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16 Yr old Beat To Death


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Man, 16 and on probation for a robbery conviction... That's part of the problem, when you commit a crime as a juvenile you get a slap on the wrist and that sends out the message that it's OK to act like an animal.


There's a reality show, I think it's called "Bronx Justice," or something like that. It's about the main court house here in The Bronx. Every time I watch it some judge is letting some 16 or 17 year old off from a serious offense (robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, etc...) with the excuse that he's still young and has still time to get his life right.


Then at the end of the show they report how he was arrested two more times later that year for assult.

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giving them longer sentences wont cahnge much either imho...ive been getting arrested since i was 12,just got off my 6th case and hung around alot of cats like this who get locked up for robberies and home invasions by the time their 14 and i can promise you nothing you do will change them.send them to JDC,man thats like a badge of honor to alot of these fools.they earned their stripes that way.the more bad shit they do the more respect they get.prison doesnt rehabilitae you it just hardens you and makes you a better criminal.really once you get into this lifestyle,into the streetlife,theres no turning back.it takes losing everything for them to realise that it isnt worth it but by the time that happens its already to late...sad but true.

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giving them longer sentences wont cahnge much either imho...ive been getting arrested since i was 12,just got off my 6th case and hung around alot of cats like this who get locked up for robberies and home invasions by the time their 14 and i can promise you nothing you do will change them.send them to JDC,man thats like a badge of honor to alot of these fools.they earned their stripes that way.the more bad shit they do the more respect they get.prison doesnt rehabilitae you it just hardens you and makes you a better criminal.really once you get into this lifestyle,into the streetlife,theres no turning back.it takes losing everything for them to realise that it isnt worth it but by the time that happens its already to late...sad but true.


I agree, prison needs to rehabilitate and they should teach you some sort of skill that you can use to get your shit together when you get out...


I know there's some guys that you can't help no matter what, but there are also people who get caught up in the cycle and would love the chance to get out and get their lives in order.

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all this fucks me up because i am about to be a father, and will be moving to chicago in the near future. i think my worst fear is that my kid will either become involved in this lifestyle or become a victim of it like derrion. fuck that, im movin to the north side


lol northside... all i have to say is that if u look for problems u wil find them.. not just in chi any where.. maybe he was an honor roll student so what ( i know honor roll students who are killers that dont mean shit) he was still there he wasnt inside the building he was going to if he went outside to watch he put him self at risk.. sure innocent people do get hurt or even killed but most of the time u probably shouldnt of been there. and for the kids that did it i hope they rot in jail..i really think there isnt a reason to take some1's life..unless u know they are going to take urs. as for jugzer. move to the chi it has alot to offer and yea go with the north side..i would move up there to if the mexican population was a little more..lol this is 1 of the best citys just stay out of the hoods u shouldnt be in and dont watch the news and u will be fine.


just lost a good friend 2 weeks ago. 2 black males broke in to his house tried to steal his money and green..and shit didnt go as planned and shot him.. 3 guys are now serving 1st degree murder charges for some weed and acouple hundred bucks..wtf are these people thinking.. if u watch the news in chi u know what im talking about it was the orland park shooting. rip to my boy jorge and the 16 year old that died...



end of rant stay safe kidz

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Albert's aunt, Rose Braxton, told CNN affiliate WGN-TV that the family was hurt again when a memorial in Albert's honor was burned down.


"To go and burn a memorial after such tragedy, then that just speaks for itself to what kind of people they are," she told WGN-TV.

This makes me want to murder people. I don't give a fuck if he was in an opposing gang, he's already dead, there were no casualties for the other party, and you're going to burn down his fucking memorial? unreal scumbag shit.

