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pay back is a bitch


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some may know and others dont but i moved to alaska to take on a head chef position. not too long ago i had hired this guy to be my number 2, sous chef, assistant, or whatever else you could call it and he ended up fucking me over and left to a new restaurant and took some of my recipes with him as well.


today a good friend offered me to buy some of his real estate up here, turns out that fuck ex employee lives there with his girl, baby, and lame dogs. ha! his rent is getting tripled tomorrow after i make the purchase. he gonna shit his pants when i show up with the papers and tell em to pay up or gtfo!


dont fuck with me broke fucks, i gots monies now... eat a dick!

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You might want to check with a lawyer before you do anything. You could be the one getting sued if you do that. Every state is different, but a lare majority of the time, if you buy property with occupants already under lease living there, you cannot do anything until their lease runs out. Also, if you think that you will not fix things and keep everything in decent condition, they could sue you for that. Some states even will sue you based on their complaints to them.


Be careful with the revenge thing and mixing it with real estate.

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Perhaps the both of you were experiencing some growing pains with your new responsibilities?


The action you describe sounds petty and the possibility for negative unforeseen consequences is great, greater since you seem to be playing the fool.


Talk about a bitch move, evicting a man and his family because he "stole your recipes"? Did he bite your arrow also?

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some may know and others dont but i moved to alaska to take on a head chef position. not too long ago i had hired this guy to be my number 2, sous chef, assistant, or whatever else you could call it and he ended up fucking me over and left to a new restaurant and took some of my recipes with him as well.


today a good friend offered me to buy some of his real estate up here, turns out that fuck ex employee lives there with his girl, baby, and lame dogs. ha! his rent is getting tripled tomorrow after i make the purchase. he gonna shit his pants when i show up with the papers and tell em to pay up or gtfo!


dont fuck with me broke fucks, i gots monies now... eat a dick!


I have family who owns a few apartment complexes, and from what I gather (not certain), there are certain laws that prevent landlords from just abusing their tenants by doing things like "tripling the rent" overnight and giving a bunch of other unfair ultimatums to tenants. It could lead to lawsuits with the judge ruling in the tenant's favor.

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Page 28



Retaliation by the landlord

The landlord may not retaliate (in the manner described here) against a tenant because:

• the tenant complains to the landlord about his failure to perform the landlord’s responsibilities;

• the tenant exercises his legal rights under the Alaska Landlord and Tenant Act;

• the tenant organizes or joins a tenant union or similar organizations; or

• the tenant complains to a government agency responsible for enforcement of governmental housing, wage, price or rent controls.



The law encourages retaliation by the landlord only is said landlord is a foggot or met Banksy.



This means the landlord can:


• raise the rent;

• decrease services (such as shutting off utilities); or

• start or threaten to start an eviction proceeding against the tenant.108

If a tenant feels that illegal retaliation has occurred, the tenant can move out or stay, and in either case, sue for as much as 11⁄2 times the actual damages.1

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You might want to check with a lawyer before you do anything. You could be the one getting sued if you do that. Every state is different, but a lare majority of the time, if you buy property with occupants already under lease living there, you cannot do anything until their lease runs out. Also, if you think that you will not fix things and keep everything in decent condition, they could sue you for that. Some states even will sue you based on their complaints to them.


Be careful with the revenge thing and mixing it with real estate.

Wooo wooo woo...slow your thinking brain there for a minute and let a thread simmer...



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I think the fact that you're his new landlord will shake him up enough. Would you want to have that hanging over your head or have to give money to someone you screwed over (and presumably didn't respect)? Just be nice and say "Shit happens...but business is business, pay your rent and I'll maintain the property" and he won't know what to think since he's expecting you to be the dickhead landlord that triples his rent.

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"Your recipes"


No offense dog, but I highly doubt what you're doing in bumfuck AK is so awesome as to stress about that. Lord knows you haven't had fresh produce in what, 4 months? Am I totally wrong in assuming 80% + of your kitchen comes from sysco?


Also, what REA said.

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Best case scenario dude laughs in your face and doesn't pay the rent you ask for. You attempt to evict him and he fights it. You spend countless hours and thousands of dollars in court and eventually win the court case. Dude still doesn't pay you the back rent he owes you and leaves the property trashed/burned to the ground/contaminated with meth labs making it uninhabitable. You try to sue him in court for back rent etc, you win and he still doesn't pay you, so you hire a collections agency which he just ignores and you still don't get your money. At the end of the day you end up owning some piece of shit property in alaska that is trashed and is going to cost thousands to make rentable again.


Worst case scenario. You show up and tell dude his rent is raised, he laughs in your face. Starts filling complaints and bringing you to the courts, you end up going through a lengthy court battle only to owe him thousands of dollars for violating state laws. Due to court and stress from being sued constantly you end up losing your job and become homeless, dude drive by you holding sign on the side of the road and laughs at you on a daily basis while screaming "pay back is a bitch"


I see this ending somewhere in between. Much better options. Also what kind of recipes did he steal that pissed you off so much? And I can't think of a job at a restaurant where I haven't stolen every recipe they had, I have a stash of "secret" recipes for shit sitting around in my moms basement for if I ever decide to open any kind of food business.

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If you really don't like the person, surely keeping them there paying regular rent is revenge enough.


You seem like a sad person. Also, as I think Red said, it's a kitchen... how new are you to the chef game if you were expecting loyalty from a sous chef, especially considering you are undoubtedly a dick to work with.

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