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Genital Herpes....bummer.


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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


There are plenty of infected slags out there that you can play herp hot potato with, here ya go buddy.




I let it out like diarrhea got burnt once, but that was only gonorrhea


That ^ My buddy has this shit. For some reason they sent the results to his parents house. :lol:

He was drunk, crying, saying he couldn't look at his dick anymore... Ouch Thank god I never caught that shit.. Anyway he's pulling all kinds of ass from some Herp website. And he doesn't have game like that.

True scumbag shit, knowing you have that shit and spreading it.

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


wtf is it with these people sharing this shit and having no humility. what do you plan to get out of this shit?? "oh dog, no way you got burnt? shit bro im sorry man. can i do anything to help".

fucking lames..


You and anyone who shares your belief is a class A moron. The Internet would suck if people didn't come out and tell humiliating stories. No one is giving you their full name and their parents' address. Some dude is telling you that he got herpes.


My buddy was a virgin until four weeks ago. He met a girl and fucked her and now he has cold sores and some fucked up shit on his hands.

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


You and anyone who shares your belief is a class A moron. The Internet would suck if people didn't come out and tell humiliating stories. No one is giving you their full name and their parents' address. Some dude is telling you that he got herpes.


My buddy was a virgin until four weeks ago. He met a girl and fucked her and now he has cold sores and some fucked up shit on his hands.


Fucked up shit on his hands?? I don't even...

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


Just got over an incident where I thought I had HPV.


Good news though, I didn't have it and even if I did it'd go away eventually.

You however though, are fucked.


Don't be one of those ''I have it so now everyone will'' kind of people, if all you infected assholes just kept to yourselves this shit would die out and go away.


This* You sick fucks.

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Re: Genital Herpes....bummer


You and anyone who shares your belief is a class A moron. The Internet would suck if people didn't come out and tell humiliating stories. No one is giving you their full name and their parents' address. Some dude is telling you that he got herpes.


My buddy was a virgin until four weeks ago. He met a girl and fucked her and now he has cold sores and some fucked up shit on his hands.


I dunno, I'm kinda with IHU on this one...although this story isn't even particularly humiliating, it's super vague, so we can't cash in on hilarity...there is no hysterical backstory or ridiculous follow up.


Your buddy's story on the other hand...or more like on both the hands huhuhuhuh...sounds amusing. Get him to register or post on your account to tell us.

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bummer dude.


i'm pretty happy that i've never picked anything permanent up.

but i've always figured if i did i would just find all the girls that had it already and we could just bone no rubber since we were already fucked. i mean, you can't catch it twice, and once you've got that one what are a couple lesser ones as well?

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Basically just pretend like you don't have it, cause most chicks already got it, and if they catch from you they will never know for sure cause all women are whores that fuck at least 30 guys before they hit 21.


Outside my box, but knowledge, nonetheless.

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bummer brah! chances are you'll get one outbreak and then show no signs of it for another year or so, then you may get another mild one at some point. then back to no signs. unless you got some super herpes strand. either way they've been saying for a while they are getting closer and closer to curing the shit for good.

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