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lol northside... all i have to say is that if u look for problems u wil find them.. not just in chi any where.. maybe he was an honor roll student so what ( i know honor roll students who are killers that dont mean shit) he was still there he wasnt inside the building he was going to if he went outside to watch he put him self at risk.. sure innocent people do get hurt or even killed but most of the time u probably shouldnt of been there. and for the kids that did it i hope they rot in jail..i really think there isnt a reason to take some1's life..unless u know they are going to take urs. as for jugzer. move to the chi it has alot to offer and yea go with the north side..i would move up there to if the mexican population was a little more..lol this is 1 of the best citys just stay out of the hoods u shouldnt be in and dont watch the news and u will be fine.


just lost a good friend 2 weeks ago. 2 black males broke in to his house tried to steal his money and green..and shit didnt go as planned and shot him.. 3 guys are now serving 1st degree murder charges for some weed and acouple hundred bucks..wtf are these people thinking.. if u watch the news in chi u know what im talking about it was the orland park shooting. rip to my boy jorge and the 16 year old that died...



end of rant stay safe kidz


RIP to your boy...I have a friend who was shot in the stomach 4 times in a home invasion where the dudes got nothing, and even at best would have got maybe a grand

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Man, 16 and on probation for a robbery conviction... That's part of the problem, when you commit a crime as a juvenile you get a slap on the wrist and that sends out the message that it's OK to act like an animal.


There's a reality show, I think it's called "Bronx Justice," or something like that. It's about the main court house here in The Bronx. Every time I watch it some judge is letting some 16 or 17 year old off from a serious offense (robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, etc...) with the excuse that he's still young and has still time to get his life right.


Then at the end of the show they report how he was arrested two more times later that year for assult.



I have to disagree, if any troubled teen gets into the juvy system for too long they will be worse off when released.

I had multiple "legal problems" while in my teens and turned out pretty great considering my past.

Probably because throw them kids away for life fags like yourself weren't crying as loud back then.

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I have to disagree, if any troubled teen gets into the juvy system for too long they will be worse off when released.

I had multiple "legal problems" while in my teens and turned out pretty great considering my past.

Probably because throw them kids away for life fags like yourself weren't crying as loud back then.


This posts speaks for itself... If the kid was locked up for the robbery he committed he may have not been out on the street to kill someone.


No one said to "throw kids away for life" but if you're taught at an early age that there are no consequences for your actions you're gonna grow up to be an animal.

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Not really, I have a very positive impact on several peoples lives beyond my family, more money saved than the average Americans debt.

and people really like having me around wherever I'm at. Sounds pompous but when you're as nice as I am you must risk sounding conceited and tell the truth

If I had done say, 3 or 4 years on them charges I'd never have my dope career and might say fuck it and continue to be a criminal.


The point is I had 3 felonies and made it out OK, I'm not alone in this and know my entire crew is doing well in life now.

No arrests as an adult and I'm probably way flyer in most aspects compared to herbs who didn't enjoy a lot criminal activity as a kid.


People in the system usually make it out, what they do when they make it out depends a lot on how much time they were in.

I love how this freak incident that happens relatively rarely should be used as an example of why we should lock any kid in trouble up.



Fact - We'd be way worse off with more people coming out of the system mentally institutionalized in their 20's over dumb shit.

Taking the easy way out assuming the justice system can somehow dispose of humans hasn't worked here ever.

Fact is prisons and juvy centers add to crime, makes dumb people feel more comfortable knowing they are punished though.

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Not really, I have a very positive impact on several peoples lives beyond my family, more money saved than the average Americans debt.

and people really like having me around wherever I'm at. Sounds pompous but when you're as nice as I am you must risk sounding conceited and tell the truth

If I had done say, 3 or 4 years on them charges I'd never have my dope career and might say fuck it and continue to be a criminal.


The point is I had 3 felonies and made it out OK, I'm not alone in this and know my entire crew is doing well in life now.

No arrests as an adult and I'm probably way flyer in most aspects compared to herbs who didn't enjoy a lot criminal activity as a kid.


People in the system usually make it out, what they do when they make it out depends a lot on how much time they were in.

