the finished piece, i'm no posting what i painted as it was Tom Kite. later on... someone tagged this door with the word "cunt". fuckin' fowl mouthed pricks. this petrol station hardly ever has petrol... true story. fuckin' chimney sweepers on the coktails... then a few joints, i'm not entirely sure if they agree with me these days, i've only started somking after aboot 7 years of not touching it. bailed home... my old school, it's gettin' kncoked doon soon...
    2 points
  10. I was at a bar with some old friends and a korean girl I'd never met before, eventually the topic of discussion turns to dog meat, she said the younger generation don't eat it because the popularity of dogs as pets is increasing and other social reasons etc, but that the older generation are still eating it. right when she said this someone pointed out the restaurant across the street sells dog meat, so I get up and go there, much to the disgust of the korean girl. I can't speak korean so all I said to the staff was "dog take away", apparently there's than one type of dish but I got what they gave me, which was a jar of stew. they wouldn't let me eat it at the bar so I sat outside 711 with my dog stew takeaway. afterwards the korean girl went through her bilingual dictionary for the appropriate word to express her disgust, the one she chose in the end was "barbarian", which she kept calling me for the rest of the night. I was like whuteva
    2 points
  11. Fuck it here it goes Start the day for a walk, turned it out to be a 5 hour trek...Church in this park near the house Found a cool kids park with a wobble bridge...bloodfart wanted to try it out This little jerk was hiding out Found some swings, gave it a try...my feets swinging BF swinging More walking saw some chickens in a back yard Went downtown and got a drink...this time I got the "BIG PUMP" the bottle said it tasted like gummi bears...it didnt. Walked around and got hungry..so I got a plate of delicious meats from the turkish dudes After dinner saw this awesome display in the window, goats are the metal mascot Walked into the winefest, today was the last day. This place was filled with old rich people..no thanks Crazy african street performers Into the park we go Walked around what seemed forever, found this tree tower thing on the top of a hill Walked more, saw some great tracksides The bridge and some crazy building Awesome lake art thing at the park Saw this treehouse with a face, awesome Getting late so we caught the train home Trip home FIN!
    2 points
  12. http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122161&page=8 this vinyl thread is still around
    2 points
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. all you want is beef. you crit on everything in every toy thread when your not good. ide still rock you in a piece battle like i did before. hush up. [no beef] :lol:
    1 point
  16. I hardly give out negaprops, but each time I do I end up with a PM from whoever saying "fuck you bitch" or something along the lines of that. You mad? NEGAPROPS IS SERIOUS BIZNEZZ.
    1 point
  17. The happy jew in the camps, the nice nazi, the angry nazi, the stupid stories that gloss over the murder in the camps...yeah in reality there are stories about these kind of things, but they've become Hollywood cliches. Elie Wiesel is the truth. I've met him a few times, I don't know how he brought himself to write, but I'm glad he did.
    1 point
  18. the quincenera did suck. but no one got stabbed or shot. maybe next week when they have another one.
    1 point
  19. fuck yall cats. bump king soer. ...not. give up.
    1 point
  20. bwahahahahah! dude stop. me and my girl are fighting right now and im trying to keep my screw face looking tuff and i just died laughing at that. wtf man, im trying to win this arguement
    1 point
  21. well this is only a symbolic gesture 2012 will not be the physical end of the world but the world will change forever it marks the beginning of the new world order this is just to build pandamonium and confusion and create a further disbelief in religion so they can prepetuate a secular society...its the NWO ....technically the end is near....
    1 point
  22. he hid some dudes news feeds (status updates) now he wants to find out how to un-hide him and be able to see his news feeds again. yeah, i am a facebook loser (and a real life one too).
    1 point
  23. So true, to the point that some of the girls I know have created drama even when there wasn't any, which is hilarious, but not for them. The drama queens are usually the ones that suck at art/design, bc they need to get attention somehow, right? On the flip side there are some really nice, chill, girls out there, you just have to look a little harder. In a nut shell: Art school's a ton of fun. Don't let shitty people get you down. Arguing with idiots is stupid. Girls are crazy, but some are less crazy. Go nuts, and make awesome work.
    1 point
  24. WELL, I like pizza. In fact I'm crippled by it.
    1 point
  25. Hahahahaaha...I tried to make a joke off of that on myself but it kept turning against me. (NH...just in case /arewestilldoingNH?)
    1 point
  26. maybe they propped you because they were gay.
    1 point
  27. I get these from MilesMoodist all the time. They make me laugh. But I gave them out before too, that makes me laugh even more when I fail.
    1 point
  28. hahaha....word... but unfortunately i got my very first negaprop a few minutes ago. (fuck you acer) but it still raised me 11 points...wtf?
    1 point
  29. Let me ask the more important question in all of this: Why is this thread still going?
    1 point
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