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How well do you get along with your family?

Richard Dunn

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I get on really well with my mum and see her pretty much every other weekend, my brother is really cool but he is at university in brighton so i rarely get to see him but we chat/text each other a lot.

I havent seen my dad in about 5 years and there is nothing that would make me see him, even if it was his dying wish he can go fuck himself, i just glad my son will never know him


As for extended family like grandparents/uncles/cousins I never see them, I have noting in common with them and after 5 minutes in their company i just wana go so i don't bother with them.


as far as i'm concerned my family is my mum, my wife, my son and my brother thats it

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Moms is a evangelical Christian whackjob.

Pops is a recovered drug addict who all of a sudden became a rightwing Republican Fox news qouting whackjob.

The only thing we agree on is that moms is a nut.


I hope I get along with my kid when he's grown alot better than I get along with my folks.


I agree completely with what you say about getting on well with your son, i wan that with my son too, just be a good dad and it ill happen - would have propped you but im 24'd

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Guest 50million

my mom is my best friend. we didnt always get along. my dad used to beat the shit out of her and then she would turn around and beat the shit out of me. when i was 12 i started fighting back and we just yelled a lot. i started dating older men in hopes i would be able to move out quicker.


my first boyfriend saw the need and helped me get a bank account. i started working at great america at the age of 14. i saved up and graduated when i was 16. my parents said i could move out if i graduated early...and i did....so i moved.


i moved into a huge warehouse in oakland with some friends, then to sf in a co-op. being a 17 year old rebellious independent young girl in the big city was the most amazing feeling anyone could ever have. and i seriously thank my parents for not stopping me and helping me get where i feel comfortable.



my dad plays DND...he is a dudgeon master and a total dork. we dont have much in common. hes rude, and very inconsiderate. hes kinda fat and lazy as well. i love him, but i am definitely more close to my mom.


my mom is really hot. she looks very young and she listens to semi good music. shes fun to be around, but she doesnt have many friends. so when she talks, she tells the same stories over and over and its very annoying.



all in all, i love my weird ass mom and dad. no brothers or sisters. tons of Italian aunts, uncles, cousins, whom i get along with but dont really have a lot in common. my grandparents are amazing. grandma = never smoked in her entire life. very sweet, very calm. grandpa = ex race car driver with tattoos, cusses, likes southern food and blues.




yay family.

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my family is pretty tight. my two cousins my age near me are my best friends.

My mom is to straight edge and my dads a onesided douche that cant be wrong. EVER. but i love em both.

Big family 11 people in my house currently. i dont get a long with my 17 year old sister(emo tpwf). she pisses me off dude.. but she likes art so we talk about that when we arent yelling at eachother.

i have an autistic brother. and everyone else has add adhd or is dyslexic pretty much haha. its chill tho. my parents dont like me doing graff but they like it as an artform. about half my family is artsy and the other half like sports. im in the middle tho,,, thats about it.i guess..my family is pretty religious and functions pretty well..

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i get along with both my parents, they are divorced.

my mom was always the supporter of anything i wanted to do.

but dad always listened to stories that mom didn't want to hear.

dad was a good provider financially, but i don't have much of an emotional tie to him.

i mean, it could be way worse. but it could be better.

i use to be hyped on my family until they got divorced. i thought it would be easier watching my parents get divorced since i'm in my late 20's. but in the long run its been shit. thats 20 some years of my brain defining who these people are in my life, and now its all different. but since i'm an adult, i am able to comprehend why/how this all happened. so its both good and bad.


blah whatever i'm rambling ha.

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my olds are awesome and i get along with em real well. i don't think i've ever had a proper argument

with either of them. Dad is pretty quiet but has miles of hillarious stories for days he just busts

out randomly. mum is pretty funny.

chill with my brother on the regular he's a good dude, and hang with gramps every now and then

for a coffe and to listen to his ww2 stories.

my uncles are all insane though, in a good way, but i couldnt ever live with em.

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I've held a resentment my entire life towards my family, never spew shit talk to them but the grudge remains.

I honestly think my old graff crew was a stronger and better influence on my personal life.

If I could change my government last name to numbers I probably would.

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I get along really well with my mom, she's goofy,very sincere and forgiving, but back in the day I learned to not piss her off because she goes coo-coo.Like the typical flip parent, she kicked my ass with a shoe, slipper, or belt- buckle included. I can talk to her about most things, so she's kind of like a best friend to me, but she can get annoying sometimes.


Me and my dad never got along. We don't talk a lot ,and he is an asshole. He caused my mom's depression after all the shit she's been through with him. The only thing we share is laughter at his drug stories from when he was a drug selling fob back in high school and car talk.


For the most part, I get along with all of my siblings. They are all half, but we consider ourselves full blooded brothers and sister.A brother and sister from dad's first marriage, two brothers from my mom's first. Then there's me.I'm the youngest. I get along with my one and only sister, I don't see her too often. We get along much better now that she's sober. My oldest brother is old enough to be my dad (moms had him when she was 18) I get along with him pretty well, and also with his wife and kids. My two other brothers are generally chill.I met one of them for the first time when I was 10. Both good dudes and were pretty cool with each other. With relatives, my dad's side of the family are all prissy bitches and we're pretty much like strangers. I barely see my mom's side of the family, but when I do see them, they are the nicest group of people I have ever met. I have one grandpa alive who I don't talk to much. I have a grandma far away who hates me. I have a really cool grandma who raised me for a while, and we're pretty close.

That's mi familia

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Dont talk to my parents except occasionaly when visiting my sis and nephew.

Maybe they'll call me for something lame once a month or so.

In the past 2-3 years or so we've had some issues where I said fuck it, fuck them.

Dad gets sick, I put things aside and come back.

