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2020 election day/night hell thread

Elena Delle Donne

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12 hours ago, lord_casek said:

Know why it was being discussed that Admiral Rogers should be sacked? Because he knew what was going on re: shady ass 702 searches. 

Jeff does a great rundown of it


As for what happened, here you go. Listen to General Flynn in his own words. He's not a conspiracy theorist. He's military intel. 


I'm glad you need so much proof. 


Again, you misunderstand the meaning of the word proof.


Ok, let's say that Rogers did warn Trump that Page was under surveillance, setting aside that Rogers is on record saying the Russians intervened in the election (the very thing the surveillance was supposed to investigate). How does that leap to some wide-ranging organisation and mobilisation to defeat widespread election fraud?


Regards Flynn, I'm sorry, but he was warned when he was Dir. DIA that he was compromising himself. He was warned by his contemporaries and his leadership - note that he was sacked from his role as Dir. DIA. Not only is he no longer a credible actor but I've listened to 10 mins of that interview and it's just a rant. IF he had any real evidence, why has it not been tabled in court. Also keep in mind, affidavits are not proof in and of themselves. They are claims that are to be tested in court. Just because some one signs a claim doesn't automatically make it true.


Back to your outcomes that would make you question your position, you mentioned certain evidence coming out this week. Can I assume that you are referring to KRAKEN? If evidence from Powell that stands on its own isn't released this week, you will question your position, do I understand correctly?

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8 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Again, you misunderstand the meaning of the word proof.


Ok, let's say that Rogers did warn Trump that Page was under surveillance, setting aside that Rogers is on record saying the Russians intervened in the election (the very thing the surveillance was supposed to investigate). How does that leap to some wide-ranging organisation and mobilisation to defeat widespread election fraud?


Regards Flynn, I'm sorry, but he was warned when he was Dir. DIA that he was compromising himself. He was warned by his contemporaries and his leadership - note that he was sacked from his role as Dir. DIA. Not only is he no longer a credible actor but I've listened to 10 mins of that interview and it's just a rant. IF he had any real evidence, why has it not been tabled in court. Also keep in mind, affidavits are not proof in and of themselves. They are claims that are to be tested in court. Just because some one signs a claim doesn't automatically make it true.


Back to your outcomes that would make you question your position, you mentioned certain evidence coming out this week. Can I assume that you are referring to KRAKEN? If evidence from Powell that stands on its own isn't released this week, you will question your position, do I understand correctly?

You're not getting it. It wasn't only CIA asset Carter Page that was under an illegal FISA. 3 hops turn into how many hops turn into how many hops? 
You know how this works, man. We've got a base right down there near you. 

You know that part (Page being an asset), right? The part Klinesmith changed in the CIA email to the FBI? Changing "yes, he was our asset" to "no, he wasn't our asset"? 

Russians always try to intervene in our elections. They mess with yours, too. They didn't do anything they don't normally do. 


When General Flynn was part of the DIA he railed against President Obama's approach to warfighting and what we were doing in the ME. 

KRAKEN and something else. 

What I expect this week and next will be the beginnings to showing dems and republicans that our votes have not been our own for a long time 
now. We've all been cheated by these machines. It should unify the country enough to begin the next phase. 


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18 hours ago, lord_casek said:

You're not getting it. It wasn't only CIA asset Carter Page that was under an illegal FISA. 3 hops turn into how many hops turn into how many hops? 
You know how this works, man. We've got a base right down there near you. 

You know that part (Page being an asset), right? The part Klinesmith changed in the CIA email to the FBI? Changing "yes, he was our asset" to "no, he wasn't our asset"? 

Russians always try to intervene in our elections. They mess with yours, too. They didn't do anything they don't normally do. 


When General Flynn was part of the DIA he railed against President Obama's approach to warfighting and what we were doing in the ME. 

KRAKEN and something else. 

What I expect this week and next will be the beginnings to showing dems and republicans that our votes have not been our own for a long time 
now. We've all been cheated by these machines. It should unify the country enough to begin the next phase. 


I'll believe evidence when I see it regards anything more untowards regards the FISA applications. Yes, I know about Clinesmith altering the application (you may want to read the DOJ investigation as it was more than just altering his history as an agent but there were a number of other inaccuracies and omissions as well - the exec summary covers it well enough - https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2019/o20012.pdf)


But, if there's more than what was uncovered in that investigation, I'd like to see evidence rather than inferences.


