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My semi retarded brother in-law


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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


shes awesome,normal attractive......she just has a retarded oaf for a bro.....dude we tell him all the time. Her normal brother is still at the crib and keeps his dumb ass in line.




Hes actually a super shitty person, hes smart enough to use his tard to be manipulative and rude and fucking mean.


Ha, this is good cause at first i thought this dude was marrying your sister or somethin




edit: i didnt see the other shit posted after the first page...i fail, but whatever

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


I just watched dude devour an entire large pizza with a pint of milk chaser.........now he's mashing out a jumbo costco sized bag of ruffles.




retards can be awesome





this tard may have powers you don't yet know about.

make sure he does not catch on to your "pokes of fun"

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law






I have so many Frank stories that I don't even know where to begin.......


do any of you know how hard it is to fall asleep with a 33 year old obese semi retarded man singing the Backstreet boys to his cat?

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


I'm not worried about my old ladies gene pool, as everyone from the Azores is inbreed, wheres johnny at he can back this up. He's the only tard in the massive family. Hes more socially retarded then anything, like hes a fucking muppet no doubt but everyone thought he was shy for 27 years.....his fam just admit that hes not all there!







Frank threatened to kill himself right......and ran out of the house. Being Down town Toronto we all got a little worried, his mom was a mess........she knew where he was though................................................................................................



THE WALKING PATH BEHIND THEIR HOUSE HAS A BRIDGE, IT'S LIKE A 9 FOOT DROP! She goes back to get him and he's pacing back in forth talking to himself trying work up the never to do it. He sees shes coming and starts to go for it.


She screams something in retarded italian and the normal brother screams......"OH FUCK LET HIM DO IT MA, AT WORST HE'LL SKIN HIS KNEE"

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


El ver....I'd fuck up your boy over that shit.....picking on tards isn't cool......but laughing about the tardness when they aren't around is.






If I posted all the terrible shit this guy has done over the years you'd catch a flight to ice him for me......he is A TERRIBLE HUMAN.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


El ver....I'd fuck up your boy over that shit.....picking on tards isn't cool......but laughing about the tardness when they aren't around is.






If I posted all the terrible shit this guy has done over the years you'd catch a flight to ice him for me......he is A TERRIBLE HUMAN.


yea... im on the same page as you, i wont fuck with someone that isnt mentally capable of defending themselfs. and he aint my boy, he's just some dumb fuck that happens to hang around some guys i kick it with. sometimes we think he's retarded himself.


one time he tried to fuck with us at a bar, i ended up punching him in the nuts. (if you knew him you'd punch him in the nuts too, he's that annoying.) he tried to get me back by kicking me from behind while i was taking a piss in the bathroom, he ended slipping and falling on a floor full of piss.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


Frank almost lost his job at a high end department store once........a woman shopping was so grossed out by him starring at her ass and sweating profusely she told the manager. She threatened sexual harassment charges because this wasn't the first time it had happened.


It also wasn't the first chick to bitch.



He was freaking out because some told him he could go to jail and for like 2 weeks many laughs ere had at his expense.

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Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law


Frank makes alot of rad shit up......he doesn't have a single friend. It's sad but hes a fucking knob and brings it upon himself.


He made up this girl he was "dating" at this sandwich shop on the block....he asked his normal brother to help him out on some dl woman getting shit. Normal bro rolls to shop with him to get a coffee and a snack.


Frank sat at the table smashed back 4 BOTTLES of coke and ran out when the chick tried talking to him............



Notmal brother said the chick came over to ask him to pay his bill for the last time he ran out, and asked him if he was retarded because he sits their starring at her sweating, and that her dad doesn't want him around he's freaking everyone out!


I still hit that deli on the reg and totally eye bang home girl

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