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Top that!


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A person is prone to doing crazy things while waiting for the Arrested Development movie to get off the ground. (I know from experience: My life-sized, paper-mâché Annyong is almost finished!) Take David Cross, for example, who has busied himself during the film’s lengthy development process by…well…how do we put this?

Well, the first thing Cross has done, which sounds awfully draining, is to continue cultivating a friendship with Vice Magazine founder and tedious ur-hipster Gavin McInnes. Five years ago, the two men made a trip to the DEA museum, where McInnes did a bump of coke and challenged Cross to “top that.”

And top that he did! The comedian, brought by actress girlfriend Amber Tamblyn to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, decided to do his own bump in full view of various high-profile politicians — and a mere fifty or so feet from President Obama, to boot. David Cross is never going to stop embarrassing Russ Tamblyn.











Five years ago, I did a bump at the DEA Museum. The museum is gone now and was really just a way for municipal bureaucrats to milk more 9-11 money out of the federal government. The whole point of the place was, “If you buy drugs, you support terrorism.” They had bales of fake marijuana next to gigantic photos of the planes hitting the WTC. This annoyed me so I decided to do a bump to punish them. There were cops on every floor but I managed to get a quick toot up my nose. David Cross was with me at the time and I smiled with powder falling off my nasal peach fuzz and said, “Top that.”



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