He gets better then starts being a dick again. So I say fuck it im out.

Mom is typical nagger and dad kinda rolls with it and bites his tongue since he kind of needs her now. They feed off each other and pump each other up. Say shit then deny it or convince themselves they never said it and try to throw it back on you. Possibly give a fake apology then ask why youmad.jpg?

I have one 1/2 sister who I cant stand and havent talked to in months. Except at a family get together she tries to play it off and talk to me or my wife. I ignore and reply to someone else. Fuck her.

My other 1/2 sister is cool and I talk to her now on few times a month when visiting my nephew. Before that maybe once every couple months.


My aunt and uncle I was close to as a kid I rarely talk to now. My uncle did shady shit after a death in the fam and is turning out to a piece of shit. My aunt, i dont know just dont talk to her as much anymore.


Other aunts, uncles, cousins, I see once every couple of years.

I avoid get togethers like the plague.

I dont really have too much in common with too many of them.

Most are goody goody, turned religious, are well off, or married white people.


The only people in my life that I cared to be around are dead. My grandmother and grandfather. That generation really held the family together.


I wish I saw my nephews and nieces more.


trust DAO, if mom's gave me up at 16 to the state I would not give her the gift of closure and being cool with her.

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well i try and talk to all of my fam..

i dont talk to my pops and havent since he left last july...

he likes to talk shit to my mom though how he calls me all the time and leaves me voicemails

but i havent gotten one single call from him.. plus he owes my mom like 400 bucks still

and refuses to pay even though it says that on the divorce papers.. so ill be paying him a visit soon...

other than that i still talk to my cousins and what not from that side of the fam

but not my grandparents anymore... got my own reasons to disconnect them and my pops from my life all together..

but my cousins and aunts and what not i still keep in contact with...

me and ma dukes are cool.. we snap on eachother ridiculously sometimes

but in the end i always got her back no doubt... i also have, surprisingly,

a slight redneck side of my family... my ma has 8 or 9 sisters and a couple

are from different dads.. but that side of the family doesnt even talk to us cause they're racist...

last time i seen them was at my uncles funeral not too long ago.. right when they walked in

and said hi to us you could just feel that awkwardness between us.. but its whateva i aint sweatin them..

im only keepin in touch with my cousins my age from that side of the fam...

but other than that the rest of my fam is straight... we all have our problems but who doesnt...

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hahaha, my step made me quit 9th grade basketball at my new school because they wanted to put me on varsity, she couldn't have me compete with my 6 month older step bro.. haha, she kicked me out when i was 15, been on my own ever since.. they've robbed me and sold my car when i had a 'registration' issue.. not to mention i got my license and all my vehicles on my own, hahaha i havn't even spoke to the mother fuckers in 5 years.. i heard, 'don't cast your pearl to the swine' so i gave up on their asses.. me and my son will do donuts in their yard with my new jeep, haha, no, that's not cool.

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Update- I called my dad for the first time in two years today. It went okay, he sounded happy to hear from me. I'm going to go meet up with him tomorrow or sometime very soon.


I talked to a friend of mine this AM about this and he pretty much set me straight on the issue. I also realized after he checked me that my dad was my age when his dad died, and they didn't get along that well. If anything, I want a chance to get some things straight with him and vice versa so if something were to happen to one of us it wouldn't be too late to say, "well, at least I tried.".


Maybe we weren't meant to get along for whatever reason, but there's a lot of shit I think can (and should) be put to rest...90% of it's stupid misunderstandings, really.

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I used to beef with my parents until I moved out at 18, then it all got better. My Mom is still a crazy bitch, but she also loves me more than anyone alive. My Dad is a cool ass muthafucka, and the definition of what a man should be. My older sister and I have a pretty shitty relationship these days over money she owes me, but she can still be hilarious and fun sometimes, so we talk every few weeks maybe. My older brother recently broke up with his girl and moved back into my parent's crib, so he's been around and hitting bars and whatnot lately. He's cool as fuck, we get along good. I see my younger sister, brother in law, and niece pretty much every day for one reason or another, and it's all love there.


As far as extended family goes, it's whatever. The only one I truely love is my Grandma on my Mom's side, but she lives in Virginia so I rarely see her. She's my only living Grandparent left (unless you count the woman my Grandpa was married to for 40ish years before he died). I have a shit load of aunts, uncles, and cousins but I don't really talk to any of them unless I happen to encounter them in the wild ha

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my mom is marge simpson personified. she is the sweetest person ever but her prodding gets irksome. my dad is fucking hilarious and when i see him we usually just hang out and make off-color remarks that piss off my mom. my sister is seventeen and still in her "fuck you, don't talk to me" phase.

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Update- I called my dad for the first time in two years today. It went okay, he sounded happy to hear from me. I'm going to go meet up with him tomorrow or sometime very soon.


I talked to a friend of mine this AM about this and he pretty much set me straight on the issue. I also realized after he checked me that my dad was my age when his dad died, and they didn't get along that well. If anything, I want a chance to get some things straight with him and vice versa so if something were to happen to one of us it wouldn't be too late to say, "well, at least I tried.".


Maybe we weren't meant to get along for whatever reason, but there's a lot of shit I think can (and should) be put to rest...90% of it's stupid misunderstandings, really.


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My moms probably the Best person I know, like if I had to nominate someone for person of my lifetime for life magazine itd be her for sure. My little brother is the best part of my life, like kid keeps me straight and always trying to better myself so I can help him out and be a role model in his life. Dad, well we were really close but in his later years hes become a bum so we dont really talk anymore, and dude is stuck in the past like a fly trap from yesterday

I also got two older brother who are ballin and have just started to become part of my life again. i also got a nephew whose a beast, I love that kid

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