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2020 election day/night hell thread

Elena Delle Donne

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Exactly what I was thinking Abrasive, too.  The media can say whatever they want about whoever they want, and they can all agree to say the same thing behind the scenes before going live with the "new info".


I think the most disgusting thing about all of this is not people disagreeing about political ideas, we've always had that, it's that the media is lying in a way that seems to be more severe than we've experienced in our life times (if you were born in 70s-beyond).

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On 1/11/2021 at 9:32 PM, Dirty_habiT said:

Scary to think that all of these companies that I chose to ditch years and years ago are now in complete control over the politicians and the media narrative.


i feel like this is the beginning of the return of sites and forums. obviously you can still pressure a web host but it gets harder to even discover content you find objectionable when they're relegated to forums.


i do not necessarily think this is a bad thing; i just watched a big meme page i follow launch a site. 

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26 minutes ago, Elena Delle Donne said:


i feel like this is the beginning of the return of sites and forums. obviously you can still pressure a web host but it gets harder to even discover content you find objectionable when they're relegated to forums.


i do not necessarily think this is a bad thing; i just watched a big meme page i follow launch a site. 


I think it’s a good thing. I ditched social media bc of the polarizing views, and constant black and white narrative (figuratively speaking but I suppose literally as well).

It’s pretty foolish to reduce your feelings on a subject to the binary equation of support or reject. The issues we are dealing with are much more complex than that. 

I disagree with plenty of people on here, but we’ve been able to come to some sort of middle ground for the most part almost always. Something that’s impossible to achieve on social media sites. I think social media rulers know they’ve reached their apex and will be on the decline from here on out. I’m hopeful that we will look back ten years from now and laugh on how stupid we were to get caught up in the toxic social media algorithmic dogma that created this monster.

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On 1/12/2021 at 10:18 AM, Dark_Knight said:

This man is a warrior





Can't think of one good reason this guy should be locked up outside of wasting tax dollars. Send this dude something from the food flex thread. Feds are going at the non-violent protestors involved way too hard for their own good. 

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^^ it's been fun/depressing to watch liberals rediscover that they actually love the carceral state.


me, i would prioritize the people who injured and killed USCP cops and stole/damaged/destroyed property and the dudes who stormed the capitol with weapons and zip cuffs and other shit. slap the rest with a big fine. plenty of video of capitol police letting them in 

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22 hours ago, Dark_Knight said:


I think it’s a good thing. I ditched social media bc of the polarizing views, and constant black and white narrative (figuratively speaking but I suppose literally as well).

It’s pretty foolish to reduce your feelings on a subject to the binary equation of support or reject. The issues we are dealing with are much more complex than that. 

I disagree with plenty of people on here, but we’ve been able to come to some sort of middle ground for the most part almost always. Something that’s impossible to achieve on social media sites. I think social media rulers know they’ve reached their apex and will be on the decline from here on out. I’m hopeful that we will look back ten years from now and laugh on how stupid we were to get caught up in the toxic social media algorithmic dogma that created this monster.


I'd like to see forums come back.. I remember being a kid on here staying up super late with team sleep probz and getting mad lolz from threads.. great times of my teenage years connecting and learning from one another that wasn't in form of a tik tok followed by some stupid fucking dance and filters.. BUT, I will say this cancel culture social media sjw shit is getting annoying..


To start off I'm not a fan of politics, just another form of division to me but whatever.. anyway the guy who owns the barber shop I go to was just bashed on social media by some instagram page "chicago boriqua resistance" that's apparently ran by some alderwoman out here.. anyway they posted a pic of him in his trump swag and said he stormed the capitol, ban his business, blahblahblah.. although he DID attend the rally he didn't actually storm the capitol himself and the pics they're sharing of him was in the lobby of some hotel in dc, NOT the "whyte house" like everyone claims it is but pics from months ago when he first visited dc..


I'm not buddy buddy with dude but everytime I've gone to the shop it's been nothing but love and respect even when he did rarely go on his political rants.. he's also done charity drives, 5k walks for ms, bike rides to raise money for homelessness, bbqs right outside of both shop locations for the community, overall I know dude has good intentions despite differences in views and being sucked into qanon but seeing how some of these people have immediately degraded him and bashed him while throwing out wild shit to and about him is super weird..


Like, if he was a piece of shit and being homophobic or racist to people or he's out here drop kicking children in the forehead or whatever the case may be then ok sure whatever do your thing "cancel culture" whatever that may be.. but jumping the gun like that when all of your "facts" that an alderwoman out of all people are lacing up out there for the interwebs are WRONG about dude is ridiculous and is going to keep dividing us further than we already are..


Anyway point being is i told my girl this months ago of what I think of social media nowadays, everyone wants a voice and wants to be heard, but NOBODY wants to listen, and whatever their opinion is on anything isn't opinion anymore it's LAW.. and everyone is super glued to their high horse because they feel their opinion or "fAcT" is superior than everyone else and think they're fucking albert einstein or something.. basically the equivalent to the "EyE sAiD wHuT eYe SaId" phrase which is SOOOOOOOO fucking annoying to me.. 😒 literally wanna punch people when they say that.. but yeah my whole quarantine shit started with me arguing with a kid from HS who used to snort pixie sticks on how the world isn't flat while he called me names and a sheep while his evidence was no reputable source, only other memes he found on facebook.. so yeah since then I don't even respond or put shit on social media anymore unless it's some story to my ig.. mostly of me cooking or being bored..


I think I typed enough for today I'm gonna go finish my coffee now.. 🖤

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People will eventually want their online anonymity back and that will probably when/if forums come back


was talking w a buddy about that earlier this week - social media I use are anonymous and he asked me “why?” Instead of going into it an explaining because I do illegal shit and all that, the first thing that came to my mind almost immediately, and probably most honestly, was “idk I guess it’s just always been that way” -


started out on AOL where you had a username and Pw that were usually just some random shit you came up with on the spot. the. You would go into chat rooms and have pretty much anonymous interactions with strangers. And I guess starting out that way rolled into AOL chats eventually falling off and being replaced by forums. People kept that anonymous username on the forums, still interacting with strangers. 

But then fucking MySpace and Facebook showed up and changed all of that. Everyone wanted everyone else to see exactly what they were doing. First it was posting pics of them with chicks that are hot or pics of what they were eating, then posting pics of where they were and trying to floss - now it’s fucking completely out of control. 

it’s got to implode at some point, right?

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I think we have a duty to help people transition away from the companies that have stolen so much from our culture and from our people.... while only offering a value that could be literally offered by anyone at this point.


Amazon isn't doing anything magic, they optimized a supply chain.  They built a better datacenter model than people had before.


I've been turning everyone I know over to the Signal app because I feel that cell companies, and apple, and google, don't need to have all of my texts, images, etc that I send to people.  My entire family group chat is on signal now and has been for many many months.

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Hopefully Raven ends up billion, or hundred million ballin and gets some global 12oz encrypted app going hosted on Space X satellites. It's so dope coming on here, knowing you're not being profiled, pick pocketed, and reported. Also dope none of us have the same beliefs politically, but agree on most of the other 99% of shit.

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I heard reports of people saying "antifa's breaking windows!!" as people began bashing windows out.


As if.... there were people there that were just stirring the pot, not interested in any peaceful protest.  What strikes me as odd is that this isn't typical behavior from that side of the fence (IMO).  What also strikes me as odd is .... "the tolerant left" has become , well... this antifa thing.


I'm not saying these things to drive a bus over anyone or their beliefs right now, I'm just pointing out that this whole raid on the capital building strikes me as very odd.... all the way around.  I'm not defending it, I'm just spitballing here.

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