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Am I normal? Shit that only you do.

you can microwave bacon

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Every time i see this thread i question if I have missed something (technically that counts as 1)


Story is I never knew how to snap my fingers till tenth grade. When I was younger I thought it was the pointer and thumb so it never really worked, so i said fuck it and never did it. idle conversation years later brought it up and through many laughs my error was corrected. yet, being years behind snapping my fingers and doing the whole flat hand fist pop thing became a constant thing i would do while idly waiting or when I was deliberating. I snap fingers like a beast now lol


sometimes ill leave clean clothes on top of my covers cause the weigh on my lower body helps me sleep...

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Every time something something really bad happens to me I become a hermit for a few weeks and emerge a slightly different person. I usually change my hair, clothes, and affect. My friends tend to notice, think it's strange, and then get used to the newer me. It's gotten to the point I don't know if I am getting closer or further away from my true self.

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I realized recently that I will either hold my breath or exhale when I pass certain people while out and about. I do it to avoid smelling their passing breeze. Some people just dont smell good.


True, true, but admit it- on the flipside, when a sexy bitch walks by you inhale just to smell her, you're like:

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  • 2 months later...

I know it's kind of a niched topic, but regarding fapping and IRL girls, Poesia had the single best story I've heard on here (and probably ever) regarding that.


If I remember correct, he had a homie who would date girls and eventually have them over to his spot. He'd cook for them, hook it up with a great meal, all that. Then he'd jerk off in front of them and be like: look, I can cook, I can nut, and I can do it all without you.


Apparently the caliber of woman he dated was pretty taken by his independence. I feel like there were probably larger issues at play in his life, but whatever gets you laid I guess...

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/\/\ that dude sounds like a huge kook...if you're going to those lengths to show a chick you're independent, odds are you're prob anything but and one of those clingy insecure "you can't have friends" type of dudes


i rinse cans under hot water before i drink from them...be it beers/pop/arizona arnold palmer whatever...the thought that someone has touched something i'm about to put my mouth to weirds me out

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same.. no way to know that some gutter homesless dudes crotch rot funk isnt all over that (in the shape of his fingerprints)



Sometimes when I'm really high and walking somewhere alone, I count the steps I take for no apparent reason.

I rip off all excess paper when rolling a joint.

I never inhale the first drag from a cigarette, like when I light it.

I make sandwiches on paper towels to avoid having to wash a dish. Also drink water from the tap for the same reason.


And I think flushing with your foot in public washrooms is just standard.

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I do that holding my breath when I walk past people too.


I said this in the other thread I think but...


I count people's fingers, and toes if I get the chance, upon first meeting them. Not out loud or anything, it's not obvious that I'm doing it. I'm not entirely sure why, I just like to know if people have a digit missing or a malformed one even. They count as half.


I know others do this because of the last thread. I change the words in songs to add stuff about my dogs, their names, what they're doing at that moment etc and then sing to them. I do this a lot more than I realise apparently.


I ignore people until I've had my first cup of tea in the morning.


I can't sleep until someone has said nos da to me.


If I forget someone's name I give them a new one that I think fits them and, I'll continue to call them that for the whole time I know them. For 2 years I shared a house with a guy I called Mike, it wasn't his name. We still bump into each other, he still answers to Mike. I still don't know what his name is.


I HAVE to have the first cup of tea I make if I'm making more than one.

If someone takes my cup before I've finished my tea it really fucking pisses me off. I don't feel like I've had one so I have to have another.

It HAS to be milk first in tea for me.

I won't drink tea someone else has made, no one else can make a good cup.


If someone else comes over and washes my dishes I wait until they leave and wash them again. I don't tell them though because that'd be rude.

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I eat squirrel brains and like sleeping in a new area everynight. And I spend most of my time with a dog. I jack off almost everyday mwhahaha but that probably isn't too insane. I also, pretend to be a fellow crazy person if in a shit city. i like to defecate outside

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If you drank proper tea I wouldn't heckle you...so it's all your own fault and he doesn't do the dishes Medicine, I wait on him and and foot.


I like to listen to Meatloaf and Queen really loud whilst I do housework and use the dyson as either a microphone or a guitar, depending on what's appropriate.


When on hold I sing along to the music they play. I quite often get caught out.

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I count people's fingers, and toes if I get the chance.....


im a counter bad especially fingers and toes. on people, movie posters, paintings, etc..


also ceiling tiles, floor tiles, patterns, usually anything that is more than 4, i will count.


i become extremely aroused around 1-2 in the afternoon. i can judge the time of day based on that alone. It doesn't matter where i'm at,or what i'm doing.


so needless to say around 2-3, you know what im doing. joke. usually

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can't say i do this myself but a work colleague of mines says whenever he's shaggin' his wife from behind (who i presume he doesn't get along with because he works aboot 20 hours of overtime every week) he sticks his thumbs in his ear and waves his hands whilst pulling funny faces at the back of her head...

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