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Apparently in Tennessee it's legal to have passengers with open containers in the car as long as the driver does not have one.


"Hey man, hold this"


dont know if anyones said this, but the counter part to that is they can arrest you for being drunk in public if your drinking in the car. so really you cant drink while someone is driving, they just would like you to think you have that ability.

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Hahahahha are you really fucking saying that DUI rates have fallen because of a commercial i've never seen? C'mon son. Its because a DUI is thousands of dollars of fines, thousands of dollars of lawer fees, hundreds of hours in alcohol awareness seminars, in and out of court for years, and, when it's all over you'll get your license back in two years and your insurance will only go up a thousand dollars a year for the next seven years.


Not that it matters on this forum, but you also now have a criminal record, if your job requires you to drive to work you'll be promptly fired. You'll also never be able to get a job where you have to drive for a living.


Wait none of that shit matters, it was the fucking tv propaganda that brought down the DUI rates.

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Please allow me to summarize your feelings in a photo




hardly UMAD... but i guess your default response works well for you in all situations.


anyway, i doubt you can out drive some people on this board let alone trackheads. sit back and keep playing your role of drinking and driving..



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I'm fine with people who can't drive drunk not doing so. It's a good idea.


But it's ridiculous for people to assume because they can't drive drunk that I can't...I drive better wasted than most people sober, it's just a fact



No joke, I hope everyone with this attitude drives into a telephone pole with an otherwise empty car. I know it seems funny to have a reckless, "don't give a fuck" kind of persona, but if you live to thirty it starts to just seem kind of pathetic.

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UMAD, should be reserved for people who really are UMAD. I am not, you clearly by your response are and definitely didn't like my comparison of you to the retards from the Jersey Shore.


i'm hungover and just started work i am hardly close to being any sorts of awake. if you could read, which i thought you could (wrong again), my ass pounding statement came from the total response of channel zero to the morons from the Jersey Shore and directed it towards you. I am not the one doing the ass pounding but from various stories i know how RI gets down, nohomo\


hope you take out a retard bus driving drunk and we can call it a day. or you can put your money where your mouth is and bring it to the track and see who can drive better. doubt you will but anyways keep ranting on a forum. i'll be getting paid to listen to you bullshit your way through the rest of this thread. lmao. aduhrrrr i drivaz bettaz whenz i iz drunks (Bobby Bouche from the Waterboy voice)....

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I always like the "I drive better drunk" argument. So, the basic laws of physics and what alcohol does to the reaction time of the human brain must simply not apply to you.


I make a real big effort to not drive drunk but I sure do like to have one cold beer while I drive. Always my first beer of the day and always just one and not too often.

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after reading two threads today, i've decided saying no homo in every post makes you even gayer. it shows a hidden desire to take cock, but deny it.


but yeah. drunk driving = selfish. i'm not strongly 'argue on the internet for an hour while the rest of the world is actually doing something, and then deny that you're a total computer dork' opinionated on it, but i think it's a terrible idea no matter how you slice it.

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Jesus that commercial was nuts.


I drove drunk once, I drove straight past a cop in the other lane while drinking from a can, missed a checkstop because I happened to take a wrong turn, and ended up going the wrong way down a one way street while being faced down by a honking semi. I figure all of my get out of jail cards were used up at once, so I will never do it again.


Plus it's fucking retarded.

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not gonna lie, I've made the booze cruise a few times from the lounge to my house, but its all back roads, not one light controlled intersection and its always on a random night. plus shit is hilarious to have notorious BIG bangin with my maritime homies from work, drunk as fuck, on our 30 second drive home.

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all EU countries have a .00 limit. suckers


Not true. In the Uk its .35

But still its probably better to act like the limit is 0.00.


Drunk Driving definatly for the losers....


i watched that ad in complete awe, it looked like a film to me. Combined with the music, you can see (well, hope) that it will have an effect on people watching..the powers of tv.


i work in a bar, and i drive to and from work..you can probably imagine how fucking easy it would be for me to drive home a little worse for the wear but i make a point of sticking to one single pint of a weak lager shandy. seriously its just a pint of lemonade with a dash of lager for colour...


tonight, after i finished a 13 hour shift there was a leaving party for an old manager who was leaving. pretty much every single person in the bar was offering to buy me drinks so i could relax and could not get their heads around why i wouldnt drink!


i lost a friend to a drunk driver a few years ago and its not cool. i probably piss off a lot of customers by hating on them if they even consider it. shit, ive even taken car keys off people on numerous occasions...never goes down well in the evening, but the morning after they are usually pretty sorry,.



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you raise a good point by taking some of your regulars keys when you've seen em drink too much and they intend to get behind the wheel. I don't get why more people in the industry don't do that shit, if you're my server and you've been feeding me pints for the last 3 or 4 hours, take my goddamn keys!!! Especially if I pull them out after I square my tab and intend to get in my car...

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that was really well made. they had some dope shots in that.

now i wanna see how it was made


it was pretty good but the ads by themselves are moronic and out of context. i've seen most of them through the years.


the one where the guy gets out of the car and stands on the highway only to get cleaned up by a semi, taking the door with him is so fucking stupid. the guy is meant to be "stoned"


but some of them are powerful



this one brings me great amusement, especially the "click" sound the camera phone makes






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