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everyday life tips and tricks


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.. Know those 'Clothing collection' type junk mail things you get through your door, with a bag to put clothes out for charity on a certain day? I get one every few days or so and use them as black bags/bin liners. Haven't had to buy any for years.




.. Save your pennies.


Many times I've ran out of milk or just been fiending for a bar of chocolate or summut, and I'll check the little penny pot and find just enough for one.




.. Stick a house brick or something similar in your toilet cistern. It'll save water and save you a few quid a year.




.. Make an effort to talk to your neighbours and be friendly.


You never know when you might need them for something, and they're more likely to look out for you and your home if you've got a decent rappor.

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.. Know those 'Clothing collection' type junk mail things you get through your door, with a bag to put clothes out for charity on a certain day? I get one every few days or so and use them as black bags/bin liners. Haven't had to buy any for years.




.. Save your pennies.


Many times I've ran out of milk or just been fiending for a bar of chocolate or summut, and I'll check the little penny pot and find just enough for one.




.. Stick a house brick or something similar in your toilet cistern. It'll save water and save you a few quid a year.




.. Make an effort to talk to your neighbours and be friendly.


You never know when you might need them for something, and they're more likely to look out for you and your home if you've got a decent rappor.


very true... my neighbours have helped me on more than one occasion

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quoting yall:



3) always pee after sex


---this prevents UTIs...and sometimes Yeastie Boys in girls




.. Stick a house brick or something similar in your toilet cistern. It'll save water and save you a few quid a year.



use an empty half gallon bottle of milk or juice full of sand or rocks. also helps with the math when trying to figure out how much ur saving




tell ur girl shes a sexy bitch and ur glad shes in ur life while shes sleeping. youll get a good stinky breath kiss.

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