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Michael Vick: From Dog Fighting Ringleader to Animal Activist?


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Michael Vick has a new job waiting for him when he is released from prison… with PETA.

The former NFL star, who is currently serving time for funding an illegal dog-fighting ring, is expected to join celebrities like Pamela Anderson, Kim Kardashian, and Eva Mendes as a spokesperson for the animal rights organization. Vick is hoping the new position will help rehabilitate his image in the community. It is expected that upon his release from jail, the convicted felon will record PSAs for PETA.


PETA has confirmed that they are in talks with Vick. Dan Shannon, the director of youth outreach and campaigns for PETA told AdAge.com:


We have been in discussions with Michael Vick, with his management team, about the possibility of him putting out a public-service announcement with PETA when he's out of jail. We want him to discourage people from taking part in dog-fighting. I can do it until I'm blue in the face and it might not convince anybody. Michael Vick sure can. He can say, "Look, I did it, I was wrong, and it ruined my career."

Vick’s attorneys expect their client to be released from jail on July 20th. It’s unlikely that Vick will appear naked in any of the spots.


What a fucking douche bag. Doing some psa for peta is going to make it all better? He's just doing it to improve his image, he's still an animal murdering asshole.

I don't know if anyone saw the DogTown season premiere on Michael Vic and the pitbulls, but it made me sick to my stomach and I was fucking pissed all over again.


p.s. fuck you to the people who are gonna come in here and talk shit thinking it's funny.

yeah this is real funny...





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Vick is hoping the new position will help rehabilitate his image in the community.


i stopped reading here. hes a shithead, doesn't give a fuck about the dogs/animals. its all public relations bullshit, so people might forget about him being a faggot. he doesnt care, he cares what people now think of him, fuck him. the only thing hes sorry for is that he got caught and went to jail. scum fucker.

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i dunno. yes he's a complete and total asshole

but he paid his debt.

as fucked as it is, as much of a shithead as he is,

he went the fuck to jail and ruined his career, and now he gets to get on with his life.


personally,. i'd put effort into preventing animal cruelty or stiffening penqalties for dogfighting rather than waste time paying any attention to what vick is doing.

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i dunno my mans...... lets remember dog fighting was a sport in USA and continues in other countries. i am pissed at what he did when dogs didn't win a match, he'd electrocute them and or drop them in water.

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i dont give a crap what amount of jailtime he served (keep in mind i dont agree with jailing people for 95% of the crimes people are in jail for, so im not saying it should have been a harsher sentence) nor do i give a fuck about his career, he was making millions playing football. but still had dog fights for money and entertainment, the dude was forcing dogs to fight to death.


what if i start rounding up some children and forcing them to fight to the death, or people named john. what would your take on that be? you'd get the death sentence for that shit, or you'd be imprisoned for the rest of your natural life.


i'd take animals over the majortiy of people any day.

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You do got a point AB. That point aside he did go to jail and payed his debt like !@#$% said, so let him get on with his life. Not like anyones going to say, hey Vick wanna dog sit for me I'm going to be out of town for a bit.

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dude, he'd go straight to jail for it. it'd almost instantly and automatically be racketeering, and then with the added charges of animal cruelty. unlicensed gambling can constitute as racketeering, so jerome from the block would get THAT, and that is some serious-ass penetrating jail time for someone that doesn't have 10mil for a lawyer team


Edit: if he was doing it with no sort of gambling, then the word 'sociopath' would fly quite a bit, and i'd still expect HUGE animal cruelty charges to stick

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The maximum penalties for racketeering include a fine of up to $25,000 and up to 20 years in prison in addition to the forfeiture of all business interests and gains gleaned from the criminal activity. In addition, the case can be re-tried in civil court; plaintiffs are allowed to sue for triple damages. The law covers crimes such as bribery, extortion, money laundering, counterfeiting, gambling, murder, arson, robbery, kidnapping, harboring certain illegal aliens, obstruction of justice, slavery and others.


organized crime falls right into this because you obviously need more than one person to start dogfighting ring, and if you're the 'one stop dog shop' with tons of fighting dogs, that's damning evidence for 'intent to' commit animal cruelty if you're busted for pitting dogs together.

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The thing is if Jerome from the block had been doing it nobody would have noticed, I'm sure this shit happens all the time out in the country too, rednecks fighting dogs, roosters, whatever they can.


He's still a fuckface, but maybe there's just the slightest chance that he had some time to think in jail and realized how fucked up what he's doing was.


That or he knows he can get dogs fast at PETA.

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the point of my ranting, just to be clear, is i dont give a fuck if he went to jail or not, i'd still think he was a fuckin cock smooch if he hadn't gone to jail. hes only doing this shit now so people dont think hes the shitbag that he is.


edit: if he does realize how much of shitbag he was, great. still dont mean i give a fuck.

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i'm just saying,

the penalty our society has for that shit was imposed.

what else can dude do other than kill himself or get into a cage with lions.


people are super fucked, no doubt.

is there any way for a person to make up for this type of shit? i dunno, maybe not for most of you and that's fine.


just saying complaining about him isn't as good as say, writing to your congressperson, or going ape shit starting a prevention of dogfighting organization and getting penalties for this stuff stiffened, or getting the goddamn cops to do something about this shit


it's great people are angry as fuck but it's good to direct that anger sometimes instead of just wishing dude were ripped to shreds.


and of COURSE he is doing this for himself. what other motivation would a person usually have for anything . sad but true

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organized crime falls right into this because you obviously need more than one person to start dogfighting ring, and if you're the 'one stop dog shop' with tons of fighting dogs, that's damning evidence for 'intent to' commit animal cruelty if you're busted for pitting dogs together.


Rackateering charges don't get thrown at random black dudes fighting dogs, that's my point

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what im saying !@#$% is that if this dude were fighting humans, it'd be a whooole nother story, dude would be long dead. society/most people dont and probably wont ever give to much of a shit about something like this, cause it involves animals and not people.


"its just an animal, what the fuck does it do for us?" type of mentality.


maybe its just me, but i love dogs. i'd react the same in whatever situation if someone was fucking with my dog as i would my friends or family.

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peta is a bunch of assholes




PETA’s “Animal Record” report for 2008, filed with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shows that the animal rights group killed 95 percent of the dogs and cats in its care last year. During all of 2008, PETA found adoptive homes for just seven pets. Just seven animals -- out of the 2,216 it took in.

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