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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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These numbers seem to be pretty accurate when compared to other sources. It seems something has really gone awry in Italy looking at the numbers. I know it’s said you cant trust China’s reporting but it seems Italy and Iran are getting slammed in terms of cases/death ratios. Their mortality rate seems much higher than other countries. 




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2 minutes ago, Drue_Down said:

It’s bullshit because he announced it with no details; We have no idea what it means for us as US citizens traveling to and from a city with no reported cases.

That said, we decided to go. ✈️ Fuck it.

Best of luck. 

Shit, some roundtrip flights around the country are going for $40-50. I’m thinking of booking myself a few trips, even if hell breaks loose and i decide not to go thats cheap as hell. 

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14 minutes ago, Drue_Down said:

It’s bullshit because he announced it with no details; We have no idea what it means for us as US citizens traveling to and from a city with no reported cases.

That said, we decided to go. ✈️ Fuck it.

I'm sure its cancelled, so call and verify. He was pretty clear... No travel to and from Europe (excluding the UK) for the next 30 days.

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Just got back from a Spring Break trip to Joshua Tree with the fam. Shit got real for me very quickly.  ADMIN is extending spring break one more week for all students. Faculty & staff still need to report to prepare for contingency plans and to move all face-to-face classes (that can) to an online delivery.  One of my adjunct professors just notified me that she and her husband are sick since Saturday and have requested tests.  


We're like Allen, we bought a little bit extra of what we would normally use/consume: water, TP, dried oats, rice, propane......

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the panic is affecting australian economic policy


Australian government pumping money into economy to avoid recession.


in a good move for once they giving it to welfare recipients and small business ( though I'm not sure that's such a good move).

in a shit move if you're employed you get nada. 


people like me are more likely to go pump that 750.00 into the economy.

small business is just gonna use the  up to $25,000 to pay their payroll tax and it'll make fuck all difference.


as if a restaurant is going to spend the 25k updating their kitchen at a time when people are staying away from restaurants in droves????



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11 hours ago, misteraven said:

And now Africa is on some Biblical shit...



Hundreds of billions of locusts are swarming through parts of East Africa and South Asia in the worst infestation for a quarter of a century



i drove through a small scale swarm once was pretty fucking gnarly with them all splatting on the windscreen.


saw a motorcyclist as the next stop washing his helmet down

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Yikes @abrasivesaint stay safe out there. Not sure what that means as it seems  breathing and not self isolating in your career field are  sort of required. 


My city and county declared emergencies. My college is extending spring break, it seems like all across the nation are. I'm pretty sure the construction industry will go on without acknowledging the panic, for better or worse I don't know.


I may pick up some extra foodstuffs today. No extra toilet paper. And certainly no extra soap because I'm not a fucking animal and already own soap for washing my hands.

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Looking from over here its CRAZY that there is still no noteworthy action by US officials. So worried about my family and friends over there. The US will be the most affected country by far when all this is over, itll be Trumps legacy, the presidency under which most Americans died.


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1 hour ago, Europe said:

Looking from over here its CRAZY that there is still no noteworthy action by US officials. So worried about my family and friends over there. The US will be the most affected country by far when all this is over, itll be Trumps legacy, the presidency under which most Americans died.


This is government in general. Only thing they're good at is spending tax payer dollars. 


Personally, I don't disagree with him disbanding the segment of the National Security Council responsible for pandemics. Apparently that department was something like 200 people when you count their aides. Obviously, having the ability to address such a situation is important, but considering the budgets and charter for the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention coupled with USAMRIID (United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) and the size of the USA government in general (Approximately 2 million people according to one of the few sources I can even find that details it)... It's a fucking embarrassment that those ass clowns can't sort this out. In fact, it should be considered criminal and though it'll never happen, the American people should conduct a thorough review and clean the slate on both sides of the aisle. This isn't about Trump, this about Washington DC and their long and storied track record of being irresponsible with tax payer money through sheer inefficiency. That didn't start with Trump and my thought on the subject is a whole shitload of them, hundreds of thousands, if not a million+ should be fired.


I get that we live in a huge (both socially and geographically) country... But you don't need to 2 million federal employees, plus legions of private contractors, plus an entire military to manage the affairs of a Nation. It's become cliche to say if the government had to play by the same rules as businesses, they'd be out of business over night.


That said, I also hope people take this as a lesson in that you simply can't trust government to look out for you, whether 'your guy' occupies the oval office or lost the run to it. Considering half the country simply cannot stand Trump as a human being, why the hell would you be looking at him, let alone depending on him, for anything? Why is anyone surprised, knowing how well we care for our military veterans, that the government would be incompetent at managing the health services and care of the entire rest of the population that is exponentially larger?  What can anyone even point to that government is awesome at? War maybe... Even that is being increasingly offloaded to private contractors and we all know that it only works cause they essentially have a limitless budget.


That in itself is reason enough to get your shit together and think through the vulnerabilities that exist in your life. Sucks to say it but this is a gigantic case of 'you made your bed, not you have to sleep in it'. I really hope this thing blows over (unlikely) and that regardless of how it pans out, that people take a long hard look at themselves, their priorities and how they invest their time, energy and focus (even more unlikely) and start realizing that government is the problem and not the solution.


*end of rant*



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Yep, I've been saying for a long time that people need to rely a lot less upon the government to provide programs and assistance for them.  If they did more for themselves there would be less justification for raising taxes.  Why expand programs that self sufficient people don't need or want to use?

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Austin, TX is on the map now.  President of UT Austin said his wife tested positive along with one other faculty member.  The 3 are in self isolation.  Meanwhile my friend at Samsung is being told to make sure all his engineering certs are up to date because they're going to be asked to work on equipment in the fab that they don't usually have to work on as people call in sick.  He's pretty pissed about it.

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