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Everything posted by 26SidedCube

  1. Shit, I know smart still lurks here. NIce.
  2. Just started a set of Trad Gear this week. I have 2 boulder pads, sport quick draws... Ive been Climbing in the north east for years if anyone is ever up here get ahold of me. Alex Honnold kills it; that solo is absolutely insane and probably wont be repeated for 20+ years.. Soloing stuff is a great experience but my friends had once ran into him while they were leading a 5.12d in Rumney NH, he soloed up the 13a next to them and told them to "Lose the rope, boys." Met him at the top and I guess he was smug as fuck to locals and everything. Free soloing is the a great thrill, but a much debated topic in the climbing community. Many view it as unnecessarily dangerous, Although i do enjoy it as much as the next person, as far as community norms go, its not exactly something to brag about
  3. Damn, Fuck BK romping over Acet like that..
  4. Shout out Detroit! Flying through, wish i could Stay longer. Bump for Aires 2buck Elmer Chaos Gasm Nietz everyone in LD n DFW still banging
  5. Upstate Peyote BOT in the Joey Badass video
  6. Wacko knows whats up. MUCH LOVE NYCISDEAD AS LONG AS YOURE POSTING THE DIE HARDS WILL KEEP VIEWING. Really, best member on this whole forum, much props
  7. CSX workers walking to inspect damage from Monday's plane crash, which killed 2
  8. http://www.cbs6albany.com/news/features/top-story/stories/two-dead-small-plane-crash-selkirk-19172.shtml
  9. http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/story/25559601/man-upset-detroit-police-were-seen-letting-graffiti-taggers-go?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=10179650 Bump for Gasm, Photoshop Tom Rest Easy NYC bangers Serve, Mystery Man Casino 142, TD as always All the locals doing work daily Not to mention those DP Officers Keep Killin' Gents
  10. Yeah, I was with the girl who bailed on her. why
  11. Her friend was going to get a matching one until she saw how this one came out........
  12. Bump for GESER! that dude kills the piecing, and Mewtew while were at it because the straights are on lock
  13. I hear that when youre accused of being a snitch, the best way to prove you arent is to go on 12OZ and try to Dry Snitch. Clearly never met Sodme.. Hes' very much so straight
  14. Bottom Line: Anti-style simply cannot be an excuse for poor can control or execution; toys are still toys
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