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Boston Marathon


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planting a bomb amongst the spectators makes it pretty clear this was someone going for maximum terror and casualties.

america has escaped this sort of thing for a long time, obv except for 9.11.. i wonder if that's over?


kinda surprised no one is taking responsibility

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The doctors are finding ball bearings and nails and shit in the legs of the victims. Whoever made this bomb definitely wanted maximum carnage and shock effect.


And apparently (so I hear) the cops are saying the guy on the roof was an officer of some sort.


I think it is someone who is pissed of about this gun control issue in the US, and is showing the public that making guns harder to acquire will NOT change violence. Crazy fuckers can cause damage however they decide to, guns are just easier.

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I'm thinking homegrown lone wolf...but who knows...


I agree, I'm not trying to belittle the situation, but I think a foreign attack would've gone for something much bigger than a marathon.


My friend in Boston said they are pulling ball bearings out of people? I guess the bombs were made to propel shrapnel.


Anyone know if a suspect is in custody?




Edit :I didn't see redeyedanimal's post about the ball bearings.

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The Westboro Baptist Church says they will picket funeral services scheduled for the victims of Monday’s horrific bombing in Boston, Massachusetts. The church — a Topeka, Kansas-based religious organization that has been labeled by many as a “hate group” — says God allowed the city of Boston to be attacked because Massachusetts was the first state in the US to legalize same-sex marriage. A tweet sent from one of the church’s accounts on Monday explained their reasoning and announced that the group plans to picket funeral services scheduled in the coming days. So far the bombing has claimed three lives and President Obama called the incident an “act of terror” during a Tuesday morning press briefing. “The federal government is classifying the bombs as a terrorist attack, but say it’s unclear if it’s of a domestic or foreign nature,” the church writes. “Here’s a hint — GOD SENT THE BOMBS! How many more terrifying ways will you have the LORD injure and kill your fellow countrymen because you insist on nation-dooming filthy fag marriage?!” “Christ Jesus said that same-sex marriage would prevail just before the time that He returns in power and glory, taking vengeance on the disobedient (Luke 17; 2 Thes. 1). Massachusetts invited this special wrath from God Almighty when it was the FIRST STATE to pass same-sex marriage on May 17, 2004. As a direct and immediate result of that first step down the slippery slope to nationwide fag marriage, God sent the devastating bombs to the Boston Marathon,” says the church.

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for that comment alone, i love you mercer no homo.


the coolest, most down to earth, successful homegirl i have in my city was running in that race. i got a girl in illinois who hit me up about this shit via text before i even had a chance to hear about it on the news and i was horrified. cant tell you how relieved i felt when i texted my racing homegirl and she said she escaped unscathed. was near tears.


my dad, who has been married to my mom for over 30 years, soon realized that the best man at his wedding and homey for life was also running it. he was a mess for most of monday. found out dude was safe too. havent seen pops happier.


my condolences go out to the families of the victims, and also the survivors and their families.


one love to boston from canuckville.

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