The Russians didn't do anything more than what they normally do? That's completely false. The scale of the operation was like nothing before experienced. I can say that with complete confidence and I can also say that Australia has never experienced anything like what occurred in 2016 and the Russians have had very, very little interest in Australia since the end of the Cold War. This is beyond question.


Flynn went off the rails when he was D. DIA. Yes, he was seen as insubordinate, but he was also seen as a liability in America's CT efforts. Either way, I know what I say to be true, we was placing himself in a position where he was at risk of being compromised and he did not respond appropriately when he was warned about this. I know this to be true and I will leave this part of the conversation at that, save to say, I advise that your belief in that person is misplaced.


Alright, well, all that opining aside, we have two clear points - one each, where one of us will soon have to question our position. If by Friday the 11th, the ground hasn't shifted completely regards the credibility of election results, you've got serious questions to ask. And if it does shift, I've got serious questions to ask.


Time will tell, eh? May the best theory win! 🙂

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28 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

I'll believe evidence when I see it regards anything more untowards regards the FISA applications. Yes, I know about Clinesmith altering the application (you may want to read the DOJ investigation as it was more than just altering his history as an agent but there were a number of other inaccuracies and omissions as well - the exec summary covers it well enough - https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2019/o20012.pdf)


But, if there's more than what was uncovered in that investigation, I'd like to see evidence rather than inferences.


The Russians didn't do anything more than what they normally do? That's completely false. The scale of the operation was like nothing before experienced. I can say that with complete confidence and I can also say that Australia has never experienced anything like what occurred in 2016 and the Russians have had very, very little interest in Australia since the end of the Cold War. This is beyond question.


Flynn went off the rails when he was D. DIA. Yes, he was seen as insubordinate, but he was also seen as a liability in America's CT efforts. Either way, I know what I say to be true, we was placing himself in a position where he was at risk of being compromised and he did not respond appropriately when he was warned about this. I know this to be true and I will leave this part of the conversation at that, save to say, I advise that your belief in that person is misplaced.


Alright, well, all that opining aside, we have two clear points - one each, where one of us will soon have to question our position. If by Friday the 11th, the ground hasn't shifted completely regards the credibility of election results, you've got serious questions to ask. And if it does shift, I've got serious questions to ask.


Time will tell, eh? May the best theory win! 🙂

I'd think you would be interested in hearing this 

If the timestamp doesn't work it's set to 1:22:20

Forgot to reply to the other stuff you said about Clinesmith; Yeah, I know. A lot of really shady shit was going on on the 7th floors of the FBI/DOJ. Those UK visits are going to be what really fries those SOBs. 

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You can't pull the white person being racist card on this one.  She's clearly middle-eastern and saying all chinese look alike.  Go fight that battle with them because that race card shit doesn't work on this instance.


ALSO, if you step back and listen to the message she was saying is that you MUST REQUIRE a photo ID to be presented with a vote for it to be valid.


All this cheating shit can get rammed right up the hairy blown out ass holes of the people that thought of it.  It'll fit trust me, no problem.

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16 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I'm just saying, for you to pull the racist card on this woman you have to move the goal post from "white male kkk member."


I didn’t pull any card. That Indian woman pulled the “chow” racist card. And what she was saying was wrong anyways lol. The testimonies are a complete joke. It is entertaining watching people latch on so hard though. Great TV

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1 hour ago, Dark_Knight said:

I didn’t pull any card. That Indian woman pulled the “chow” racist card. And what she was saying was wrong anyways lol. The testimonies are a complete joke. It is entertaining watching people latch on so hard though. Great TV


But is this "racism we care about"?  Are we going to try to go for the "systemic Indian racism" card?  All Indians hate Chinese.... lololol.

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Just now, Dirty_habiT said:


But is this "racism we care about"?  Are we going to try to go for the "systemic Indian racism" card?  All Indians hate Chinese.... lololol.

Wasnt going for any card other just pointing out general racism and intolerance in the trump support system. I know a large amount of Indian people. They aren’t racist towards chinese. In fact I’d argue that they find a closer bond with them than they do me due to their eastern world lineage. To suggest otherwise seems like a bold generalization, which seems to be the pattern with the support group.


Also her whole point of making racist remarks was an accusation that had zero base or truth to it. She’s dumb and so is everyone who is involved in the resistance of honoring and following the democratic process. Really entertaining tho. But it’s getting kind of boring if I’m being totally honest.


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