I love how this freak incident that happens relatively rarely should be used as an example of why we should lock any kid in trouble up.



Fact - We'd be way worse off with more people coming out of the system mentally institutionalized in their 20's over dumb shit.

Taking the easy way out assuming the justice system can somehow dispose of humans hasn't worked here ever.

Fact is prisons and juvy centers add to crime, makes dumb people feel more comfortable knowing they are punished though.


America has by far the most punitive long reaching jail sentences of any of the western world by far. I think the focus on punishment and not on rehabilitation (like other western countries) has led to the revolving door system. People go in for long sentences, and are literally left to fester in a contained world of criminality. When they get out they have LESS TOOLS TO SUCCEED than when they went in, plus they have an added stigma of being a convict.


I know the concept of prison being used to better people goes against most Americans desire for law, order, justice, and revenge that is so ingrained in our society, but clearly this mentality does not work.


just to reiterate



also theres a huge difference than running around, shoplifting, breaking into cars, etc because you know as a juvinile you will get a slap on the wrist, compared to beating someone to death - thats a whole other bag of apples.

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lol northside... all i have to say is that if u look for problems u wil find them.. not just in chi any where.. maybe he was an honor roll student so what ( i know honor roll students who are killers that dont mean shit) he was still there he wasnt inside the building he was going to if he went outside to watch he put him self at risk.. sure innocent people do get hurt or even killed but most of the time u probably shouldnt of been there. and for the kids that did it i hope they rot in jail..i really think there isnt a reason to take some1's life..unless u know they are going to take urs. as for jugzer. move to the chi it has alot to offer and yea go with the north side..i would move up there to if the mexican population was a little more..lol this is 1 of the best citys just stay out of the hoods u shouldnt be in and dont watch the news and u will be fine.


just lost a good friend 2 weeks ago. 2 black males broke in to his house tried to steal his money and green..and shit didnt go as planned and shot him.. 3 guys are now serving 1st degree murder charges for some weed and acouple hundred bucks..wtf are these people thinking.. if u watch the news in chi u know what im talking about it was the orland park shooting. rip to my boy jorge and the 16 year old that died...



end of rant stay safe kidz


I usually just kick back and relax on these forums, mostly because of the endless drama in the chicago thread. But after being addicted to Ch.0 Ill drop in my .02


Crazy you say that, some of my boys knew that stud too, Lost his life for some 350 400$ worth of chronic or some shit. One of the dumb fucks ended up shooting his accomplice and shit. All for some petty meal ticket. But if a nigga ever came up in my crib and put a gun to my girl... It would be a struggle to the end just like dude. He got mad heart. RIP Derrion & Jorge

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once i was walking home through a park i basically grew up in.

fine area....pretty late though.

and in this parking lot some little native kid and his fat little homey got in my face cause i was wearing a bandana.

then one kid was like "this guys cool he gets a pass"

i was like "yeah whatever fuck i'm out"

so i put my headphones on and kept walking and the last thing i remember is a van pull

infront on the sidewalk.......next thing i know it morning and a bunch of people are crying and shit cause i was deaded......so once again....i was like fuck thkis i'm out.

tried to get up and felt horrible pain and threw up blood and shit all over.

turns out they broke my second vertabrae and put a fucking big knot in my head which is now a massive dent in the back of my head.

some lady found me laid out on the sidewalk on her morning jog thought i was dead woke up the neighbourhood.

shit was violent.

i almost died.

shits been fucked since.

if i get hit hard enough i drop dead.

mini van full of little indian "bloods" up on the east side got buck with it.

mind you this was in fuckhole nowhere canada.

i found em shortly after.........they was yacking about how hey thought i was "og crip"........CANADA MOTHERFUCK?

so me and some other rank indians beat them up.


but yo i almost died from some children about 16-17 being goombas.

shit was weak as all fuck.

all kinds of goons running a muck in the fucking muckaluck.

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