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same here. it is a bit slower. one thing that is pissing me off is buying coke from big dealers.

first you have to intimidate the bodyguard, then you have to talk to the dealer. i get fucked up on the dealer every time. that and i need some mroe cash to buy the club. fuck.


just downloaded splinter cell: chaos theory. call me behind the times by a few years....i dig splinter cell, though. the graphics are always pleasing, the whole stealth thing. i pretend i'm sneakandcrap.




not really.

I don't know why, but I don't have to intimidate anyone but the dealer. I don't even have to negotiate the prices also. I am up to the North beach missions, but wait till you hit the tanker, that was a motherfuck of a mission. And damn the Lambo replica is hard as fuck to drive!! I use the Ferrari replica for my massive deals, but the part I am up to is real fucked and I need a a break from it for a couple of days I reckon.

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glad to know it gets better. how come you don't have to intimidate anyone?

and no negotiations? i hate that little tiger woods esque bar thing you have to get the red line on.


one more thing: what about stealing bank trucks? i thought you could do that and make loot?

i steal them and all i get are cops on my ass.

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So i want to play a ps2 game that requires me to be stealth. I heard Splinter Cell was a good bet? Which in the series would be better for my wants?


No Metal Gear plx.


Splinter Cell is the shit. Start off with the first one, and just go on from there.


I haven't played the new one, though, and I'm not certain it's going to be as good as the older ones.

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^(Weaponxxx) I haven't played any of the older Splinter Cell titles, but I did play the new one and thought it was decent. My friend (owner the 360 I've been using) beat the other two and said he liked the new one just as much. It's worth checking out.


Mindvapors - If not Splinter Cell, check Hitman. Shit's retarded fun.


And that new Rainbox Six looks batshit.

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I just bought Phantasy Star Universe for 360... it's pretty sweet. A bit nerdy, but the hours of gameplay you could spend on the previous PSO was just fucking ridiculous. also they have this really bad ass rare monsters/items system where like 1/5000 monsters or items will be super rare and valuable. Anyway, I love this game, and I look forward to playing it a WHOLE lot.

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I just bought Phantasy Star Universe for 360... it's pretty sweet. A bit nerdy, but the hours of gameplay you could spend on the previous PSO was just fucking ridiculous. also they have this really bad ass rare monsters/items system where like 1/5000 monsters or items will be super rare and valuable. Anyway, I love this game, and I look forward to playing it a WHOLE lot.


On the original Dreamcast PSO, I was almost singlehandedly responsible for bringing the first double sabers to the US servers. I stole one off a japanse cat and duped the FUCK outta it.

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hahahaha, awesome.... Yeah, I knew the dupe trick, that's what kinda ruined the game for me... once I actually got online and there were people in there with all kinds of hacked mags and weapons and shit, it wasn't fun anymore.... I didn't have to work to try to beat up enemies because everything gets served with one hit.... but yeah, that's cool man.


The new one is pretty awesome.

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i just rented some tony hawk joint / metal gear 3....i'm kinding wishing already I hit best buy and got a new cd instead.


Metal Gear 3 is amazing. Mad hard, but amazing. Trust me, if you persevere, you'll grow to love it. Word of advice - when you see the old man being taken away in the wheelchair (you'll be stealth, in the water, watching a cutscene), take him out with the sniper rifle.


If you don't, you're gonna have a hard battle against him later on in the game. And if you can't beat him then, go to system settings of your PS2 and turn the clock ahead by 7 days. You'll get a nice, albeit cheap, surprise.

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