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Involving law enforcement


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Omerta is not simply the 'code of the streets.' It's hardly applicable in today's society vs how it was used then. Not to mention that the people who made the concept would frown upon the sterotyped thug/street image given who it's primarily assigned to.


yeah i was going to say something along the lines of this yesterday, but I OMERTA'd up and let you do it



But really, Omerta and the code of the streets arent the same thing at all. Omerta isnt applicable in modern american society... and look at the mob nowadays... they are all ratting left and right.

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dude that story sucks.


i dont agree that this kid should be going around threatening people with a gun over 20 bucks at all, but your actions qualify as being a punk. stop being a sketchball, if your gonna do shit be legit, then you wont have dudes trying to knock your door down cause you fucked them over, and to use this as a "should i have called the cops or not?" example is retarded.


dumb ass.

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For what its worth this dude could of roughed me up without much effort was a golden glove boxer, state champion wrestler, martial arts competitor and a big dude. If he came at me with his fists I would not have called Johny Law.





so you not only cheated a dude with mental problems, but a dude who is a CHAMPION FUCKING FIGHTER? and then when you got caught being an idiot by the dude you shouldn't have fucked with, you pussed out and had to call the cops?


jesus christ you're straight retarded.

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yeah i was going to say something along the lines of this yesterday, but I OMERTA'd up and let you do it



But really, Omerta and the code of the streets arent the same thing at all. Omerta isnt applicable in modern american society... and look at the mob nowadays... they are all ratting left and right.


Omerta was around long before the mob, and I feel is still very applicable in this day and age

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I disagree


in the time where the concept was originated there was more of a community, people who looked out for each other, where things could be handled behind closed doors. It wasnt a small group, it was an understanding of EVERYONE.


You just cant compare post feudal greater italian societal concepts directly to our modern american society - far too much has changed.

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"Omertà is an extreme form of loyalty and solidarity in the face of authority. One of its absolute tenets is that it is deeply demeaning and shameful to betray even one’s deadliest enemy to the authorities."


thats sure as fuck doesnt sounbd like the "code of the streets" to me

code of the streets is "Stop SNitchin... unless they hit you with more than 10 years... or you can get money from it... or you can get someone out the way easily... or you dont like the guy... or you DO like him but really want to go home from this here interrogation room..."


its like chivalry - its a dead concept when so few people have any sense of shame or honor. How the fuck do most of these kids experience shame when they have zero concept of respect? I wish it was applicable, but really on a wide spread level the concept just doesnt work because most of these kids dont respect a god damn thing, much less an abstract concept like honor or loyalty.


Also the defenition of authority and what it represents are far more widespread nowadays...

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Same as any organized illegal activity, apprentices without masters in large numbers leads to complete collapse.

I could go on and on, but some of the blame clearly lies with those who do "know the way" and the I can't be bothered attitude they have.

Niggas used to go way the fuck out of their way to show my generation what's up, but we didn't.

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I don't understand why you feel conflicted about this or why you even brought it up. You shorted someone who you knew to be loose in the head, he shows up with heat to even the score, you lock yourself in a room and call the cops and the guy's parents to handle a bad situation you created. That adds up to a shameful incident I would be doing my best to learn from and put behind me in hopes that it never came up.


On the other hand, I remember retarded shit like this happening a lot growing up in the suburbs and for some reason people usually gave it a pass. I was a little different...if I knew someone was a snitch or a cop caller or sold short sacks I steered clear of them and never really told anyone why. If there was a party at their house, I wouldn't go. If they showed up at a party I was at, I'd either leave or avoid them like the plague. I only bought drugs from my own trusted connections that I never told anyone about. The couple times I got arrested I rode my own beef, and I handled my business the same way. The cops weren't gonna help me if I got caught slipping doing some dirt, because I lived in a small town and they had my number. So I kept my mouth shut and my head low. Compared to a lot of the kids I grew up with who were living a fast life I made out all right...no kids, no beatings, no police record, decent reputation, people trust me. I can't complain.


BTW, I'm not letting you off the hook. I'm saying I can relate to the situation.

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yeah ever since it was first mentioned i was thinking of this song. it lays it out for you at the start is.






