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Irrational Fears . . .

Dr. Scientist

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. . . my girl is afraid of spiders, and completely terrified of "Thousand Leggers".


I showed her this picture to try and convince her that they weren't all that scary. . . well, shit backfired and she freaked the fuck out.


Besides the police, what are you afraid of?




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heights in video games... yea seriously.. shit makes me nauseous no clue why


ive been playing the fuck out of fallout 3 lately and theres a few spots that just make me want to stop playing and walk away for no reason other than they are high as fuck



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these things freak me the fuck out, there was this time i was driving and one of these fuckers was in my car zipping around and it was pissed, i almost smashed into a the car in front of me because i took my shirt off and started swating at the fucker.

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I'm terrified of things with wings, like panic attack, feel like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest, heart attack, keel over an die fear. It's totally rational though, they're completely unpredictable.


I don't mind birds like boats mind.

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when jumping into a lake from a boat i am freaked out that my legs/feet will

hit something. so right after i jump in i keep my legs tucked up until i swim to the surface


shit i was doing it this past weekend at the lake. we were in the middle of the

lake where it's about 65ft deep but i still thought i was gonna hit something

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There is nothing irrational about being afraid of "thousand leggers" as you call them.

Those things are fucking evil freaks of nature.


I got a tattoo of one to fill some space on my arm.


My buddy and I call it a "bummer tattoo"-

'cause those things are so gross, seeing one is a total bummer.

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my girl is deathly afraid of clowns...

she told me her brother used to make her watch

killer clowns from outter space almost every night before bed

and i guess it got her terrified now.. even if she sees a clown

on tv or something she'll gasp or scream and cover her eyes

and completely flip the fuck out...

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I actually have an anxiety disorder, if certain shit ain't right i'll be waking up in the middle of the night in panic attacks etc. Doesn't happen often though. (ironically I dont have an especially anxious disposition, I'm confident enough to trust myself and not care what people think and Ive been in many dangerous/ challeging situations and felt perfectly capable).


I'm really not afraid of much. But my body is fucking afraid of blood tranfused diseases. That's more or less the only way to explain it. Like one of my homies was telling me he got Hep C (bad drug choices I think) and mentally I'm really fine, but i started getting nauceous and pale in the face and had to tell him I needed to bounce.


Aids is fucking scary basically.

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