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Play ruble? This must be some lingo I'm not familiar with.


I don't know, Halo multiplayer is fun, but it's never really thrilled me. The campaigns are way superior.


agreed. all halo multiplayer consists of is:


people bunny-hopping around the stage, and people doing one-hit plasma sword kills.


gears of war multiplayer = more realistic

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Gears of War multiplayer is super fun, but now that I've played it for a while, it seems to have lost a lot of the promise it had. I don't know if you've noticed, but taking cover, basically the cornerstone of the gameplay, is pretty much useless in multiplayer. 95% of the time it's straight up running to your enemy and blasting his shit with the shotgun. I wish the other weapons weren't so underpowered.

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Shit, working on saving three grand for my badass gaming computer so I can play Counter Strike Source again (and other games too)


I've already got the laptop picked out, I just need to badly find a badass mic so that my voice comes through real nice and it dosent sound like a gay 14 year old....any suggestions?


Also, I made the mistake of putting DOThack into my playstation...Im hooked on that shit even though I dont really understand how to pick the best Equipment....


A game about playing a game...wtfbbq...its great!



EDIT: Jet set radio is my favorite graffiti game ever...

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my neighbor recently let me bring his 360 home. he gave me elder scrolls oblivion, and about 8 other games. i've had it for 3 days now and only played for about fifteen minutes...

this weekend i get some free time to play, though.


any recommendations? (this is the first time i've ever touched a 360)

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ok, he sent 360 and regular xbox games


first the 360 games


perfect dark zero

elder scrolls oblivion

call of duty 2

ghost recon advanced aarfighter



xbox games

the incredible hulk

x-men legends 2


star wars: knights of the old republic



he has more, but i declined because i don't really play these thigns.

just wondering what games i would get immersed in. good to play with the lights out type shit.


p.s.: i'm playing on a HDTV.

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Oblivion is probably THE most immersive game I've ever played. Star Wars KOTR is fucking incredible.


he really played up both of those games. i started oblivion, but like i said earlier, i only played for a few minutes and then had to get ready for work.

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laptop for games?

need at least a gig of ram to keep it ticking over at reasonable speed

if you're planning to participate in porn viewing, which at 17 i assume you will, invest in some "bad ass" anti virus software


LOL, no, I'm keeping my laptop clean, no nothing...I dont really need porn when my girlfriend lives next door..... :lol:

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I finnaly got the chance to play this game.


geometry_wars_xbox360.jpg I wanted to play it since a long time ago, but never had the chance to do so.


Anyone know where to get the theme song on the Evolved Version?

I have no idea what that game is, but how would I know that you of all the people in Ch 0 would like it? Maybe you could ask Turtz??:lol:
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