For what its worth this dude could of roughed me up without much effort was a golden glove boxer, state champion wrestler, martial arts competitor and a big dude. If he came at me with his fists I would not have called Johny Law.


gets worse and worse. why you thought to short a guy who was a great big golden glove boxer, state champion wrestler, martial arts competitor, mentally unstable and above all had a gun is way, way beyond me.


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this shit is such a played issue. if you would have been a man and shot him, your dumb ass would be in jail. and visa versa. which i'm sure the beef or whatever was over some dumb shit to begin with.


secondly, nobody on this board is about shit. they might say this or that, but bottom line is, if someone's coming after you for no apparent reason, or even for a legit reason, they're going to call the cops if theyre life is in danger.


unless theyre fucking retarded, which i wouldn't put past most 12ozers...

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I did not know he had a gun. Life is what it is. I was a teenage kid who punked another on a drug deal and found myself on the wrong end of a gun.


I knew the kid for years and in all honesty did not really harm him, he went off the handle in his reaction.


Next time you wrong another, be careful, for you never know what shit has built up in their head.

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secondly, nobody on this board is about shit. they might say this or that, but bottom line is, if someone's coming after you for no apparent reason, or even for a legit reason, they're going to call the cops if theyre life is in danger.


I've been jumped multiple times, had my skull beat in with a brick, been robbed, carjacked, had guns in my face several times, and never once, even for a second, thought about calling the cops (except in the carjacking incident, and that was strictly to report it stolen)


Know why? Cuz that's the kinda life I live, and shit happens, so I take it like a fucking man and keep it movin

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you play bad you catch bad

Sounds like you picked the wrong one to be fuckin with

and now you got a real problem. You created it for

yourself... I mean you did the shit and when

it escalated you called his parents and the police. This is

like double snitchin. I would be surprised if anybody wants

to talk to you after this shit.

I would reccomend for you slow your roll. Its pretty

clear you are not cut for the rip and run. Probably end

up sending a bunch of people to prison because of your

poor judgement.

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secondly, nobody on this board is about shit. they might say this or that, but bottom line is, if someone's coming after you for no apparent reason, or even for a legit reason, they're going to call the cops if theyre life is in danger.


Trust that I know that if I'm in a life or death situation that requires my immediate attention, calling the cops is not an option. I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to deal with it or go out like a champ because by the time the cops get there they're just gonna be cleaning up the mess...one way or the other.


In my book, the cops should never get involved in illegal situations (i.e., the crackhead who calls the cops because they got juked). Dude can backpedal and say "I was doing it for his own good" but the cal was on him from the jump for putting the idea in dude's head to come after him with a gun in the first place.


Like I said, dude pulled his own card on stupid teenage shit that should have stayed buried. I'm quite sure everyone on this board has some incident from their past that they don't want to talk about...so the moral is, don't snitch yourself out.

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I did not know he had a gun. Life is what it is. I was a teenage kid who punked another on a drug deal and found myself on the wrong end of a gun.


you still knew he was a golden glove boxing, state champion wrestling, expert martial artist crazy case though.



just sayin

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my parents snitched me out. i was like six years old at my older brothers basketball game calling 911 on a phone booth and hanging up. next thing you know my mom walks by and the pay phone starts ringing guess what it was the 911 operator she said "did you call from this number?"

"no it was my son"

haven't spoken to her since.


i bet dao wants to break his code of silence. He probably writes a couple sentences. stops. closes window. repeat

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my parents snitched me out. i was like six years old at my older brothers basketball game calling 911 on a phone booth and hanging up. next thing you know my mom walks by and the pay phone starts ringing guess what it was the 911 operator she said "did you call from this number?"

"no it was my son"

haven't spoken to her since.


i bet dao wants to break his code of silence. He probably writes a couple sentences. stops. closes window. repeat


I hope this is a joke. Havent spoke to your mom since you where 6 cuz of that shit?



LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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How the fuck do most of these kids experience shame when they have zero concept of respect? I wish it was applicable, but really on a wide spread level the concept just doesn't work because most of these kids don't respect a god damn thing, much less an abstract concept like honor or loyalty.


I'm with you on that.



Kids these days think like:


If they robbed someone or got robbed, as soon as they fight back they're in the wrong.

They don't know how the legal system works or when it's considered self defense.

So they think the only way out, is to bitch out and snitch.

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