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What book are you reading? Part 20

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^^ yeah, i kinda hate going back and re-reading books that i loved when i was younger...i find myself almost like rolling my eyes, a lot of it does seem very contrived, and i find palahniunk sometimes does fall into that catagory...


on a lighter note, im re-reading this and enjoying it so far...



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i just read "the dirt" by the members of motley crue, and it kicked fucking ass. (and I haven't read many). Since "the dirt", i've only gotten suggestions from bookies that are really heavy, which are cool, but I could use a change. "The Dirt" had some really funny parts which I really enjoyed--


Any suggestions for shit thats going to make me laugh like when Tommy Lee makes one bitch call her parents from a phone lodged in another chicks pussy?

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Not to alienate anyone here, but does anyone else here think Chuck Palahniuk is overrated and predictable?


yeah. i watched choke last night and haven't read that one, but totally saw everything coming. i read 3 of his books in a row and had to stop as everything started feeling familiar. i think he's a good writer if you space out reading his books, like years apart.

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I never ended up getting Fight Club, but I'm into Catch 22 and it's real good so far. Highly recommended.


I just read Good Will Hunting (the screenplay) for a class, it was pretty good. Never seen the movie. I'm also thinking about reading more McCarthy (I've read The Road) and after hearing so much about him in this thread I probably will.

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Peoples history of the united states


this book is great.

havn't read all that much of it though.



i want to find this book, from the author of A Clockwork Orange,

but its outta print and i cant find it anywhere.

it's supposed to be real good though, has a short ficticious story from a first hand narrative of Atilla The Hun on the day leading up to the invasion of Rome. Sounds amazing.

here's the cover:


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david sedaris is cliche in portland but i still like him. i'm a huge 'this american life' fan and will always love him because of that. naked was good, haven't read the "me talk pretty" one yet.


Agreed I was also a bit turned off by the hipster party surrounding the guy, but I gave "me talk pretty..." a go and enjoyed it too much to care.


I just really enjoyed the fact that it was light and easy going, but also moved with the pace of a stand up routine...

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