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Moe Szyslak

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I got a new phone recently and im trying to log into 12oz with it. Already msged mr raven about it but his advice didnt help that much. It might be my phones fault it cheap and i cant do other simple random shit with it. I try to enter my email and hit forgot password function but it say no email exists. Been trying to figure out how to do this for a few days. Throw me a bone here

Edited by Moe Szyslak
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12 hours ago, Moe Szyslak said:

Figured out you cant login on the main pg you got to click on forum THEN login... Smh

Kind of says on the shop login that shop and forum accounts are different. It’s a tricky integration that I decided wasn’t worth it since it also links forum users talking graff & dance to physical identities. 


Anyhow, yeah... Ya gotta read the fine print my dude. Hopefully you’re all good now. If not, DM me again. 


And to anyone reading that that is fully locked out... Email info@12ozprophet.com and we can help you. (Every single 12oz account is salvageable back to 1998). 

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I think I had a couple PMs from DAO running his mouth as well which I always found fucking hilarious. Like this nigga is so mad that he's gonna go out of his way to send a private message. Then weeks later after it had been long forgotten, he'd come back and talk some more shit "just to remind you what a faggot you are." I can see him rolling around in his bed at night just fuming mad about shit people said on 12oz.


I had a lot of PMs from Sword though which is what I was getting at, but if they're not salvageable it's no big deal. I have emails from him from back in the day which contain the same "Swordisms."


On Aug 19, 2013 10:49 PM, "swordfish meatloaf" <> wrote:

i think im gonna write SPREAD CHEEKS ONER and battle cumfart

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